Review: TS River Stark

TER ID: 301069

Posted: March, 2017 by BI4FUNFUN

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Wow.... I know you don't want to hear this but this is the third time that I've started this review. I just lost everything that I have written. Well they do say that the third time is a charm.

Happy Friday everyone! Well I hope you are having a happy Friday! I know that I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face! That smile is the reason why I'm here today writing a review! Let me start out by saying that this is not something I do very often but the opportunity came about to cross something off of my bucket list and I jumped at the chance!! Last night I got to meet the beautiful, confident, and sexy Adult Film Star/Producer/Director River Stark! Her photos do not do her justice!! I mean that her photos are very very accurate but so much is lost in translation. When you meet her you will understand. The confidence, beauty, and aura of presence are just not represented well in any media, and will leave you wondering how you got so lucky! I would have to say that I'm maybe a little 'star struck' and I am a fan of her work, but please understand that I am a harsh critic and this review isn't just a fluff piece! he he.. he he.. well there might be a little fluff... ohhh.. I just put something else on my bucket list..... I'd love the opportunity to be her personal 'fluffer' at a shoot! But enough of that.... let me get back to the task of this review. I have to be honest. I was actually kind of apprehensive at first. I mean... Nashville usually isn't a destination for Porn Stars. Is this really River Stark? I had to find out! I actually got in touch with her using NiteFlirt. She had mentioned on her Twitter page that she was taking calls and I decided to use that service to get in touch with her. When I got her on the phone it sounded like her. Well as far as I could tell from what I've watched and heard in her movies. I took the plunge and I'm happy I did. We agreed to a 2 hr appointment on the day she was to arrive in town. She told me that she would be traveling that day and would probably be available at 7 pm. She texted me the day of to confirm. Nice touch that! I really appreciated the consideration and communication. I got to her hotel, knocked on her door, and when she answered in acknowledgement all of my concerns and doubts were dispersed! The door opened and there was River Stark! I really didn't know what to expect... honestly. and I'm going to get a little 'millennial' here... but... O..... M.... G! Whatever it was that I was expecting... this wasn't it! This was so much more!!! She was beautiful! If I had met this person on the street and didn't know anything about her I would immediately want to get to know her! Well she invited me into the room and I was surprised that she didn't trip over my chin ... because it was on the floor!!! God.. I felt like a 16 yr old showing up to his first date with the hottest girl in school! Let me just say before I get into the Juicy Details that if you get the chance to meet River, you would be a fool to pass it up! And now on to the Juicy Details!

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