
Not a good start to the morning
saberman21 66 Reviews 1764 reads

Hello Everyone,   Just want to vent & share an experience I had this morning.   This has never happened in my long career of being in the Rodeo.  I won’t   share her name as it may have been a rare one-time situation nor am I asking everyone to chime-in to  be mean,   as you are only getting one-side of the story.   However I feel I am  very fair, appreciative and an unbiases person in nature.  And I don’t  overblow stories.  
Yesterday I contacted someone on P411 that I saw 5 years ago,   I had also contacted this person  weeks before COVID took  hold  in 2020 , but never got a response back. ( no biggie) ,   we proceed to set up a meeting for this Thursday.    My text asked for “8am or earlier”,   she came back with 6:30am and a choice of any 4 locations( Wash DC, Annapolis, Baltimore or Columbia)  .   I said fine with 6:30am and narrowed location to 2 places of her choosing .   I assumed she picked 6:30am  because of other meetings she may have  as I was a short notice appointment.
She called and texted me  multiply time to make sure I are coming in the morning,  a mile out from the location  , I encountered a police road block that required a 3-4 minute detour,  which I informed her and got to the location 2 mins late. I texted for the  Room number, at which time she  calls me  to say she is 10 mins late getting there. ( no biggie) , then I get a text that she hit the same Road-Block.  She gets there 20 mins late and I can observe her standing out in front of the location  calling me to tell me she was here.  ( Note:  she was dropped off,  I assume by an  Uber driver as he was still there waiting with the passenger side window down).
We meet outside and she proceeded to tell me we needed  to go together to a  CVS and get a Bank Card, as her own Bank Card doesn’t have the funds to check-in.   At this time I have already postpone a morning breakfast from 8am to 8:30am.    I told her  I was not getting in the car with her and doing  this.  As it was, if I did , with the short drive to CVS, the purchase of the Bank Card with my money, drive back and check-in,  we are now looking at 7:25am as the earliest  best starting time with no more hiccups.   I had already altered my morning plans once  and she was hitting me with all this stuff and making me feel uncomfortable.
After a few minutes going back and forth in front of the location, with the driver idling in the car  adjacent to us with the window down, it was clear to her I was not going to get in the car with her and drive to CVS,  at which point,  she raised her tone and  started blaming me for all this.   Saying I was the one that wanted and requested a 6:30am , etc, etc etc. and that she booked the place exclusively for our meeting.     I point this out ,  as  nowhere along  the way  was I made aware that we would have to do this and I was  getting text messages/calls in the morning on my arrival status only to be surprised that she wasn’t even there and was going to be late ( without Detour) after  I texted her I was here.    Then to be hit with  going to buy a Bank Card with my money beforehand ( Her future "Time-Only" service fee from me).  
Odd experience that  did not end in a win-win for either side,   I am sure she occurred some expenses and wasted time,  but I also  got up early as well  , missed a “work-out class”  and still have minor Flushing effects from a ‘blue-pill”  I took to help me along.     Not to mention I was lingering in a parking lot for 50 mins waiting for my 8:30am breakfast meeting to start.    
There were 7 calls and 9 text messages  from her from start to finish  in coordinating this meeting.  On the first call, she asked for 50% deposit to  one of those many apps.    I declined as I have never used them.  Note:   nowhere on any of her Ads does she state that,  when I asked her,  she said he just starting doing this and has not posted it on her Ads.    Yet she posts from time to time on TER to remind us that she is around.    Certainly she could have mentioned the deposit  there without too much difficulty.  
I probably would not have reached out to her if I knew about a deposit and she would not have had to make this  exception which   lead to this bad experience in coordinating a meeting.    

So my question is:   Did I do the right thing to leave?   I feel a little bad about it,  but she was throwing a few curve-balls at me and failed to disclose  logistics and timing issues and that didn’t  sit well to begin a meeting like this.   Been doing this a long time and don’t need to raise my blood pressure with surprise uncertainties  that have never been the Norm in my experience.   ( now it’s a FIRST)  
By the way ,  she looks great.   I am aware her  pictures on her ad sites are at least 5 to 10 years old,  but none the less,  I looked forward to seeing her as my experience from 5 years ago was a memorable one that I was hoping to rekindle as she is a local gal .     Bummed this meeting didn’t happen and its likely we will never meet again as she is blaming me for this.    

Your experience seeing her being dropped off by Uber was similar to a recent one of mine.  What professional shows up at 6:30 AM and expects to get a hotel room for a 6:30 appointment?  Bad start to the day for you all around.

As far a deposits go, I have asked TER on the "Suggestions" Board to include whether or not deposits are required in the provider's profile under "General Information" to assist those of us who don't do deposits.

Wishing you better luck next time!

and both feel like you lost opportunity cost. Big fucking deal.

I think you both are being ridiculous about this... relationships matter the most. Be the bigger person and call to apologize. Determine if anyone incurred any ACTUAL financial loss (fuck the opportunity cost crap) and split it. You both screwed up (her for being late and unprepared with enough cash to book; you for trying to "squeeze in" an appt without allowing enough time for "life to happen").

Stop treating this like a zero-sum argument between wannabe lawyers and put the relationship with people first. Make everyone as whole as possible.


I 100% agree with you  that relationships matter.   After my breakfast meeting and about an one of settling down,  I texted her a short message to say I was bummed this happened  etc etc.    No response to date.  I was hoping  to start a communication line either by cell or text  that morning and maybe have a redo for later that afternoon and then  maybe have a good laugh about it together talking and learning  from  each others prospective on the issue between our  MSOG session break.      

Since I have seen her many years ago,  I knew she was legit ,  but before I could offer $50 for the Uber drive ,  I was caught off guard with her change in tone and blaming me for everything.    I  know it  takes "two to tangle"   darn near 90% of the time.  

To date:  I have done  very few Amazon Card Deposits  when the "little guy"  wins the debate  and yes,    TER   should have something to the effect on deposits, as it has come up before with other providers.      Sorry for the loooong winded Post  above and thanks for the  two responses.  

You were getting robbed or worse if you got in that car

Y’all are funny worried about relationships with folks that commit crimes for a little bit of money

He was right to walk away never ignore red flags and for the record p411 won't let me join but look at the trash they do have on there

Trash is what they tend to not allow to join. At least trash that trashes other providers as you can’t help but do.

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