Legal Corner

Owing to TER's policy against outing clients, I can not post the article but...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 3591 reads

a certain NFL team owner who got busted leaving an AMP almost a year ago is getting the screws tightened on him as the prosecutors are threatening to raise the charges to a felony instead of misdemeanors as they currently are.

Sounds like an act of desperation on the part of LE as the defendant's legal team has so far very successfully challenged the use of the video of his actions, without which the state doesn't have much of a case.

Even if the evidence is allowed and the case comes to trial, I doubt a jury will find guilt to felony charges which will leave the defendant exonerated, which would be quite a defeat for the state.

Stay tuned.

You should be able to find the article with just a modicum of search words.

Posted By: mrfisher
a certain NFL team owner who got busted leaving an AMP almost a year ago is getting the screws tightened on him as the prosecutors are threatening to raise the charges to a felony instead of misdemeanors as they currently are.
I guess you are trying to be krafty with your post to avoid angering TER, but hasn't this billionaire NFL team owner been named repeatedly in many TER posts?  He is, after all, very much a public figure.  
Maybe the Florida prosecutors are Miami Dophins fans (or bettors) looking for revenge (for the 43-0 drubbing in September) or trying to get into the heads of the opposing players before the big game on Sunday, 12/29/2019. Note to Florida LE: the owner does not actually play in the game.

I do know that in the past when certain very public figures' names were in the news, those post would be taken down like greased lightning so I am very careful to avoid that trap.

My guess is that the move by the Florida DAs probably added 7 points to this week's over/under.

GaGambler258 reads

and amazingly enough, it was actually funny. lol

As for Kraft, I agree with fish that NO FUCKING WAY does any jury not made completely made up of Dolphin fans finds him guilty of a FELONY on the feeble charge of getting a rub and tug on two successive days. If that were the threshold for a felony I would be facing somewhere around five hundred centuries in prison. lol

I also agree with the cranky old jew that NO FUCKING WAY does Kraft cave and take a plea. Any type of conviction at all, even a misdemeanor would end up costing him millions, most likely hundreds of millions, and most likely loss of control of his team.  

Personally I wish more billionaires with high public profiles would get busted, perhaps LE would stop with all this overreach if they were embarrassed publicly more often like this. My other hope is that after Kraft is done with the heavy lifting here, one (or all) of the other guys scooped up in this anti human trafficking farce gets his own ambulance chaser and sues the county, the prosecutor and every one else responsible for this travesty for millions, (and their jobs) for trampling on their rights this way.

Posted By: GaGambler
Personally I wish more billionaires with high public profiles would get busted,
At least one other Boston Based Billionaire was busted in the same sting as the currently unnamed billionaire owner of the NFL team.  That guy isn't as newsworthy as the NFL guy so we don't get the microanalysis of every legal filing or maneuver.  
The multi-millionaire former governor of New York State, aka Client 9, got caught up in a prostitution scandal. He was also a former DA and knew the legal system. I think that HE should have challenged the laws that tripped him up but he chickened out.

My guess is someone needed some big headlines and this was a cheap way to get some. It will blow over. Certainly the object of their screw-tightening did pretty well by hanging tough and I have no doubt he'll continue that course. He knows any admission of guilt would result in stern action by the league. So he has more to lose than most from a guilty plea.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Sounds really stupid to me, considering the prosecutors have lost in court. My guess is someone needed some big headlines and this was a cheap way to get some. It will blow over. Certainly the object of their screw-tightening did pretty well by hanging tough and I have no doubt he'll continue that course. He knows any admission of guilt would result in stern action by the league. So he has more to lose than most from a guilty plea.
The NFL owners, with their votes, can do whatever they want, regardless of any laws, violations, convictions, acquittals, etc., ... even if just for appearances sake. However, I don't think the NFL will do anything until the entire case has been fully adjudicated, appeals and all, in order to avoid prejudicing the legal system.  
Now that TER is back, I hope that he will be able to make better choices about where to spend his R&R dollars and time.  Or, as was pointed out a year ago, these billionaires can just hop on their private jets and fly to places where all of "this" is LEGAL.  An NFL owner can even write off part of the trip as a business expense to scope out talent in foreign countries. "I'm headed to Europe to scope out the talent. You know how to reach me." "Smart move, boss! Some of those soccer players could be good in the NFL." "Soccer players ... yeah, them too. Thanks for the suggestion."

It's a common DA tactic to threaten more severe charges as a way to induce plea bargaining guilty plea to a lesser charge.

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