Let's Play

I wouldn't count Mya out, . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 163 reads
1 / 106

She has 23 posts on this board, and all but five have been in the last seven weeks.  Makes you wonder if the criteria is being relaxed a little, or if there is a diversity factor involved.  It may be total coincidence, but has the appearance of something suspicious.  Just my opinion.

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 164 reads
2 / 106

This didn't take too long although it is a fair question. Honestly, I'm not mad about it; although I have thoughts on it. There was a feeling I had when TER messaged me about this near mid-June that there would be people would question my selection. I worried that people would have opinions that I don't interact enough or that I'm some sort of "diversity" pick which is why I almost declined TER's offer.  

Suffice to say, I am very active on my regional board and feel more comfortable there, which I would argue is more important. In regards to possibly being a "diversity" pick, I honestly couldn't tell you. I never asked to be Miss TER and I have never seen the criteria published publicly. To be transparent, as a multiracial woman of color on this board who is also a plus size companion (size 12/14), I seriously doubted I'd ever be given the opportunity, let alone considered. It's also fair to state that not everyone is attracted to the standard/conventional body type/beauty norm. Alas, here we are.  

People are welcome to question my selection; however, I must admit, when trying to discredit for reasons like "not interacting enough" or being a "diversity" pick, that's scraping the bottom of the barrel don't you think? Just a question.

-- Modified on 6/23/2021 9:41:29 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 445 reads
3 / 106

...YOUR standard of beauty, i.e., a cookie-cutter K-girl who barebacks ten guys a day, is no reason that she shouldn't be Miss TER.  

If you owned TER, you wouldn't allow women who looked like Paige to advertise on TER.  You've proved over and over that you are an unabashed racist with posts like this:
"Libs in government . . . .
just don't think things through before they open their mouves.  (Thought I would use the BLM plural for mouths, so I would look kind of hip . . . . . ghetto, yes, but still kind of hip.)"

You keep on proving that you are an intolerant racist asshole and the choice of Paige as Miss TER is just the latest example.  However, I will give you credit for posting under your real handle and letting your racist flag fly unlike the other gutless punks who posted under their aliases like the cowardly weasels they are.

Wallabanjo 108 reads
4 / 106

Guts-n-Glory has 36 posts on this board.

I went and had a look at some of them ... and does a single line heading with [eom] count more than an articulate and well thought out response from Paige? Thats for you to decide, but sometimes people who participate less contribute more because they have something to say.

You can search for me as well - I wont be offended by what any of you might have to say. I rarely post because TER doesnt really have much traction in my pocket of the midwest. Thats OK. I'm not here to check my e-penis size.

Disclaimer: I have met Paige a number of times. When we first met, she was not someone who I thought would be my "preference", but I was exploring what my "type" might be and she was recommended by an escort friend who I did consider more my type. I was stepping out of my comfort zone in all sorts of ways, and services, exploring my own sexuality, and she was recommended to me because the other escort thought we would be an intellectual match. From day 1 I clicked with her, physically and mentally, and see her whenever our paths cross. Given that, is what I wrote above "white knighting" - thats up to you to decide. Again, I dont care. Its not a popularity contest for me. But stepping outside your norms can open you up to a whole new world of experiences. IMHO - Paige is a well deserved Miss TER.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 113 reads
5 / 106

First, let me compliment you on being articulate and smart.  I meant no offense with my diversity question, and I was not trying to "discredit" you, but in the current political climate when there are less deserving candidates for something that get moved up the ladder merely because they are diverse in some way, its certainly a legitimate question to raise, a CONCERN THAT YOU ADMIT crossed your mind as well.  I appreciate your honesty and sincerity in explaining how you came to be named to this honor.  I'm not that familiar with you because I have no reason to post on the Minnesota board, but after your explanation I'm convinced that diversity was not a factor in your selection as TER Girl of the Season or whatever they call it now, and I'm extremely happy to find that the practice of advancing people for reasons OTHER THAN their own professional merit has not yet come to TER.  Congrats on your win.  I'm sure you will represent your provider sisters well.    

BTW, Ignore my stalker, above, I can only imagine his head exploded over my post.  (He's on ignore).  He's the only racist person on this thread (He's racist against Asian providers) and I'm willing to bet he made some derogatory or denigrating comment about Asian providers in his post.

GaGambler 130 reads
6 / 106

and I think you will agree that the chances of us ever having a date together are remote at best. lol  

That said I have ZERO objections to you being named Miss TER and the question I'd like to pose to those posters who do object to you being chosen is "if not Paige, then who would you choose for Miss TER?"

