Suggestion and Policy

Possible TER reforms
Myhandleismybusiness. 2796 reads

A couple days ago, Vorlon seemed to invite some suggested changes to TER.  So here are some of my ideas for what they are worth. Collectively, they would decrease cruelty in the review sections, improve the Likert scoring for Appearance and Performance, provide better reporting of ripoffs, and give a more level playing field to providers to participate here.  ADD YOUR OWN!
It would be nice if this thread could stay on topic without the shitshows.  

A. Change Appearance Scores to 
1. Not for me.  (the current 1. I was really scared; 2. Ugly; 3. Homely; 4. OK if you were drunk)  The first four categories are just cruel spite but they affect average appearance scores)
2. Average  (the current 5. Plain)
3. Nice  (the current 6. Nice)
4. Very Attractive  (the current 7. Attractive)
5. Model Material (the current 8. Really Hot, 9. Model Material, 10. One in a lifetime)
Simple reprogramming could convert all previous scores.

B. Change performance1. A total ripoff  DROPPED BECAUSE IT IS MISLEADING
1. Not for me. (the current 2. Should have stayed home, 3. Barely worth the effort, 4. She just laid there)
2. Average (the current 5. Average) 
3. Nice time (the current 6. Nice time)
4. Wonderful (the current 7. Hot time and 8. Went the extra mile)
5. Heavenly (the current 9. Forgot it was a service, 10. One in a lifetime)

C. Make Ripoff a separate category (i.e., not in performance) but to indicate crimes against clients. Include the reports with the clients who describe them as a separate list with the reviews.  The current rip-off list is not well known.

D. Offer providers provider VIP memberships that parallel VIP memberships for Clients
-Two weeks of VIP status after receiving a review or after any ad board post by a listed provider or Subscription VIP-
VIP memberships would include alias posting privileges as with clients.

E. The operations of TER with regard to approving reviews and deciding when to delist or suspend a posting member are not transparent so areimpossible to comment on.  In general, profiled providers as well as clients should be engaged in both these functions. 

F. Delete all reviews and providers that are more than 10 years old, without intervening activity.

-- Modified on 7/2/2022 11:27:34 AM

… and a basis for discussing an important topic.  Here’s my thoughts:
A.  I’m concerned that some of the proposed changes will be used inconsistently and unfairly.  For example, based on what I’ve seen over the years in reviews and on boards, “Not for me” could be given to a beautiful, sexy woman, model-esque even, who happens to have tats, or blue hair, or enhanced breasts, or any number of other features that some guys think are “not for me”.  Also, what is “Average”?  And how attractive does someone have to be to be “very” attractive?  I like the “really hot” category because it allows for the reality that different people have different ideas on what “hot” means.
But I think it would be better if we replace the current appearance score with two things:  1) are her photos accurate?  2) thumbs up or down on appearance.  Details re why thumbs up or down and/or how photos aren’t accurate must be provided in the review, or the review will not be accepted.  

B.  As for A, I think it will be impossible to apply these ratings consistently.  Thus I’d prefer something along the lines of:   1) Avoid (with the Rip-off flag set if applicable), 2) Not recommended, 3) Recommended, 4) Highest Recommendation.  The basis for the rating must be provided in the review, or the review will not be accepted.  

D. I agree that providers should have some way to earn VIP days, but I can’t see TER going for it to the extent you proposed. Perhaps with some limits, eg two weeks VIP for the FIRST review of a provider by a member.

E.  Actually, TER publishes its guidelines for reviews and delisting.  IMO the problem is that those guidelines aren’t consistently applied. It’s possible to comment on them in the Suggestions forum or via Contact Us.

F.  I agree that it would be good to automatically delete profiles that have had no activity for several years.

In item D - - - TER could give the days when the Profile is claimed by said provider.
Right now most if not all of the agency providers do not see their profile. Gifting days upon first review would in most cases be worthless but to those who claim profile - would allow them to read their reviews as well as others and they may see the benefit both the limited and full VIP

Thanks handleman, finally a productive and thought generating thread, lets see where it goes  
 I agree with the comment on appearance where it may be hard to truly judge and grade cuz for some of us as 'Shallow Hals' , our grading might be tough...... and someone that loves the round and squeezable types may not like the spinners , and visa versa,  so the idea of judging the photo's accuracy is a very fair way for us to learn what to expect. We simply, with no judgement, need to state if the photo was accurate. And it may get the ladies that are tempted to photoshop and doctor them up or use old graduation photos from the 90's of their best friend, to be a bit more honest with us.  
So i do agree that it should be a requirement in each review. The thumbs up may be a good idea but again it is a very subjective measure cuz when you look at the review history of the guys that actually do write reviews, you can tell by how they compare to others. If I have a lackluster session, my sparkle that i express in my review could be chalked up to the old, YMMV if everyone else had stellar comments and i feel that that (YMMV) should be used more cuz if we as clients really make the providers enjoy their time with us then it is a win/win session........ which will be part of my last point of TER addition that i have always wanted to write about and will state below as i close.

