Newbie - FAQ

New member can't post on the boards.
bad71camaro 49 Reviews 777 reads

Hi all ! I finally convinced a long time friend in the hobby to sign up.  

They are unable to post anything on the boards and get a red banner saying they don't have permission.  It's been so long since I have signed up I forgot if there is a waiting period or something? He already posted his first review.  

Thansk for any help.

I don't know what the "get you banned" reply is about.  
If you (or your friend) do NOT logged in, you can't post. I think the error message is a vanilla "You must be logged in to post a comment" and not a red banner "no permission" but I'm not going to try it now. Thus: make sure you (or he) is correctly logged in.
If he still has trouble, your friend can log in and send a message to Admin using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of almost every page. You need VIP status for FULL PM (private messaging) privs but BASIC membership gets basic PM which includes Admin messaging.
There are a couple of boards that require "membership" to post: Provider ONLY, Reviewer ONLY, ... Maybe that generated a "you don't have permission" error????
Have him make a test post to Newbie. If he can't post there, Contact Admin.
Also, make sure that your friend isn't drunk while posting ("PUI") and seeing pink elephants and red banners that aren't really there.

Posted By: bad71camaro

Hi all ! I finally convinced a long time friend in the hobby to sign up.  
 They are unable to post anything on the boards and get a red banner saying they don't have permission.  It's been so long since I have signed up I forgot if there is a waiting period or something? He already posted his first review.  
 Thansk for any help.
A real red banner:

I went to "More" --> "Reviewers Only" and tried to post ("Reviewers enter here") and I got a PINK box with the message:  
"This is a PRIVATE message board. Please contact the [email protected] to request access."
Was THAT the problem?
Stick to the regular boards: General, Newbie, etc..

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