If no one has noticed there are very few providers active on these boards and the only ones that come to mine like Debra have already had their turn as Miss TER. So let me repeat the question, "If not Paige, then who is more deserving?" I think CDL stated you have very few posts on "this" board,  but I see well over 200 posts in the last few months made by you on the various boards and that is PLENTY enough to qualify as "active" considering how few other providers are posting at all. As for you being a "diversity pick" I think CDL owes you an apology for that cheap shot. You might not be his type, or even mine, but I remember when I was leading the charge to get a TS provide named Miss TER, an effort that was resoundingly successful I don't recall CDL calling TS Sasha a "diversity" pick, If I remember correctly he was as supportive as anyone in getting Sasha elected.

Lastly, I don't think ANYONE has congratulated you on being selected Miss TER so let me be the first.  

Congratulations Paige.


Oops, I see CDL has indeed apologized while I was typing this. I guess everyone should ignore that portion of my post. Congratulations again Paige,  but I am still not going to change my mind about deposits and other areas where we disagree. lol

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 455 reads
7 / 106

It would be hard to discount the diversity angle since that is universal in all corporate advertising campaigns lately.  But on the other hand, it is always going to be some corporate strategy goal that ends up selecting the winner.  So why be concerned over one than the other.
So congrats to Paige for having ticked all the boxes, just like every past winner has ticked the existing boxes.
No less honor in that.

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 167 reads
8 / 106

When other providers of color were selected to be Miss TER, were people arguing that diversity was a "likely" factor. Again, a genuine (and maybe rhetorical) question.  

Also, is it not even a bit intriguing that the impetus to vocalize "diversity" choice says something about the community? Are we so used to predominately seeing only one type of provider as Miss TER that we fail to see the legitimacy when someone who doesn't fit in that neat box is chosen?  

These are just some questions that I've pondered this evening.

eastside70 41 Reviews 125 reads
9 / 106
eastside70 41 Reviews 106 reads
10 / 106

Seems like the cat is out of the bag now for Guts-n-Glory.

-- Modified on 6/24/2021 7:47:10 AM

DT_lover 188 Reviews 137 reads
11 / 106

I see mostly white girls but have had my share of Black, Asian, even Native American escorts.

But discussions of diversity get old quickly for me.  This reminds me of some news I read a long time ago, a comment by Secretary of the Interior James Watt.  I don't agree with everything he's said, but I can understand his humor.


A controversy erupted after a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in September 1983, when Watt mocked affirmative action with his description of a department coal leasing panel: "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent."[22]

Within three weeks of making this statement, on October 9, 1983, he announced his resignation at deputy undersecretary Thomas J. Barrack's ranch, near President Reagan's Rancho del Cielo.[22][23][24][25]

-- Modified on 6/24/2021 8:56:44 AM

vantheman666 10 Reviews 455 reads
12 / 106

It's nice to see a Minnesota local (and one of my biggest crushes) win the title!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 135 reads
13 / 106

not have been brought up because that was a time when our political leaders were stressing our unifying commonalities rather than our physical differences.  The move to identify people by race or other physical features has been growing exponentially over the past six months and injected into public discourse over the past year by political leaders, social media and cable news organizations and others with an agenda.  I don't think it says anything about this "community", I think the community is well informed and aware of the reality that this is what is going on in the US right now (a push to point out peoples' differences rather than their similarities), and many of us wonder how many industries/companies have been "infected" with this kind of division.  I was glad to hear above that TER is not one of them.  

As was GaG, I too, was happy to see TS Sasha get her turn at Ms. Ter.  She and I have Pm'd when she was more active on the boards.  She always had great ad photos.  If I had any sexual interest at all in a woman with a dick, she would have been my first choice.  She was still fun to know. I'm an equal opportunity monger and have sessioned with women of most every race except those of eskimo descent, mainly because I'm not a fan of the cold.  

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 429 reads
14 / 106

...take your choice. I would have nothing to do with either LOL!

OldRanger 62 Reviews 145 reads
15 / 106

Agree Paige has not been posting here for a long time but has taken on some issues.  
Has also posts often on the Minnesota board
As I look back if participation as well as reviews and scores are the criteria used only can think of two possible candidates one being the one given the honor and the hose one other being you Mya
There has really not been much input by too many others in my recollection.
Have no axe to grind as have seen neither of you  nor do I plan to know the immediate future.
In MHO they chose one of the only two that made any sense in the recent months.

-- Modified on 6/24/2021 4:28:08 PM

golmgo 25 Reviews 129 reads
16 / 106

There have been several Ms TER’s that I probably wouldn’t see for various reasons. However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have won the title. Recently, a lady from my area won. I’ve seen her ads and posts for many years, but haven’t booked because she just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t know what the parameters are for winning, and I don’t care. I did look at Paige’s profile, and her reviews are fantastic. Her pictures are accurate and she provides great service. It appears to me that Paige provides a safe and quality experience for her clients. I’m not sure what the problem is here, or why some people think it’s necessary to post nasty comments.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 122 reads
17 / 106

It's gone into hyper drive since that thug George Floyd got offed.

