60 and Over

Ejaculate Volume
pdef1949 14 Reviews 8649 reads

Now that I am older, I find that the volume of my ejaculate has decreased....orgasms still happen but the volume of cum is quite a bit less than ten years ago.

I've seen many ads for this formula or that formula that promises to build up volume but do any of them actually work?

I'm generally highly skeptical of these products. Nevertheless, years ago, I briefly tried a product to increase volume.  It was Semenax or Semenmax... something like that. It was worthless. If you decide to try a product, kindly give us a review.

I upped my intake of water starting about 10 years ago to a quart a day, and I did notice some improvement, but over the years the volume has constantly declined.

Absent some new miracle cure, I fear it is just a function of age for the volume to fall off.

Good hydration also helps renal function, respiratory function, skin tone, etc. Stay hydrated my friends.

to a lot of health issues.  When I used to be a competitive weightlifter, I started drinking about a gallon and a half of fluids a day, and I only lowered when I retired to about a gallon a day.  I only count clear fluids like water and tea for purposes of hydration, and since alcohol adversely affects hydration, I don't count that at all.  I can't drink coffee without a little whisky in it, so it doesn't count at all.  Its a push.  Lol   The only downside to this much fluids is that I can't make it though the night without getting up after 4 hours to piss, and I'm only 62.

rochmn270 reads

Talk about pissing. I take water pills to avoid swelling of feet. Works wonders, but I piss all day long.

I'm ok with that. Part of getting old.  
I also have a somewhat enlarged prostate and that might have something to do with it  
Hydration is important, as mentioned.

are often a culprit in low ejaculation.  From experience, if you are on some variation of  Flomax and Proscar for BPH, you can expect lower ejaculate.  It doesn't have an effect on orgasm, but it's a little discouraging.  

I'm on Flomax, and my Doc told me ahead of time about lower amount of ejaculate.  He was right, but it doesn't affect the pleasurable feeling for me, in fact,  my orgasms got more intense.  

I do miss the days of my youth when girlfriend gave me a handjob and I shot all they way up to my chin, LOL.  

How about hitting the headboard of the bed?

Half a century ago.

The wall behind my headboard suffered serious hits. Checking that wall with a black light would have been an eye opener.

I did that with one regular provider I was seeing about 8 years ago. Her HJ s were the best and one night I did hit the heardboard behind me.  Sadly, she stopped visiting my area about six months later,even though she has once lived here and talked bout moving back nearby. That didn't happen, as she moved far down south.

That is one of the well-known side effects of FLo-Max, decreased ejaculate and even decreased sexual appetite. That's why I quit taking it after three months. I am managing to get along without it.

Flomax is a big boner and semen volume  killer! That`s why I stopped taking it. When I was on it I could pee like a college kid after drinking a 12 pack. Life`s a trade off :/

I stopped FloMax for several reasons....one was possible low libido but more importantly, FloMax works by relaxing muscles around the prostate. This may encourage more prostate growth, making the problem worse. If the prostate grows too large, it must be reduced by surgery. NO thank you, I'll just do what I can to pee when I have to.

Something I did find is that once I ejaculate, the pee flows easily because the prostate shrinks after ejaculation. NO sex partner? Then masturbate....it's said to be good for sexual health anyway.

My neighbors used to complain about the volume of my orgasms. So I turned it down.  
Things are much quieter now, but the intensity is still there.

All of the above have at least some positive impact on increased ejaculate volume, in my experience. It’s been found that testosterone levels decrease if you are getting less than 7 hours of sleep per day. Though when I was younger, lack of sleep had far less impact that it does since I hit 60.

In addition, I also have a chocolate maca shake (I use black maca - note: freshness counts) at least every other day.to keep my energy up and boost ejaculate volume.

-- Modified on 5/10/2021 10:50:09 AM

Other than black maca, water, rest (as well as the list of things which help reduce cortisol), the usual list of supplements like ginseng, zinc and so on there is another possible way to boost semen volume that I have heard of.  

I can’t speak from experience and I can’t find any actual test data to confirm. But there are more than a few good reports out there for rye pollen. It is one of the supplements that is alleged to reduce prostate size. Most of the others, though, just improve urine flow. As far as I’ve been able to determine, rye pollen is the only that is reported to increase semen volume as well.  

For those suffering from reduced semen volume due to prostate issues, rye pollen seems to be at least worth a try.

If you try it, let us know if and how it works for you.

My volume is still great. I'm 67.
I can produce 2 loads in 2hrs, with the first one greater than the second.
My problem is getting hard enough to deliver the loads in the preferred places, even with ED meds.
I agree hydration is an important factor to pay attention to

Actually, I won’t be 60 for several months. I’m a one cup guy but that one cup is usually quite large.  
I took my first 0.4mg dose of FLOMAX last Monday. On Thursday I had an orgasm in which my ejaculaion was precisely ZERO!!
I did research and found that this is a side effect of FLOMAX. (I was not warned of this side effect.)
I called my urologist the next day. He did not seem very concerned but agreed to change my medicine to Cialis (which treats BPH as well as ED).
On Saturday I experienced another (almost) completely dry orgasm.  
My question: can any of you who have discontinued FLOMAX tell me when and if your ejaculations returned to their original volume? I don’t want to think that only four doses of FLOMAX will have left me permanently dry.  
Any response is greatly appreciated.

Well, like I said, I replaced Flomax with Cialis after only four days when I experienced the terrible side effect of loss of ejaculation.  
A week later I met with a provider and delivered her my usual large load.  
If you have ED and BPH I suggest you ask for Cialis rather than Flomax!

Why would a dry orgasm be of concern?  Seems like all the fun without the mess.

If you are on Proscar and/or Flomax (or generic for either) you are going to experience ejaculatory retrograde. "That's the way it is," to quote Walter Cronkite.  No amount of hydration or internet medication will reverse it.  

I read back in the 1990's that the Male Porn Star Peter North  said he used Ginseng because of it's Aphrodisiac effects and he had legendary cum shots. He had such a tough job! I read (and it's true) that Celery can increase semen volume. I like it with Celery Salt. I eat Celery alot and you can also mix it in a vegetable juice drink. Also Walnuts are suppose to work.

-- Modified on 7/6/2021 5:52:53 PM

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