Meet and Greet

About that Chicago Meet and Greet I usually have in April...
Kwasi 4286 reads

2020 Meet and Greets???  

Crazy year 2020.

Had to move to a new location on January 1st. Was really excited about that, much larger space for my Meet and Greets and other projects.

But then... I fell off a ladder on Jan. 18th, fracturing my left ankle and heel.  

I GOT SCREWED!!! And not the fun kind either!

11 screws and a metal plate were used to put my ankle/heel back together. I've been attending physical therapy lately, walking like a real old man until I retrain the leg/ankle etc to act normal lol - I'm getting there.

Then of course this coronavirus thing hit us all... hard!

Needless to say no large gatherings like I usually have in April...

...or May, probably not June, or July even.

Start thinking about a Halloween Costume for the earliest date to have a Meet and Greet? Let's hope the world will be somewhat normal by then but who knows. I figure lotsa nurse and doctor costumes with N95 masks as a common theme for a Halloween Party.

Until then... Everyone stay safe and be careful who you touch!!!

Kwasi367 reads

Mr Fisher!!!

Long time no talk. How you doing? Still come down to Chicago every now and then? Sorta lost touch with some mutual friends we had.

Kwasi -- we don't know each other as I'm in New York but having broken and sprained each ankle twice, on four separate occasions, I feel your pain and am cheering for your recovery.

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