GaGambler 126 reads
18 / 106

So while it's the guys getting all the heat, it's actually another black woman who started this train wreck. But of course I LIKE train wrecks so thanks Mya, great job. lol

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 139 reads
19 / 106

But first off, my congratulations on your selection of Ms TER.
There's been a few WOC chosen but Miss Cherry Price is someone I remembered when she got selected. Note all the congrats from the women, of course that was a different time and place....But scan the post and it'll give you an insight as to where TER has gone. The pick didn't seem to be a diversity pick, but I wouldn't know as I just go with the flow.
Again, congratulations, TER made a fine pick

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 388 reads
20 / 106

Also, his hatred and resentment for TER oozes out of that post.  No one bitches about TER more than butt hurt GaG.  That's why he and some others started a review website to compete with TER.  How'd that work out GaG?  It lasted what, three months?  BWAHAHAHAHA!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 450 reads
21 / 106

in calling out a guy who doesn't have very many posts in your own very first post on this board?  At present, he has 36 times as many as you.  You didn't really think this through, did you?  LOL

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 430 reads
22 / 106

This post wasn't very nice. She has been active for quite some time.
None of the other MS TER choices were questioned and some weren't very active and some who never even posted on the GB

FoxInTheHenHouse 153 reads
23 / 106

A Little Jealous...........

MediaAdmin 163 reads
24 / 106

We believe and hope the OP’s question was about the criteria for selecting Miss TER and the responses have turned it into  one about  diversity.    Because, why would it be  about diversity?  Past Miss TERs have been diverse, in ethnicity, looks, services and sexual preference.  Our members, both hobbyists and providers are diverse and should be represented.  

 Our original criteria did require participation  on the Photo Only board.   It  gave us a starting point, but it was never the only criteria we used in our decision.   And, remember sometimes a photo goes up, only to get so many hits the image is no longer available, and we remove the post from the board, so unless you look quickly, you may miss a wonderful photo!

We started Miss TER years ago to recognize those providers who put themselves out there, for all to see and interact.  Honestly, how many of you would post your photos  or like a review on your sexual prowess (whether true of not). We looked for women who  posted on the Photo Board, interacted on other  discussion boards and  were excellent at Marketing their business.  And, while they may not have agreed with every decision TER made or everything said to them or about them, they still chose to be a part of the TER community.  

So, to answer the question,  ‘Was diversity an issue?”   No.   But, we still believe our members, all of them, should be represented by our selections of Miss TER.      

As we reviewed the boards, (a starting point), we were impressed and intrigued with Paige's ability to articulate her thoughts and her ability to be respectful of others on the boards.   She made no judgements or belittled others.  She did not ask for posts to be removed or complain that other posters were being ‘mean’ to her.   After her interview, we were 110% sure we made the right decision.   She makes us want to know more about her and makes us realize that optimism is better than the alternative.

BellaMaria 115 reads
25 / 106

From another provider and a woc, Yikes!
It must be slow season LMFAO  

Congratulations Paige

mrfisher 108 Reviews 106 reads
26 / 106

that for a while I thought I was on another board.

Thank you for that.

mr5mike 7 Reviews 138 reads
27 / 106

Well said.  Critics take note.

GaGambler 148 reads
28 / 106

but now that Admin has chosen to put their two cents in, I do have a very serious question to ask of you.

Why did you feel it was necessary to flip Mya's alias? I have seen literally hundreds of alias posts much more egregious in nature made by alias posters that were nasty, lying, bullying and downright stalkerish where the alias was never outed. Why did you choose to make an example out of Mya? All she did was ask a relatively innocent question, and it's obvious that as another WOC, the OP was not suggesting this was a "diversity" pick.

Enquiring minds would truly like to know.

GaGambler 114 reads
30 / 106

and I for one would LOVE to know why. I don't see a single rule she broke with her OP.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 114 reads
31 / 106

responding to the alias poster.  I had no idea it was Mya until she was exposed long after I posted.  I agree this is a very bad precedent, and the reason she was flipped should he explained.  Otherwise, this will have the effect of curbing participation on controversial topics that some people would prefer using their alias for.  For guys like you, me and GaG, who don't really post with aliases, its not going to matter, but for others, especially providers who have to be concerned about their image here,  they'll have to ask if its worth the risk to join in a controversial discussion knowing Admin might expose them.  

barrycade 446 reads
32 / 106

If the criteria to being Miss TER includes attractiveness, sexiness, intelligence, professional ad sites with amazing pics, along with consistently positive TER reviews then Paige Savage is well deserving of being Miss TER.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 106 reads
33 / 106

Did the admin flip it? Or did the poster? You can edit a post by flipping your name/alias.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 123 reads
34 / 106

I don't recall an edit to the original post, but that's why a clarification from Admin or from Mya (if she did it, either intentionally, or by accident), so we know HOW it got flipped.