 As I have stated in the past, I believe that performance cannot always be blamed on the lady and should be equally graded between the participants. personally I want to provide an enjoyable experience for the lady because that will ultimately exponentially increase the experience for me and I do not know how many times at the beginning of the first session I have been told what they do not do, only to find out that, well I guess I shall with 'you', and a no kisser ends up being an amazing and passionate make out session :)  as well as other stuff that may be happening.......
 The lower numbers 2-3, probably somehow should be there so we know what to watch for but again a 4-5 from a reviewer that only gives 4-5 numbers to ladies that average usually 6-7 has to be taken with the proverbial  grain of salt. (and YMMV)
Average is way too subjective and 8-9-10 are reviews that should say it in the truthful writings, and not just to gain points with the lady if she ever really sees it anyway. Also those are the reviews that i want to read every word.  I feel that if you cannot say something good about the experience unless it was truly to let the community know about the 'rip-off', you should hold your tongue and just move on.  The average is fine to write just personally I don't spend much time on them. and not to sound toooooooooooo egotistical, on a horney night of a long drought from action with the ladies,  I just go back and read an old review of my own with Mia, Julia, or Summer Dreams lol.........

 i agree that there should be a way that the ladies get to see their own reviews and it seems that they should not have to be VIP to read them, maybe to read carte blanche but not their own.

 so now my last point, that I think we guys should get figured out, is how to get a review posting or grading or some way that the ladies can comment on US, yes US, the guy spending the time and money. We need to be held to a standard as well and it might help us get in to see some of the unreachables if their schedulers were able to see who they are missing out on, or the ladies being able to say to their scheduler "I want that one" (ya dream on). but anyway it may be fun OR gut wrenching for us to see the 'Yelp' review that gets posted here on TER. In the past, I was always curious about what was asked or stated in the old whitelisting system but the days of the whitelisting seems to be behind us........... probably cuz most ladies that have schedulers will never do one or maybe they just don't care since they have enough business in their minds or don't want to take the time but maybe incentivizing that action to get them VIP status like they do for us to write reviews would help.  Anyways, guys that write reviews keep it up and just be fair from both points of view ...........and if it did not smell quite right on the day you were there,  until they have a way to state to the world that you were gross or you smelled and tasted like an ash tray, just shut up and move on.

Sorry if i lost you at thanks handleman,

I agree we should be rated too.

We could have a rating on how many posts and reviews get liked.  I often thank guys for honest reviews that save me time and money.

Some of the local groups do give out reviews of us to other girls. P411 and TER have ways to get OKays, maybe more detail could be added there by the providers.

As for not for me, we could have a question to explain. I recently had a not-for-me experience and I am hesitant to write a review as services were provided as advertised.

Great ideas.

thanks 007, an actual response to the thread.........I was worried that no one would actually read the message in the thread cuz it was thought provoking (I thought) and more than a paragraph long, but it seems that the only parts of this thread that are actually talked about are the #D about the VIP status for the ladies which to me was the least important of what we should have discussed but how ironic #A, #B, #C (appearance, performance and grading) about the more important stuff gave no replies and my pet peave about guys being reviewed was obviously over many heads.  
 good points though Riley

bazinga2246 reads

#D - According to what I know and have read in the Self Help Center, providers do get free limited VIP benefits - they get to read their own reviews and send/read PMs without paying.  They just have to claim their profiles.

Have I missed something on this one?  

… but I assumed the OP was advocating for a way for providers to earn full VIP without having to pay for it, similar to how non-providers can earn VIP days by writing reviews, filing problem reports etc.

Which leads to a question… if a provider with only limited VIP were to file a problem report and it’s accepted, I wonder if they’d earn VIP days?

1.  As I understand it, providers may get to see their own reviews but do not get to see the private portions reviews of other providers by potential clients.  Is this true? If so it is not a full VIP privilege.
2. As I understand it, providers can not post with Aliases. If so, this is not a level playing field with clients who snipe from behind one and it is not a level playing field with Clients' VIPs.

In regard to comments on my proposals for reforming Appearance and Performance score: 10 points is a false precision. The appearance scores are loaded at the bottom with scales that simply have to do with degrading a provider, not with appearance.  Five point scales would not be as distortable. (I presume TER calculates average not median scores, if it simply shifted to median scores the meaningless extremes would largely wash out.)  

Rip off is NOT about performance, it is about a crime that may occur before or after experience (the missing rolex for example) and should be removed from the performance score.

Providers do get limited VIP but can also purchase it the same as a client. They can also do problem reports and get days as a way of keeping profiles up to date. That being said they need to claim their profile which it appears most if not all of the agency providers have done. Maybe the agency owners should inform providers how to do this and then they will have the limited and see for themselves what is being written.  
As for providers not having an alias maybe they should be outlawed completely but see you are using one so they must have some value to a rational person.

