The Erotic Highway

Yes, there are new, sexy signs of life on The Erotic Highway!regular_smile
Love Goddess 27281 reads

Do you have a lust for life, but are lost on the Erotic Highway? Are you
running at full speed but don't know what sexy offramp to take? Well, wonder
no more. The Love Goddess is here with her extra special GPS road map of The
Erotic Highway - Great, Positive, and very Sexual. I will point you in the
most sensual direction, no matter what your issue might be. The Love Goddess
is a licensed sex therapist with a very, very erotic streak...and a deep
knowledge of huMANly nature. So post your questions! The answers will
inform, titillate and inspire you to head straight down the Erotic Highway!

It's always the Journey, not the Destination,
From Love Goddess to YOU!

-- Modified on 5/18/2006 8:45:55 PM

davve5019651 reads

Yes.I am 55 and noticed that  I have lost an inch of length from my penis...and my balls are shrinking..I am a heavy coffee , MT.Dew drinker and a smoker.. I have seen there penis enlargement pills and other stuff..My question is there any excercises for the penis to get length an girth back??I do mastubate a few times a week and have sex couple times a week..Any Ideas since you are a sex therapist...

Love Goddess19654 reads

Dear Davve50,
I can understand your concern, but my Sweetie Pie, what ARE you doing home measuring your penis? Or is the woman you're with measuring it? If so, banish her and get another one! Because really, it's not the inch, it's the pinch! Or rather, it's all about how you use what you have. First of all: are you sure you're with a woman you really groove on? Anyone can become a shrinker in the face of someone who makes us shrivel, both physically and emotionally. Is she rocking your boat? If not...find someone else.
Yes, I'm being really tough love here, I suppose, but if it's better sex you're after, then TER is full of willing women ready and able to help you feel wonderful. On the other hand, if you feel you have a medical problem but your sex drive is alive and kicking, then you'll need to see a urologist. No, there are no specific exercises to lengthen the penis. and forget about enlargement pills. There are no scientific studies validating such potions. And, the longitudinal studies following surgically enlarged patients show that in many cases, the outcome was not satisfactory.

I would suggest the following regimen:
1. Slow down the MT Dew and coffee, just to see if it makes you feel different.
2. Try to cut down your smoking. As you may know, smoking restricts blood flow to the penis and it could actually impede your hard on - which could make you feel as if your penis shrunk an inch.
3. Check your feelings between you and the woma/e/n you have sex with. If things have turned stale or predictable, you could shrink emotionally and physically from such experiences.

4. Your balls are shrinking? Usually, balls shrink when cold. It is highly improbable for testicular mass to shrink at your age (or ever, actually.) Again, I'm not a urologist, so you'll need to check up on it. If you're not getting enough blood flow down there, the doc may prescribe Viagra or the like.

My biggest concern is that you're experiencing anxiety, focusing on a physical aspect, and not having enough fun when having sex and that you need to break your patterns in order to discover your animal instinct and the urge to really FUCK. If that's absent, it's very easy to focus on details like size. Personally, I've always liked them smaller and more manageable, so I get off on the ones you can play with for a looong time without getting too sore. There are many of us out there, so maybe half the fun will be trying out different little boxes who will suck up your lollipop, no matter the size. Let me know how you're doing!

Big kiss from
the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 5/18/2006 8:46:26 PM

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