Wallabanjo 114 reads
35 / 106

You didn't really read what I posted did you.
Sometimes its not how much you say, but what you say.
There is no irony in what I posted, because I made it pretty clear that I have a low post count, it would be irony if I didnt point out that I am very much aware of that fact ... but here's a little secret ... I don't care (actually, no real secret, because I said that in my post as well). And the truth of the matter is that "the guy" wasn't really *gasp* a guy *clutches pearls*, but another escort who had her nose out of joint. I didn't know that at the time, but it makes the OP post so much more petty in nature.

Snotty 304 reads
36 / 106

You actually wrote this and have the nerve to call people out for being racist.  

Also, your reviews and WL's have no WOC. Why is that?

-- Modified on 6/26/2021 1:50:28 PM

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 154 reads
37 / 106

And she's on his withlist....jus saying

John_Laroche 131 reads
38 / 106

did you out yourself or were you outed?

It's funny, I don't generally pay attention to Miss TER but had wondered why there hadn't been one in a while and thought Mya would be a great choice given her active participation.  

Regarding the OP, given her past outspokenness, the comment doesn't seem out of character and worthy of consideration.

Snotty 304 reads
39 / 106

Faith may be a WOC but her skin is light, just like all the other women on his list.  

Just saying.

Snotty 450 reads
40 / 106

I said he "hates BLACK women" and while Faith's profile says she's AA, her website and p411 say she is white, with a mix of many other ethnicities. So, yes she's a WOC (very light WOC skin color).

What does he have against BLACK women?

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 468 reads
41 / 106

your pics are gorgeous!  
Congrats again :)

John_Laroche 135 reads
42 / 106

And WAS worthy of consideration.

KamalaSwallows 137 reads
44 / 106

Do you ever stop being a total tool?

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Great link hpy!!  It shows what an asshole GaG was, is and always will be...
Also, his hatred and resentment for TER oozes out of that post.  No one bitches about TER more than butt hurt GaG.  That's why he and some others started a review website to compete with TER.  How'd that work out GaG?  It lasted what, three months?  BWAHAHAHAHA!

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 437 reads
45 / 106

And to my recollection I don't remember anything to this extent ever happening over TER choosing a Ms. TER.  SMH...

Steph XO

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 129 reads
46 / 106

It's pretty clear the discussion started due to the apparent deviation from typical qualifying criteria.  

GaGambler 118 reads
47 / 106

If not Paige, then who really is qualified to be MS TER who hasn't been named before?

Keep in mind, photo board likes are at least supposed to be major factor in the MS TER "balloting" but it doesn't look like any of the providers who regularly post on the Photo Board seem to post on any other TER boards.

Hmmm, after doing a bit of research it appears that the OP is by far the most deserving to be named MS TER, she has more "board presence" by a factor of about 10-1, She has more reviews by a 7-1 factor AND she at least has "some" photo board posts.  

By a purely objective standard, Mya is MUCH more deserving of being named MS TER, and perhaps that is what prompted her OP, I think we all got seriously off track by suggesting the this was a "diversity" pick as the OP is quite obviously Black herself. Whether or not Mya has ever been named MS TER in the past I have no idea, it's not really anything I try to keep up on.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 129 reads
48 / 106

To start with based on what ai believe TERs criteria is were only two possibles in this year.
First of all do not see 10 to one on posts ( closer then that on GD board) and when including local boards and only using since January 1 of this year much closer.  
When counting reviews if one goes back to TERs return also very close.  
There was a discussion as who who was London and if one would take her old
Persona and reviews it gets pretty close in total reviews.
In closing —-their board - their rules and their decision.
If choosing to see one of the other hands down Mya based on my preferences

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 115 reads
49 / 106

I'm not pitting one against the other either, just also saying that I've enjoyed Mya's posts.  I've nothing bad to say against Paige.  

