Meet and Greet

A Little Late in saying it was great
ZGXDOG 16533 reads

Thank you for the party . it was fantastic.
I enjoyed meeting many of you guys.You all were very hospitable and made me feel comfortable and welcome as new guy.

I am sorry I missed polecat and MNNewbie and a few others, but I did get to meet alot of great guys

of course the ladies were fantastic.

balto , and others that i do not know about, put together one of the most fantastic parties i have ever been to in many years.

Unfortunately, I give the party a 98 out of hundred.

One point was taken off because the name tags did not stick. It would have been helpful to have every one's screen name on a tag and would have stopped the use of personal names.

One point was taken off because nobody bought me a drink.

This is just a finicky old man talking who really enjoyed the party .

and hopes he can attend the next one.



Embrace Reality16593 reads

Amazing! No one bought you a drink? The name tags didn't stick? How petty...... just like some people that post here. Don't become one of them.

ZGXDOG14978 reads

dont be so picky..

and try to become enlightened

They were cards for exchange of information.

99 out of a hundred ain't bad.

Wait, I don't drink! Let's just pretend that your last drink came from my tab.

Now that you've given a perfect score, I hope to see you again next time. :-)

heyyyy, i didnt get a name tag,
I kept saying, what?? when people told me their name, cuz I couldnt hear them over the music, mental note, cecilia, dont stand next to the speakers next party, lol

That must by why I didn't meet you.  I stayed away from the speakers since I was having such a hard time hearing already.  

And I didn't want to get too far from the bartenders. :)

My loss. :(

Yes, I askedserveral times that they turn it down,  they would but soon it was up again.  I do not understand,  when you are having a M&G, we want to talk and meet and greet new people,  can't do that when the music is loud.  BUT , Alas, I did get to meet the little lady above(Grin),  my good fortune.  

I planned for the Atl M & G to justhave soft music,  and kept it that way untill the last 30 minutes as it was time to adjourn(grin). Next Atl TER M&G will be in May or June.

Hopefully the music will be soft or non existant for the next Social in Atlanta in April.   See ya then,    Jimmy

hopes I get an invite to the atl meet and greet

You are invited to anything you wish if I have anything to say!!! You are a welcome addition to my memories.

First invite::  You are welcome into my arms at anytime you wish! (grin)  Jimmy

Will tehre be a meet and greet in April?

but it sounds like there will be one in late May.

ChrisDC20513977 reads

You had to find something to complain about. It was enough to just say great job, without saying something negative.

You only missed MBNewbie, because you rolled out within 30 seconds of him and I walking through the door.

Heez always drama14720 reads

Watch it, you might actually hit yourself in the process.  You're not finicky just negative.    

The MnG was wonderful.  I feel honored that I was invited.  

-- Modified on 3/24/2007 9:02:46 AM

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