Legal Corner

Nerves are starting to spoil this for me...anyone similar?
RomanticWarrior 3821 reads

Maybe its my age (65)
The whole LE cloud really gets to me. Maybe I read the papers too much, but  in last few years am getting really nervous before appointments. Always looking over my shoulder. Carefree younger days are now super anxious old ones.  

Why does LE hassle or care about private matters between consenting adults who are happy to be together? This is a precious gift for so many guys, especially oddballs  like me with a speech impediment, who never even had a girlfriend in college, who have been turned off like faucets their entire lives. To me, these gals are the saints who move me out of loserville for a few days. Fascinating, beautiful women, who have made their way in this world, who are nice to me and give me the time of day.  

I’m stupid, I know, and its just me and my nerves.  If you see  well reviewed indy providers, then the riskiest thing is the drive to the appointment.  I’m in Boston area, a great place for hobbying too. Anyone else like me, lets at least share some thoughts, maybe it will help some of us…thank you!

But as to your concern, it's probably over-blown.

Stick to some regulars whom you trust and you should be just fine.

What exactly about the drive to your appointment is risky?

RomanticWarrior376 reads

Hi, I mean that the super small chance of a car accident is the riskiest thing about the whole visit! Meant it as a joke, but its very true,  Just have to wrap my stupid head around the fact...thank you for the reply!!

I don't usually give medical advice but it sounds like you need some.  
Disclaimer: Just as mrfisher is "still not a lawyer, I am still not a doctor.

RomanticWarrior358 reads

Hi Inicky, thanks so much for the advice! I stay away from all meds, so didnt even think of it, but some Xanax could be perfect, as I would just use it occasionally.  
Fortunately am seeing my doc anyway next week for regular check up, will ask him.  I will post the results, maybe it will help other (silly, stupid) nervous nellies like me.  
Take care, and thanks again!!

I was a nervous wreck when coming to appointments back in my 20's; I first started at 22.  You know, always looking over my shoulder, taking a detour whenever seeing a Crown Vic behind me (even when it's a taxi), and nearly shaking when knocking on her door.  The poor girl had to spend the first 10 minutes calming me down.  It got slightly easier when I figured out that it was less nerve-racking to take a train than to drive.  

Getting older aged the anxiety out of me.  In the last few years, I just act resolute and determined.  I just ride the train downtown, walk to the incall building, and knock on her door, like I'm meeting a Tinder date; if need be, I quickly find a discreet place to wait.  I even walked past LE on foot patrol within a block of the hotel without a trace of nervousness, ignoring them like they're a streetlight or a mailbox.  The only thing I do differently now is going to incalls strictly by public transit, because car impounding.  I get a mind case of nerves as I'm going up to her door, but it's nothing compared to how I felt 10 years ago.

After severe jitters seeing my first few professionals, it has gradually become the case that those apprehensions while traveling to meet her arouse me -- the association with pleasure has been strong.

RomanticWarrior359 reads

Wow, fantastic. Like a mental Jiu-jitsu,  turn the power of the enemy to your advantage. Question: How the hell did you do it? Sounds like a subconscious sleep on it  trick, or even hypnosis.  

Thanks for the tip, its much appreciated. And isnt it so ridiculous that we even have to worry, oh well....take care..

... other than to continue making appointments and finding intense pleasure once I arrived at those appointments.   The association, between the jittery text message to ask for a time, the jittery drive to a meeting, the jittery wondering how she'd look and act, and the pleasures that ensued, got made by built-in mechanisms that we all share.  
Sometimes it's nice to be human!  

RomanticWarrior336 reads

You are a genius my man, thanks for the inspiration.   Are you a psychologist? If not, you should be!  Right now I have that flip in my head, it will happen...take care!!

IMO, LE concerns are WAY overblown. Greater chance of getting hit by the bus on way to provider than LE catching you.  

Problem is most folks watch too much TV which is where these silly stereotypes comes from.  In TV Johns and providers are all seedy characters. Is that you? I rest my case..

I don't worry much about LE but there are lots of other things that can get you busted with your SO that play on my nerves. You could get in an accident on the way to your rendezvous or get a traffic ticket or your car could break down and then you would have to come up with an explanation for why you were where you weren't supposed to be. That never happened to me but one time somebody told my wife she saw me somewhere and wondered what I was doing there. In that case I was actually innocent and it was a case of mistaken identity but it makes you think about the possibilities when parking outside a hotel and walking inside. Probably a good idea to wear sunglasses.  

I hobby very little but I would probably do it a lot more if it weren't for these things in addition to feeling like an asshole for doing it.

Posted By: hljockey
think about the possibilities when parking outside a hotel and walking inside. Probably a good idea to wear sunglasses.
Cue mrfisher. He tells the story of when he parked his very recognizable car right outside a hotel and the rest is history!

This did indeed happen, and was by far the most serious situation I faced, but there were others.

For example, an aunt of mine mentioned at a family party that she saw me in the lobby of a local hotel in her city.   I responded that I had a business meeting at the hotel.   It pays to be able to think fast and not show an internal distress.

Considering all the opportunities for something to go wrong over the past 40 years of lobbying, I've probably been fortunate not to get busted more often.

This is not a hobby for the faint hearted, that's for sure.

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