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Should Veterans/Active Military Receive Discounts Survey
Hossman 1 Reviews 4589 reads

I know I need to get a life but I am in an "Hurry Up and Wait" status with military. I have served my country for over four years in active status-Infantry and Combat Engineer (Southeast Asia) got out, came back in (active in Desert Storm-Middle East) and have served in reserves more years than most of the providers are old!!  I think I have underwear as old as some of the providers.
Should veterans who served their country receive some type of discount? If so, how much compared to say someone that is serving their country now.  Pay in the military has increased but not that much compared to most jobs.  So, IMHO, active reservists like myself should get at least a half-hour longer than the average john who has not served.  
What do the providers think?  What do the clients think?

ZedEx3783 reads

So where does it end?  Firefighters, policemen, etc. also contribute what are often overlooked and underappreciated services to our country.  Should they get a discount too?

I am not dismissing your service to this country but I can imagine there are many guys who feel they "deserve" some sort of discount.  Hey, how about a senior citizens discount?  Or a persons with dissabilities discount?

I'm sure there are some individual providers who may go along, but I doubt you'll see any kind of "across the board" discounts.

And BTW, there is no such thing as an "average john".

2k1, I agree with one exception.  Active duty military personnel (especially the enlisted) make far less money than either firefighters or police, and a discount would be a nice gesture.  And about that senior citizens discount?  In 3 years when I turn 55, I may favor that one too!  Sedagive.

Enlisted pay is not as bad as you may think. Free medical, free room and board plus a starting pay for a single person starting at about $20k. Not bad for a 19 year old kid. Current retirements pay for an MGS with 30 years is about $50k. Not bad for a 49 year old TBD poster. Tell me again why the need a discount on anything.

All I said was that enlisted pay was far less than firefighters or cops, which is true.  Sedagive.

Sedagive, were that I were only 55 again!!!  At that age, I could go all night.  You are not even close to a Senior Citizen, why you're just past childhood!  All seriousness aside, it would be nice if we 60+ folks got a fee break, but then I don't need it, and I suspect neither do you.

Keep up the good work!

Hehe...saw one of my favorite actors and fellow hobbyists, Hugh Grant, in "A Boy's Life" recently and couldn't resist the Bugger Off comment.  Still sounds a lot nicer than the crude language that first came to mind.

Va Gentleman5492 reads

Absolutely. The government could issue vouchers for BBBJ's etc. Unfortunately this could lead to the slippery slope of government regulation of the hobby, with Medicare-like rates set for BBBj's, DATY, etc. Just like current Medicare rates, some procedures would be set so low that no provider would offer the service (i.e $5 for greek), while others would be priced so high that we couldn't afford it ($1,000 for DFK). Some bureaucrat in DC would regulate it.

On second thought, thank you for your service to the country, but lets keep the hobby free enterprise.

How about discounts for overweight, aging tennis players?

-- Modified on 7/5/2002 9:47:26 PM

I've always viewed serving my country as a duty and expect no special rewards for it.  I also don't think the firemen and police should be getting any discounts or freebies either.  But again, I've never viewed them as heroes, just people doing their jobs.  Thank you for your service, now get on with your life without living off of your past.

Not a chance.  C'mon man you are in the service to do just that: serve.  Let's face facts here, while there are many things wrong with the military, we have it better than a lot of folks out there.  You do none of us any favors by saying you think you should get special treatment, because quite frankly whining about how hard you have it impresses nobody.

Whose idea was it to become a reservist???

2sense4723 reads

I think it was George W's.

If enlisted people should get a discount for serving their country, then should I charge more since I worked as an early childhood special education teacher in a hospital with terminally ill children? (not being sarcastic, did that for several years in Florida) I agree with 2k1, where does it end if one group gets a discount?

  Honestly, the clients that I see who are gentlemen, kind, fun to spend time with and repeat visitors are more likely to be the ones who receive more "perks".  As far as extra time goes, I never rush and never intend to.

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