GaGambler 145 reads
50 / 106

But as my post that Hpy and BLRPOS so aptly pulled from the past,  a LOT of their decisions make much sense, nor do they follow their own rules. By ANY objective viewpoint, "Cherry" did NOT deserve to be named MS TER at the time. A MUCH better case can be made for Paige, despite her not being anything close to my type either in appearance or her attitude. I think anyone who follows these boards knows we are hardly "besties" lol

As for Mya, yeah she can be a bitch (Sorry Mya) but yeah, she is quite "doable" lol

I don't expect an honest answer by Admin as to why they picked Paige, after all why should they start being forthcoming now of all times?  That said, I'd LOVE to hear their explanation about why they flipped Mya's alias, I can't for the life of me imagine that she did this herself. It looked like a really dick move on the part of Admin as Mya's post was hardly Negative, or Trouble Making, nor did it flame anyone, All she did was ask a VERY legitimate question.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 134 reads
51 / 106

I haven't used my alias in ages, but in the distant past when I did, the site remembers what name you used last. So you can unintentionally post with the wrong name. I did that a few times, but quickly edited the post. It's possible in this case she didn't want to hide behind the alias.

GaGambler 114 reads
52 / 106

AND the direction that the thread had taken, I have to say VERY unlikely, but either Mya or Admin could put all the speculation to rest since they are the only people that know for sure.

That said, just to check the possibility of your theory I checked the post of both Mya and her alias and Mya has a post under her real handle only an hour or so before this OP, her alias however hasn't made a post since April. Your theory doesn't really appear to hold water.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 153 reads
53 / 106

This whole thread is due to the OP having a sour grapes attitude at TER's choice. I've never seen this kind of reaction and comments over a MS TER.  Hope this is the last time.  


GaGambler 127 reads
54 / 106

I won't swear to this, but I believe it's now done quarterly.  I do know that "Debra" was the last MS TER and I believe she was named for the "Spring of 2021" with Paige now replacing her as the Summer 2021 MS TER

And yes Mya is most definitely "outspoken" perhaps that may be a contributing cause for her not being named MS TER, Even Media Admin noted that Paige's lack of "complaining" had at least something to do with her selection.

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 149 reads
55 / 106

Thank you Jada - Miss TER 2x running! I'm honored to join the ranks with you!

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 139 reads
56 / 106

Thank you Jayda - Miss TER 2x running! I'm honored to join the ranks with you!

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 122 reads
57 / 106
buck1848 41 Reviews 124 reads
58 / 106

Sounds like Mya (the OP) might be a little jealous.  I for one am proud to have a Minnesota Gal represent us a Ms TER!  Way to go Paige!!!

Be Safe!

OldRanger 62 Reviews 127 reads
59 / 106

Delete this post

-- Modified on 6/27/2021 7:56:20 PM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 111 reads
60 / 106

If you ever glanced at the homepage in the past 7 months, you would see that Debra was not the last Miss TER. Debra was Miss TER for Summer 2020, named in August of 2020. Tina Star was named Miss TER Fall 2020, in December of 2020, and her picture remained on the homepage until a few days ago.  

There were 36 monthly Miss TERs from Jan 2014, to Dec 2016, then they changed it to quarterly but they missed a lot of quarters, and there have only been 5 quarterly Miss TERs:
Spring and Summer of 2017
Spring, Summer, and Fall 2020
Summer 2021 (current)

Yes TER was virtually shut down for most of 2018 and just about all of 2019, but they still missed a lot of quarters when they weren’t shut down. Then again with provider participation at an all time low there isn’t much to choose from.

paigesavage See my TER Reviews 163 reads
61 / 106

for your kind words. Mind you, I bear no ill will towards the OP as I am *choosing* to believe their question was out of genuine curiosity. I have no qualms with the way it was asked either as I'm pretty damn blunt in my day to day as well. It's clear that no one knew exactly what the "Miss TER" criteria was/is until TER posted the other day. However, folks did what we all do and which is to make inferences and assumptions based on the evidence at hand. I cannot necessarily fault people for that.  

Words can be powerful and I will admit, I've been avoiding this thread. It's taxing to log in and read so many backhanded compliments but I'm focusing on the positive comments.  

Again, thank you and please let me know if you'd ever like to connect if you're in Minneapolis or I'm in the Carolinas!

-- Modified on 6/27/2021 11:24:58 PM

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 121 reads
62 / 106

Hmm.  Are you aware of another case of the admin un-aliasing a message?  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 107 reads
63 / 106

Does not make someone racist.  Ignoring racially sensitive issues is often the mark of closet racists. Every one of these statements I made on the P & R board was gleaned directly from the news of the day.  They are not my opinions, they are facts.  I note that because they are facts that actually happened, you fail to make even a feeble attempt to refute the legitimacy of any of these points. Your attempt to say that reporting the news stories of the day makes me racist is laughable.  I can only guess that you were recruited by my stalker to put this post up because HE KNEW whoever put it up would look like a moron.  Congrats on being his lackey and too dumb to see you were being used  Others turned him down before he got to you at the bottom of the barrel.  

