Erotic Humor

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Welcome to TER's Erotic Humor discussion board - the place to post jokes or anything else you think is funny.

Please note, this is a unmoderated forum. What others find humorous, you may not. If you are thin skinned or otherwise easily offended, proceed with caution.

That said, have fun!


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justdome6941743 reads
ZedEx38051 reads
MartinLuther40213 reads
2strokeme40257 reads
justdome6940140 reads
G238093 reads
greywolf42977 reads
MartinLuther38899 reads
Grafenburg44780 reads
tripper39663 reads
thick38501 reads
Trilby49518 reads
thirsty43800 reads
THE_WIZARD83200043359 reads
Misty38497 reads
papagiorgio40220 reads
GoliAttuk36272 reads
ddcupnup7382 reads
Michelle(Mi sounds like me.)40846088 reads
MartinLuther41628 reads
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Sensual Ashley47098 reads
Sensual Ashley39341 reads
MartinLuther42684 reads
THE_WIZARD83200044119 reads
THE_WIZARD83200047069 reads
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GirlScout41149 reads
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MartinLuther43698 reads
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