Politics and Religion

As a garden variety WASP,
St. Croix 452 reads

and that is about as white as you can get, I take solace in the old phrase, "money talks and bullshit walks". Money will persuade people to do as you like. Also as a white guy, I sometimes I like to recall the good old days, when being white really meant something. Not in the British Empire kind of way, but the old West kind of way.  


-- Modified on 8/19/2015 12:38:22 PM

nuguy462109 reads

Pat Buchanan has excellent article today. While focused on Europe's problem of being invaded by astronomical numbers of refugees, it also points out relationship to US problems.  

...and Monday’s Washington Post had a front-page story on an “escalating rash of violent attacks against refugees” in Germany, including arson attacks on refugee centers and physical assaults.
Buried in the story was an astonishing statistic. Germany, which took in 174,000 asylum seekers last year, is on schedule to take in 500,000 this year. Bear in mind, Germany is smaller than Montana.

How long can a geographically limited and crowded German nation, already experiencing ugly racial conflict, take in half a million Third World people every year without tearing itself apart and changing the character of the nation forever?

Can you see the USA here?

As the article states, “The principle that America’s immigration laws should serve the interests of its own citizens” is paramount, said Sen. Sessions.

Sessions is right. America is our home. We decide who comes in and who does not, how large the American family becomes, whom we adopt and whence they come. It has become the issue of 2016.  

Neither Repub or Dem leaders in Washington seem to give a damn

The idea that you should tie in Germany's current situation regarding immigration to the US's is frankly absurd. For one, Germany isn't amazingly in debt, and the overwhelming public opinion is that immigration is not to be feared. In fact there have been multiple protests against the organisation Pegida, who see the 'Islamisation' of Germany as a realistic threat, rather ignoring that said threat is non-existent at best.  

Also, geographically limited? It's not like the population density of Germany as a whole is such that more people can't be housed. I'm going to take you to task for 'ugly racial conflict' as well, because to be quite honest with you, that's just not true; especially when you look at comparable 'ugly racial conflicts', such as, oh, Ferguson.

And I must say, I still find this idea that an American could find fault with immigration in general without they themselves being a native American nothing short of comical. The US is built on the back of immigration, if any nation should ever be in favour of loosening it's immigration laws, it's the US! Tell me nuguy, which native American tribe do you descend from, or are you just a hypocrite?

Its "illegal immigration" in specific they have a problem with.

When you go to the store to buy something, do you cut to the front of the line and jump ahead of all the people who are ahead of you waiting for check out?

Now imagine millions and millions of people, jumping ahead of all the people who are going about immigration in a legal and respectful fashion, just jumping the border and saying fk you to our laws?

Many of those illegals are felons. We have had SEVERAL recent incidents of multi-illegal border jumpers killing our legal residents.

You DONT see a problem with all this?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Its "illegal immigration" in specific they have a problem with.  
 When you go to the store to buy something, do you cut to the front of the line and jump ahead of all the people who are ahead of you waiting for check out?  
 Now imagine millions and millions of people, jumping ahead of all the people who are going about immigration in a legal and respectful fashion, just jumping the border and saying fk you to our laws?  
 Many of those illegals are felons. We have had SEVERAL recent incidents of multi-illegal border jumpers killing our legal residents.  
 You DONT see a problem with all this?
The problem I have with illegal immigration is the demonisation of it. These are still people, and yet they aren't treated as such. You're doing as much in this post, albeit indirectly - 'many of those illegals are felons' - are they? Do you know this to be true, or are you making a huge generalisation about a group of people? Or do you only hear about an illegal immigrant once they're caught committing a crime, and as such your perspective is skewed? Last I checked citizens were just as capable of breaking the law as anyone else, so why single out an immigrant?

Do you honestly think that anyone who does immigrate illegally is doing so as a first choice? That leaving behind their home, their heritage, their history might not be a path they actually want to walk down, but have to out of sheer necessity? Have you never considered that these are real people that have real problems and for some a correct, proper and legal immigration is not possible for any one of a variety of reasons; does that mean that their reasons for needing to immigrate are less valid somehow? Does that mean they should have to return to whatever life they felt the need to escape? Does that mean they shouldn't be integrated into society rather than treated as criminals, as subhuman, as anything less than your own brother, just because they didn't happen to be born inside the arbitrary borders of a nation drawn up hundreds of years ago?

There aren't 'millions and millions' trying to illegally enter the US. Several hundred thousand I could believe perhaps, certainly not millions. The number remains irrelevant however, especially when attitudes such as yours towards a fellow human being are so pervasive. Why stop at illegal immigrants? Are there any other groups of society you wish would just go away? Any other people you wish to dismiss fully?

My how intelligent and non judgmental of you. LOL

And that launched you into a plethora of seemingly unending questions to deflect the issue.

I asked you a very simple question or two and you couldn't answer them.

If you don't see a problem with America's illegal immigrations, you are woefully and sadly uninformed.

And there already are millions and millions that have illegally entered in our country so you embarrass yourself with your "several hundred thousand" remark.