GaGambler 122 reads
64 / 106

and wrong I was. At least I did admit that I really didn't pay a whole lot of attention to such things. lol

Yes, I know that's a weak excuse, but it's the best I've got.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 123 reads
65 / 106

That's terrible!!! TER really fucked up! You asked a legit question.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 128 reads
66 / 106

Glad to hear the facts from your side of this . You like many others have questioned the selection process and after all of this I wonder if we still know. I can congratulate Paige and consider her a good provider and also appreciate your presence and thoughtful contributions.  Can completely understand your questioning.
What I do not understand is the outing of you alias by the powers to be.
Keep up your presence please.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 139 reads
67 / 106

that he actually saw these women on his white list?  His game is to trade a white list for promising NOT to see them in person.  Believe me, its a good deal for the provider.  I already busted his ass on a fake whitelisting a while back.  The provider would not confirm she actually saw him, so the whitelisting was subsequently removed.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 177 reads
68 / 106

racist again Asian providers as well.  So if Blacks and Asians are out, has he seen a HIspanic provider yet, or more correctly, is there a Hispanic provider who swallowed her pride and agreed to see HIM?  Lol

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 125 reads
69 / 106

...because you've never seen her.  The people who HAVE seen her say she's AA.  You have no idea what Black providers have to do to be successful in this business.  'nuff said.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 117 reads
70 / 106

...that the poster I was replying to was rude to BBW's.  The poster I was replying to was a black person who was trashing BBW's.  That's why I said what I said - to point out that poster was being a jerk.

Also, that post got 6  "likes" from people who knew what I was saying, unlike you - you fucking moron.

I didn't see you call CDL a racist for this post which I posted in this thread above:
"Libs in government . . . .
just don't think things through before they open their mouves.  (Thought I would use the BLM plural for mouths, so I would look kind of hip . . . . . ghetto, yes, but still kind of hip.)"

The REAL reason for your misleading post is that you are a butt hurt little right wing bitch whose ass I routinely kick on the Politics board under your real handle so you posted here under your gutless alias because you know that your post is full of shit.  That's also why you didn't call CDL a racist - he's one of your fellow right-wing nutjobs.

-- Modified on 6/29/2021 12:31:22 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 460 reads
71 / 106

Now that you've said something nice about BigPapsmear, he's going to ask you for a whitelisting.  Lol

Snotty 429 reads
72 / 106

Who the fuck cares. You and a bunch of others are so obsessed with him it’s embarrassing.  

And you still hate black girls.

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 118 reads
73 / 106

I go into this believing what someone post here or until I see that they're full of shit then I say "Fuck them". Why would anyone want to lie or bullshit here? I would like to think we're not that easy to impress.

GaGambler 117 reads
74 / 106

Depending on the situation, according to this fat lying tub of lard I am either, TER stupidest poster, it's biggest liar OR it's foremost authority.  

I have lost track of how many times this two faced, corpulent, dishonest race baiting racist in his own right has quoted me as PROOF of a particular position on an issue, it's well up into the dozens of times by now.

As for his racism, I am sure he is like most White "race baiters" who toss around claims of racism in others so casually and with such frequency but wouldn't dream of dating a black woman, having a black best friend or heaven forbid hanging out in a "mainly" minority crowd where white people are the minority.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 105 reads
75 / 106

Well —I question your logic
You see the vast quantity of review over many many years  
I see pictures of a very beautiful woman at a reasonable rate vs others  
I looked at posts and see fewer then the present Miss TER ( one since 2014) and see it is the one you are responding to.
Noting that Miss TER labeled Summer 2021  
By the way Victoria has more reviews since TERs return but not a landslide by any means
Personally - IMHO you are more deserving by a long shot then Victoria

DT_lover 188 Reviews 458 reads
76 / 106

I had the pleasure of meeting with her in 2006  :-)

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 104 reads
77 / 106

We're getting to the crux of the problem with any award, such as "best picture" or "best actress."  It's completely subjective and capricious. Even the Olympics, the difference between Gold and fourth place could be a fraction of a second.  As Macbeth said, "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 153 reads
78 / 106

Go Fund Me page to get her a labiaplasty.  Lol

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 161 reads
79 / 106

What you will learn about fast talking CDL is that he always throws the numbers around to prove his point.  So you don't post enough--like it is required, huh?  Its the same as the number of people that attended his inauguration or rallies.  (Oh, sorry that was his inspiration--lol)
Nobody has as many reviews in (modern times) so he is the authority.  That they are almost all K-girls brings out his racist K card.  (BTW the KGirls love him because his athletic supporter is a K-Cup (lol).  Yet with hundreds of reviews, constant claims about having multiple girlfriends who are providers.  After getting as many BBFS as he desires, when they go to work (and offer BBFS to clients as part of their welcome), they are all happy with the arrangement that while they are working he plays around with other providers (as long as he is paying for it)!  LOL  You cant make this shit up.

