
Brazil Tourism
jamesbinger 7 Reviews 950 reads

I’d love to take a trip to Brazil and experience the local culture. The sites I found are a who’s who of top talent, and everyone else is a dime too. Has anyone ever booked a trip down there? Any pointers or itineraries?

Been there many times, some of the hottest chicks on the planet. Fly direct to Rio via United or thru Panama on Copa Airlines. San Paulo is a super crowed city. Alway be low profile no watches or jewelry and mot muck cash on your person. Play during the day wolves are out at night

While I haven't taken the same airlines, Sao Paulo is amazing and so is Rio De Janeiro. Stay in the busier crowded tourist areas don't get too far off the beaten path. Don't dress flashy or wear expensive shoes, blingy watches, jewlery, sunglasses, don't carry more cash than needed. Learn a bit of Portuguese (not Spanish) before you go 10-20 common phrases. Learn to use a translator app before you go that can speak and translate live. I think Brazil has the highest concentration of trans porn-stars who escort and smokin' hot hung girls who escort but are not in porn. Find their Twitter or Instagram pages to get more precise info on them.  

A bit more risky was a trip I took to Columbia both Medellin and Bogota, they speak Spanish there. Brazil is much safer but if you stay in the middle of town in either town in Columbia you'll be fine. Same guidelines; don't dress loud, flashy, blingy etc. In Brazil the girls are commonly 7-8" sometimes more. I found less overall girls in Columbia, but the girls were easily 8-9" and often more. Be careful and have fun out there!  

I'll try not to repeat to much of what I already have on the website.  
I've been to a big part of South America.  Brazil really ranks up there with the best of them!  Thought it is kind of expensive, but mainly at Rio de Janeiro!  I use and to find the sweet T-ladies.  
This is supposedly from somewhere around Sao Paulo;  

2. I spent some months there, but did not see that place.  Though I wish I had!  There is a street in the eastern part of Sao Paulo that has beauty Queens on every corner and maybe 2 miles long, at night.  You could call it a big "Candy Store"!  I actually found the most beautiful to be on the north end, though she didn't seem too interested in me, in a polite way.  The only T-lady I found there that speaks english, is Miss Hilda Brasil.  She was a very beautiful and helpful sweetheart!

3. There is a very nice and economical hotel in Villa Olympia, that each room has a kitchen and clothes washing machine.  Up in maybe the middle of the city, there is an apartment building that seems to have a lot of the T-ladies living there.  I check for flights and hotels, but some times you can do better.  If a price seems too good, check out reviews / reports on the company.  When checking your luggage in at the airport, take pictures of the luggage, the label and the airline luggage tag.  That saved me a lot when my luggage got lost!  Some phones and other things can be band.  Some of that can be due to fire hazards, from the batteries.

4. Try to learn the Language, "Portuguese".  That can make things SO MUCH BETTER!!!   There is a company around NYC that makes phones and translators for travel.  And NOT every hotel in Sao Paulo, has someone who can speak english.  They matched my PassPort to my reservation.  The Villa Olympia hotel had good english speakers.  And before going, look up the info on the Embassy.  Like if there's any problems happening there.  And bring along more than one bank card, and write down the info from them.  One time I lost a card at the Miami airport.  They told me to take the "plastic" and "paper" out, before going through the "metal" detector.  To use my card, I had to go by memory.  Their "Lost & Found" is non-existent.    

5. Also carrying a language dictionary book and a translator that you can talk into!  There are phone apps for that.  What I did in those countries to set up a date with a beauty Queen, was to type in the words on the computer and translate it, then put the phone to the computer speaker so they can hear what's being said.  Then they send their address to you.  One time in the country of Argentina, some cops gave me a ride in the cop car, to help me get to the place.  Before going to the country, look up the "Dos and Don'ts".  YouTube can help with that.

6. I am figuring on getting another Passport and flying to Germany.  The reason for Germany is that I can fly "Space-A' to there.  From there I can travel by train to other parts of Europe.  Eastern Europe seems cheaper.  Though South America and some parts of Asia seem cheaper.  A really good source of general info is and I think that covers about everywhere in the world!  There is some other T-Lady websites, but you may need to translate it, and the translations can be inaccurate.   About taxis, have the address wrote down and check to see which ride service to use.  There's been some bad stories about that, in different countries!  In Britain I took a train from the airport to London.  I also took a bus from Europe to London.  

7. Also, check your shot record to see if you got the required shots.  One time I got denied a flight, NOT because I didn't have all the shots, but because I didn't get the Yellow Fever shot SOON ENOUGH!  So what I had to do, was change the flight from Manaus to Rio de Janeiro.  They said to get the shots a minimum or 3 weeks before traveling, but check with your Doc on that!  I got the shot in Ecuador, 1 week before the flight.  You may also want to check into Malaria pills, like Doxycycline.  And remember that those countries run on 240 volt electricity.  Most laptop computers can run on 120 and 240 volt.  The major hotels usually have the electric plug adaptors, but it's good to bring your own.  You may need to check to see if you need a transformer.  

8. In Brazil, they spell it Brasil.  So when doing searches, you can try both words.  And a T-Lady can be Boneca or Travesti, or transsexual'.  
Here's for a "Brasil" search;  
Also, check the dates to see how recent the info is.  You will find my name on some of the articles.  You can also type in my user name in the "Author" space.  I did find some sweet T-ladies closer in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.  Most of the tropics seem to have their monsoon season in the Fall, September - December.

You can try typing in other countries or cities.  If anyone knows where that place is at, in the Xhamster video, please let us know!  Okay now, do the "search" on here and you should get a lot of your questions answerd!
If any questions or corrections, please let me know!   Please let us know how your trip goes!  Always remember to save what you're typing, unless TER has fixed the "Timing out" problem.  

Sorry about being so long on this!  Hope this helped!   And Merry Christmas to you all!  As some would say, the beauty Queens could be your Christmas gift!  Though that would be the gift I'd want to unwrap!!  

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