The Erotic Highway

New to SugarDaddy
FILOSOFEM91 472 reads

hey guys - new to the site and I wanted to get some pointers/tips from anyone and everyone, please!
What I'm looking for is what we're all looking for: some companionship, yes, but on my terms. Give me what you got!

But you can rent it.  As they say.
You can get pretty much anything you want if you are willing to pay for it.  But I assume like most guys, you are looking to get the best bang for your buck.  So there are compromises all around.
If by "companionship" you mean repeat with a regular, that's probably what most SB's are looking for.  I try to be ethical and not lie about intentions of promising long term arrangements.  But if long term is something you are open to, I would definitely  use that as a selling point.
That said, avoid paying too much in advance.  Better to pay in installments per meet, even if you aren't explicitly paying per meet.  Giving chicks a wad of cash in advance is just asking for procrastination, unavailability, poor performance, etc.  It's just a bad way to reward behavior.

You’re not being very specific. There are lots of different kinds of arrangements and sugar, relationships and you need to define more of what you’re seeking. One thing would be to head over to the Reddit sugar, lifestyle, forum, avoid the similar sounding ones. But if you post on there, they will tell you what a lot of folks here will say: read the post history for several months, the same questions keep getting asked and answered.

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