Turn up the heat and he will flash the imaginary disappearing card so that your replies won't show up on his computer.

Yet in the end look at the time(s) of his endless posts and you will find that this is his life and nothing else really matters!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 442 reads
80 / 106

After I ran you off the board last time you stalked me, I didn't see any posts for a couple of months, so I took you back off of ignore.  You need my attention to feel relevant, because this is a fuckboard and your dick stopped working a long time ago.  Its funny how many of the impotent guys here stalk me because they are jealous of my hobby volume.  Looks like I need to put you back on my ignore list.  I think I have more stalkers than anyone here.  After all these months, you come here and prove I will own you.  I tried to sell you last time and got no takers.  Lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 121 reads
81 / 106

That you are one of the impotent guys.  Isn't a Dingo a dog?  The fact that you would CHOOSE that for your name says a lot about you.  It can only mean you lick your own balls.  Am I right?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 419 reads
82 / 106

taint, too?  How do you deal with the bad breath afterward. Its only natural you would deny licking your own balls, but a lot of guys here who do weird stuff deny they do it.  Why else would you name yourself Dingo and self-identify with a dog.  Deny all you want.  I think I got your number.  Do you prefer shaving first before licking your balls and asshole, or do you prefer natural, like a dog would.  There are SOME advantages to being a dog-human.  

So are you going to be a new stalker for me, humping my leg everyday?  

kyungjean 6 Reviews 121 reads
83 / 106

I put Leoncito-la-manicura on ignore. My experience here is so much better without seeing his racist and idiotic blatherings.

I highly recommend you try it!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 135 reads
84 / 106

with no reviews.  Its okay.  SOMEONE has to keep the lotion companies in business.  Thanks for keeping them afloat through Covid.  

Never had either of those.  Got gonorrhea twice in 12 years.  You just bench yourself for two weeks and take the meds. Problem solved.  Is it possible you could up your game a little and be a little less Dull?   So far you're repeating about every cliche that's ever been used on this board over the years.  You know what a cliche is, right?  Its tired phrases that people use who have no original thoughts.  

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 446 reads
85 / 106

Go Fund Me page to get you a zipped lip.  Lol

Perhaps you can supply a modicum of discretion to all ladies, regardless of whether they are your favorite size or race.  


DT_lover 188 Reviews 137 reads
86 / 106

Chuckle Chuckle.  Guess what, we can scope you as well.

John_Laroche 155 reads
87 / 106

Now it makes sense that you started this train wreck with an alias.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 163 reads
88 / 106

discretion when you develop a soupcon of style.  When an opportunity for some humor presents itself, I am compelled to make other people smile.  You, on the other hand, labor to just to try to make a point.  Where were you when they handed out a free sense of humor?  

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 112 reads
89 / 106

...and saying she needs a labiaplasty without knowing a thing about her?  You really are an asshole and you're the reason providers don't post on the discussion boards as much as they used to.

BTW, by trying to show you're smart by using a French word like "soupçon," you actually show how stupid you are without including "une cédille."

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 142 reads
90 / 106

to you?  Providers that have seen you have said that you have "dead fish breath", "sweated all over them", "too fat to fuck",  and "can't get it up."  There was one year you apparently lost some weight, but then a provider said you looked like a Shar Pei.  You can't win, can you?  Do you think stalking me on EVERY post I put up makes you look like the kind of guy anyone wants to know?  You are so socially unaware, its why providers will not see you.  You are left with begging girls you didn't see for whitelists.  Should I put up the link for THAT little exchange where you were caught on your whitelist scam?

-- Modified on 7/8/2021 6:10:40 AM

flyboyluke 6 Reviews 144 reads
91 / 106

What started as her 'just asking a question' led to her admitting to being a Post-Pulling, Score-Skimming, Reviewer Manipulating, Drama Loving, Kink Shaming, Transphobic person with a rubbish attitude.
Now she'll never wear the crown.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 142 reads
92 / 106

If TER would just put it out for a membership vote to consider providers who have not yet held the crown for Ms. TER, I say Mya wins going away.  I can't think of another Provider that more completely fulfills the requirements to be considered, except for a few that have already won in the past.  

flyboyluke 6 Reviews 100 reads
93 / 106

This obsession you have with her is not healthy; you've rebuked every negative post about her within minutes. Are you her pimp?

