Legal Corner

Violence/Threats against clientsangry_smile
mlo36 1 Reviews 2217 reads

Hi everyone. I am a client in the US and actually ran into situation I was entirely unprepared for and shocked by. I saw an ad for an escort through and decided to contact the escort through mobile. "She" promptly messaged me saying she was able to see me at my suggested time.  

When I arrived, it was NOT the person in the pics. Like, at all. When I asked where the woman in the post was, she told me she was not there. I decided to decline the meetup and the woman got AGGRESSIVE. She blocked off the doorway and demanded I pay a cancellation fee. I decided to say no to that as well. She then proceeded to assault me with blows to the body and head. Not to knock on any female of this description but it was a taller and heavier female in comparison to me. I managed to leave and was followed by her yelling and saying she was calling the cops.

I wanted to stay and state my case if she did call officers (the assault case) but I feared for my skin legaly speaking. I ended up just leaving.

Has this ever happened to anyone? Any advice if I did decide to plead my case with the police?

Thank you in advance. I am still irate about this.

GaGambler342 reads


Sometimes you just need to take the loss, (your dignity if nothing else) and move on. Hitting a woman is almost never a good idea, calling the cops is worse, pretty much all you can is walk away with your money firmly in your pocket with a resolve to make sure the next provider you see is "well reviewed"

Please remember a woman who gets physical with you in this manner is almost certainly accustomed to getting her ass beat from time to time. She won't mind taking an ass beating in order to call the cops on you for assault, for her it's an occupational hazard and one she is used to.  Do you really want to roll around in the mud with her? NOTHING good can come from it. The best thing you can do is write a review of the encounter and hopefully keep the rest of the community from going through the same thing.

I know it's not going to make you feel a lot better, but you did the right thing. It's easy to play tough guy on the internet as to tell you "I would have done this or that" but in reality there wasn't much else you could do.

that there are some guys (I'm not one, mind you) that would pay good money just for that kind of treatment.

It's a crazy world, as one fav of mine used to always say.

I'm sure this was a learning experience for you.  Just my 2-bits worth--in future I would strongly suggest you first try to do your homework as best you can with these websites, including trying to vet them right here on TER.  Also checking a potential Provider's reviews on TER.  There are also screening websites such as P411.  Best wishes on your next venture.

Early on in my hobby experience, pre internet, contacted a provider through an ad in a local paper. Had used other ads there with mixed results.  

Showed up at the hotel, it was the typical open the door while standing behind it. As she’s closing the door I start to see she was late 20’s or early 30’s but had that aged and very thin look of someone using drugs for years and she was not attractive.  

I back-up and go to catch the door before it closes and she uses all of her weight to slam the door on my hand. Said since I came I owe her the money, think it was 100 for an hr? (I said years ago….) I able to pull her off the door and throw her into the room (think she fell), open the door and exit. She comes into the hallway and starts yelling rape, but by this time I’m at the stairs and exit the hotel seconds later.

Luckily a few weeks later found an apartment (non-Asian) that rotated mostly decent looking women.

First of all, just like the Escort have to make sure that they are getting the right person in every way.........So, do the Hobbyists (Clients).  When you are setting up a "DATE" with an escort. The client should ask the proper questions. Such as "Am I definitely getting the woman in the AD?!"  And if they say "No."

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