60 and Over

OCD, I think I may have it...and does it get worse with age?
Hpygolky 205 Reviews 2797 reads

Ok, the other day I was talking to a young lady about a meet up in Vegas. She commented something to the affect of, you always set the right tone, it's like you have OCD. I ask why she would say that, and she joked that if one candle on a nightstand isn't lit the same as the other candle on the other nightstand, I would freak out....I told she was full of caca and we left it at that. But it got me thinking, this isn't the first I've heard something like that before. Quite a few have told me something similar.  The way I see it I try to set the right ambiance so everyone is comfortable, after all we're partying the whole night so maybe I'm over do it?. (This isn't a one, two hour gig here)  
But I lookup the "signs" and there's a few that fit me so maybe..... I dunno

Posted By: hpygolky
But I lookup the "signs" and there's a few that fit me so maybe..... I dunno
How many times have you gone back to read and reread the OCD website?

a psychiatrist told me "If it wasn't for people with OCD, we would never have landed on the moon."

If you find yourself visiting a provider, putting on a hat and while balls deep pulling out, and checking that you have a condom on, restarting in the same position, and then pulling out again, and re-checking that you have a condom on - you may have OCD. Or just anxious about STDs. Or if you are over 70 it may just be some form of dementia.

Was the sex good? If so, I'd chill.

It has become increasingly and incrementally more intense over time, and I have found that individual instances of satisfying the urge do not cause it to dissipate in any way.  

I'm not worried about it one bit.

Desired sex with UNWILLING women.  Maybe its because they were 20 and I was 12.  Fast-forward 50 years, and now I desire sex with willing women, but to get he hot ones, I have to pay.  

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