Based on the fortnight, she's out of the running for good.  Your argument of "if ter changed everything about how they selected her" is quite daft.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 135 reads
94 / 106

had an occasion to meet yet, but I have come to respect her opinions on life as a provider, and this biz in general since she started posting here 7 years ago.  You, on the other hand, have been here since last August and from your reviews see about one provider a year.  That hardly makes you an expert on saying her chances of Ms. TER are not good.  Don't you think its a little presumptuous to come here with so little background and start making prognostications about providers you don't know and have not interacted with on the boards in the past?  Its clear that you think more of your experience than others here do, so go ahead, you do you.  When you save up enough to see another provider, be sure to write a review.  That's what TER is all about.  

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 427 reads
95 / 106

-Why are you compelled to make other people smile?
-How do you know that anybody smiles when reading your ridiculous comments?
-I don't labor anything on this board.  
-You know what labor is, given your night time job at Whole Foods bagging groceries.
-What's your point:
-Is it that you eat mangos all day and need relief from your fluid waste that pours from your mouth?
-Or is it that you have no life and live on this board for HOURS EVERY DAY?
-Finally will you admit that being put in your place and having so many enemies is something that you learned earlier in life?

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 419 reads
96 / 106

Which part doesn't add up?

-He has hundreds of reviews for cheap date providers that are real?
-Dozens of girlfriends that are K-Girl providers?
-Bareback provisions with unlimited creampies?
-Privileges to fuck anyone as long as he is "paying for it" as long as they are "working" and collecting creampies as well?
-That he can get a hard-on any longer?
-That his body can make sperm and shoot it?
-That he is STD free?
-That he doesn't have open sores?

Snotty 119 reads
97 / 106

Faith's own website says she is white, mixed with other ethnicities.  Try booking an actual sister, and then we'll talk.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 127 reads
98 / 106

How about some specifics?  Name a girl that I saw that you also saw and tell me what you claim I got wrong in the review.    I've had thousands of guys over the years tell me they saw girls that I reviewed and found them to be exactly as I described them.   If you think I got any reviews wrong on girls you have also seen, how about naming them?  If you can't do that, then you should admit you are simply making shit up.  

How can you make this comparison when he has ALREADY been busted on a fake whitelisting.  I wouldn't make an accusation of fraud against a monger unless I had the goods.  As far as whitelists, I don't allow whitelisting from any provider, so there is nothing on that score to believe or not to believe.  

-- Modified on 7/8/2021 1:50:40 PM

Snotty 156 reads
99 / 106


FoxInTheHenHouse 136 reads
100 / 106

You address me as Sweety, how do you know I’m sweet? You have never tasted me, but perhaps one day you will be lucky enough to do so.

Regarding the subject at hand. Tho you did not directly so state in your OP you did imply that you might be jealous, by virtue of the question itself in the subject line and the statement in the body of the post.
Also the fact that you did originally post it under an alias, sure does give the impression that you are jealous.  

My reply, an alias to an alias at the time, tho missing the ?, was clearly a question.
NOT an accusation. The fact that you are making an issue of it would indicate that perhaps I hit a nerve.  

You say to me, and I quote “Too SCARED to give your "compliments"/"insults" under your real handle? Very interesting.”
Yes Very Interesting that your OP was under an alias and at the time you posted it you clearly never thought it would be flipped therefore I ask you.  Were you  TOO SCARED to ask your question under your real name?

I’m not going to and never would tell you, or anyone, when to post, where to post, how often to post or not post. However, as I type this post this thread has 99 posts plus this one  and 3694 reads and counting. Just a thought but maybe you should think about not posting to this and your “Dear TER’ thread and just let it go, posting a reply 14 days after my post you are keeping the thread going and at the top of the page. I can understand a provider wanting to keep her name out there but do you want you mane out there in this context…………..Really?

Let It Go

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 435 reads
101 / 106

disagree, I suspect Mya is getting a shitload of business from this thread.  Most mongers like seeing a girl who is a little sassy with a huge personality.  It's a combination that screams "FUN."  If that's the case, why wouldn't she want this to keep going to the top of the page?  Lol

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 129 reads
102 / 106

-she gets plenty of inquiries on her own.
-she doesn't like the insults.
-she never wants to have to thank you.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 126 reads
103 / 106

Interesting. I want to be Miss TER! lol smile 4 me!

ElizaRose See my TER Reviews 102 reads
104 / 106

I’ve been curious how the selection has worked for 7 years now. It’s interesting to realize the criteria. Best of luck to all of you. Thanks for such a riveting discussion read

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 77 reads
105 / 106

Yeah I've been wondering for years now too! You're gorgeous and seem really sweet. So good luck to you too and I hope you get to be Ms. TER one day :)

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 98 reads
106 / 106

lol never, but still dreaming!

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