Erotic Humor

Blond Jokeregular_smile
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This guy just started at his new job, working at a porno shop. His boss comes out and tells him that he has to leave for a while, and "can you handle it?" The new employee is somewhat reluctant, but with the boss's positive comments he finally agrees. So, the guy is there by himself for a little while and a white woman comes in.

She asks, "How much for the white dildo?"
He answers, "$35."

She: "How much for the black one?"
He: "$35 for the black one, $35 for the white one."

She: "I think I'll take the black one. I've never had a black
one before." She pays him, and off she goes.

A little bit later a black woman comes in and asks "How much for
the black dildo?"
He: "$35."

She: "How much for the white one?"
He: "$35 for the white one, $35 for the black one."

She: "Hmmm...I think I'll take the white one. I've never had a
white one before." She pays him, and off she goes.

About an hour later a young blonde woman comes in and asks, "How
much are your dildos?"
He: "$35 for the white, $35 for the black."

She: " much is that plaid one on the shelf?"
He: "Well, that's a very special'll cost you $165."

She thinks for a moment and answers, "I'll take the plaid one,
I've never had a plaid one before." She pays him, and off she

Finally, the guy's boss returns and asks, "How did you do while I
was gone?" To which the salesman responded, "I did really good,
I sold one white dildo, one black dildo, and I sold your thermos
for $165!"

Q:Why do blondes wear panties?

A:To keep their ankles warm:))))

Q: why do blondes wear visors

A: so nothing goes over their head

Another Classic:

Q: How does a blonde turn on the light after sex?

A: She opens the car door.

Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice can?

Because it said "concentrate".

Whaddya' call 6 blondes standing in a circle???
A dope ring!

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