.... considering how it gets abused by some, I think that outweighs the benefit and damages the community.  Most of the pissing matches in here are brought on and/or sustained by members using an alias and I believe some have multiple that they use as a proxy for their agenda or irrational grievance.  I still think its a chickenshit way to go about and I'd never hide behind one.

As far as providers having an alias, I don't see that being helpful but how in the hell could they enforce that?  For $3/month, a person can have a separate VPN on a $30 tablet with an untraceable IP addy if I understand it correctly.

Why? Because to make it work, TER would have to go back and re-calculate millions of older reviews. If not, then there would be two separate scoring systems operating side by side, making the system hard to navigate. For example, girls with existing reviews would have new reviews with the new grading system along with older reviews using the old system. That would be a mess.

One could delete all the reviews that were 10 years out of date with a couple lines of code. (This would have the advantage of deleting thousands of links to dead profiles, evidence etc).

Making the VIP policy for providers and clients the same would simplify the code.

Getting rid of the separate rip off board would simplify the code and improve site navigation.  

Changing from an average to a median Appearance and Performance score would involve a minor change in code.
Then we could consider messing with the scores themselves.

Just about the last thing they'd do is delete hundreds of thousands of reviews. Also, those reviews remain valuable because, for one thing, they show how long a given providers has been in the business and work as a way to check how old she really is.

A name with NO activity for 10 years does show a record of anything.
Most of the time, they go to dead links or are names that new providers have picked up to recycle.

I never addressed the situation of "A name with NO activity for 10 years." I agree that in such cases the profile should be removed. I'll be most of them are.

A profile with no activity for 10 years was exactly what I proposed.
I just checked two small markets: About a THIRD of the profiles have had no activity for more than 10 years.  Check for yourself

I don't see the harm in keeping the legacy reviews and profiles. It's a good way to reminisce and check on how good the old memory is working. When searching reviews, the default sorting of the list of hits is chronological anyway (Sort by [Date] at the top of the list). You have to scroll way down or to the next pages to get the really old stuff.
Also, from a marketing point of view, TER probably prefers to say, "1.7 million reviews!!" rather than "We only keep the most recent 20,000 active profiles."

Posted By: Myhandleismybusiness.
Re: Nope
A name with NO activity for 10 years does show a record of anything.  
 Most of the time, they go to dead links or are names that new providers have picked up to recycle.

I have several 10-out-of-10 suggestions for improving Reviews.
1. Switch to an X-out-of-Y scoring system for Performance. E.g.,
2. Replace the ridiculous "Ethnicity" data field with an UNAMBIGUOUS "pick one" data field:
A. "Complexion" chosen from a color pallet (see the Mattell pallet, below), NOT some inconsistent color name that will vary from reviewer to reviewer.
B. Add another field for "Country of Origin" or "Cultural Heritage." I.e., one or two descriptors that will inform a reader if she is from a non-US country, talks with an accent, has non-US outlook on life, etc.. -OR- if she US born and raised even though her lineage is 100% from a non-US country. At that point, she may be "European" by heritage but, meeting her, she has all the attributes of any other US born and raised person. (This part of the suggestion needs more discussion.)
People use "AA" for non-American black women to imply that the Provider has dark skin. Others use "AA" for anyone who IDs as AA even if they are as white as snow. I have met Brazilians who range from being as black as Espresso to as white as Coconut.  
3. Replace the ridiculous "Build" data field with a numbered chart of silhouettes or standard pictures (from the CLOTHING or fashion industry).
"A few extra pounds"? What the fuck does THAT mean?  
What are difference between "thin", "slender", "skinny" ... "fat", "obese" ... "curvy" ... ? What is "Athletic," a Bulgarian Olympic Weightlifter or a Russian figure skater??? They're both Athletic, but give me the Figure Skater ANY day!  
Just pick the shape that mostly closely matches the Provider when you met her. "She was somewhere between a 3 and a 4, but I can only check one box so I chose 4."  
There are MANY standard images of body types to choose from and I'm sure that TER and users could agree on one pallet of "standard female body types."
4. I have had many other GREAT suggestions over the years to improve the system. In summary, the BEST suggestion is, "Put impposter in charge and give him an unlimited budget to implement his changes."

Posted By: Myhandleismybusiness.

A couple days ago, Vorlon seemed to invite some suggested changes to TER.  So here are some of my ideas for what they are worth. Collectively, they would decrease cruelty in the review sections, improve the Likert scoring for Appearance and Performance, provide better reporting of ripoffs, and give a more level playing field to providers to participate here.  ADD YOUR OWN!  
 It would be nice if this thread could stay on topic without the shitshows.
I agree to remove some of the "meanness" in the legacy descriptors.

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