In addition, you made an absurd error in your OP re: 'immigration in general", I called you out on it, and you got all butt hurt.

Next time, don't assume what you don't know and try your best to answer a few simple questions. The fact you couldn't, should tell you why we have the problem here with this issue.

Its people just like yourself who want to bury their head and pretend there is no problem and worse, castigate the people who want to do something about it so the economy and entitlement programs don't come crashing down on the heads of the people who are here LEGALLY.

Now go take a bath or a steam or whatever the hell you do to calm yourself

Way beyond the comprehension of myopic Republican wing nuts

undocumented workers are those Republicans who can't afford to hire them to mow their lawns, care for their children, move furniture, paint or do home repairs, or work in their small businesses!   ;)

and don't destroy the country there will not be this influx of refugees.  

Most of them are from Libya (we bombed and created the mess), Syria west armed the rebels and bombed some areas.

Then those from Sub Sahara, pure economic migrants due to dictators and ethnic wars.

No comparison unless we bomb Mexico and Canada so Pat Buchanan is full of shit as usual.

Republicans now want to bomb Iran, send ground troops to Syria and Ukraine.

All this is way beyond your world view and ability to comprehend.

I think we ought to consider taking a break from immigration. Maybe for the next 10 years. Just reduce it to zero. Immigration is all fine and good, but it's better for it to be slow and steady instead of a giant surge. Most of our problems with immigration stems from the fact that Mexico is a shit hole ruled by drug cartels. You know how you stop illegal immigration in a very big way? Legalize marijuana in all 50 states. It'll kill the cartels and put them out of business.

nuguy46508 reads

---- immigration ? or illegal immigration?

as has been said often, a country without borders, soon ceases to exist as a country.

GaGambler534 reads

Not that I think that is a bad idea, much better than our current "war on drugs" which is actually a war on our own citizens.  

Immigration is not the problem, even illegal immigration wouldn't be such a problem except for the fact that illegals put a huge stress on social services, if we reserved ALL social services for US citizens only, that would solve the problem, but libs think that is "uncaring" of course they always want someone else to pay for it.

nuguy46463 reads

that's gets to help 'solving' the problem.......agree...limit social service payments to US citizens.
What right does a citizen from another country have to take citizens tax money for their welfare?

St. Croix531 reads

Are you a big fan of Social Security? The most significant social program ever enacted, and you want to take a break from immigration. How is SS funded? Have the demographics changed over time? Sorry willy, but taxing St. Croix a little more, lifting the income cap on GaGambler, increasing the retirement age probably won't pass, or even be enough if passed. The premise of the system is that existing workers pay FICA/OASDI taxes to support retirees. That ratio is now down to 2.9 to 1. Not enough.

We need more immigration willy, not less. Now taking a cue from Bill Gates who said, "we need to make exceptions for smart people", means a better balance between a college educated immigrants versus mattradd's Mexican gardener, babysitter, and house painter. The former WILL pay taxes through the W-2 system thereby funding SS, the latter, well that's the underground economy so good luck with that.  

We need both willy. We need a lot of them to save the program your Dems created 80 years ago. Plus they are the Dems future voters.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
I think we ought to consider taking a break from immigration. Maybe for the next 10 years. Just reduce it to zero. Immigration is all fine and good, but it's better for it to be slow and steady instead of a giant surge. Most of our problems with immigration stems from the fact that Mexico is a shit hole ruled by drug cartels. You know how you stop illegal immigration in a very big way? Legalize marijuana in all 50 states. It'll kill the cartels and put them out of business.

bigguy30720 reads

The white Americans do not want to lose majority in this country they stole from the Indians.
So does anybody think this would still be a issue if the Illegal immigration was still coming from Europe?
I think we all know the answer to that question.
Also all of us are Illegal here since the country and land was taken from the native Indians.  


Posted By: nuguy46
Pat Buchanan has excellent article today. While focused on Europe's problem of being invaded by astronomical numbers of refugees, it also points out relationship to US problems.  
 ...and Monday’s Washington Post had a front-page story on an “escalating rash of violent attacks against refugees” in Germany, including arson attacks on refugee centers and physical assaults.  
 Buried in the story was an astonishing statistic. Germany, which took in 174,000 asylum seekers last year, is on schedule to take in 500,000 this year. Bear in mind, Germany is smaller than Montana.  
 How long can a geographically limited and crowded German nation, already experiencing ugly racial conflict, take in half a million Third World people every year without tearing itself apart and changing the character of the nation forever?  
 Can you see the USA here?  
 As the article states, “The principle that America’s immigration laws should serve the interests of its own citizens” is paramount, said Sen. Sessions.  
 Sessions is right. America is our home. We decide who comes in and who does not, how large the American family becomes, whom we adopt and whence they come. It has become the issue of 2016.  
 Neither Repub or Dem leaders in Washington seem to give a damn!  

nuguy46543 reads

A country without borders, soon ceases to be a country.

bigguy30416 reads

So now they are acting like big babies and frauds.

Posted By: nuguy46
A country without borders, soon ceases to be a country.

followme546 reads

Who do you suggest that "SOMEONE" should have been?

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