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Poll: Body Art - piercings v. tattoos
thirsty 2 Reviews 4837 reads

A few posters in wolkpack's great thread below (Some Suggestions) have prefaced some statements regarding body art with "I may be showing my age but..."

Well, I may be showing my age but...I hate tattoos!!!! I'm not fond of excessive body piercing but give me a belly button ring over the tiniest tattoo. I know a person has a right to decorate their own body. I see more reviews that include something like "I wish she had a few less tattoos..."

Any opinions? flames?


-- Modified on 7/5/2002 8:14:24 AM

smooth operator3450 reads

To me, tatoos, done to excess, is not very femine. Same goes with piercings outside of the ear or belly button. I've had experiences with lady's with a pierced tounge. While it did feel different, I would not call it a better sensation. More hype than anything else IMHO.

I happen to mention this to a lady (not a working girl), after we had been together and the look on her face was like I just shot her puppy. I guess she was thinking "I went through this pain and it doesn't even give the extra pleasure". Maybe not but it sure targets her as being sexually open because guys will know why she got a hole put in her mouth. A dancer friend of mine told me that her clit ring made her more sensative. I hated to tell her she was a animal prior to having it done but i don't feel what she feels so I have to take her word for it. I think its more in her mind though. Same goes with nipple rings.

I may be off base but may guys and girls who go to extremes with the tatoos and piercings also do not have big expectations of their future. Having Love and Hate tatooed on your fingers doesn't bold well for a job in corporate America. Hell McDonalds may pass on you being that it is a service industry. The saying youth is wasted on the your applies because when some realize this limits extensive body art may place on you, its too late. Having tatoos removed looks like they've been burned.

I'm Out!

Now Hit My Music!

I agree with you two guys. For those who go to extremes (Guys/Girls with the tatoos and piercings do not have big expectations of their future even in this business.

Sorry Just my 2ct

Ruth, Will I have to remove my piercing from Buford when we meet?  I thought you might like it as I did it through the foreskin with "UK Wildcats".  I also have a tatoo on the side of Buford that says "TINY" but when I get excited it says "Tom's Bar and Grill, Poughkeepsie, New York".  I thought about adding the zip code.

No sweetie, Ouch!! I personally wouldn't get a tatoo but I have heard that being with someone with piercing is very exciting and very erotic.  I am not against anyone having tattoos, piercings or any other body modification to their bodies. Some friends of mines have mention that some piercing such as nipple and tongue piercing can irritate you and possible taking a while to heal and there is no guarantee that you wont get an infection from it.  I know there are risks taker, but I guess maybe those who take that risks go to someone who is a pro and his work is clean and not someone guy operating out of his garage.

More power to them and you. As for me "I just can't stand the pain "It's just not guarantee enough to me".  But you are right?

Seal with a kiss!

-- Modified on 7/5/2002 5:05:14 PM

swanlee3237 reads

For me it depends on the girl, if she is a blonde bombshell type the tats and pierceings are out of place, if she's a black haired goth which I have a fondess for then they are right at home and fit better.that generalizing but you get the idea. To me it's more of if that tas and piereings fit the person and personality, if they don't it can detract cause they seem fake if they fit it add to their overall image.

hoochie coochie man3194 reads

I agree w/you. Anything extreme becomes unattractive. Small tats on the leg/ankle or on the shoulder are OK. A pierced tongue doesn't do anything for me. My two cents.

IHMO-tatoos are yucky. Does every girl/woman under the age of 25 have a big tatoo on the small of the back right above the ass? I think it's incredibly tacky-trailer trash tacky!

cleanimage4229 reads

......hottest spots on a woman's body (you girls have so many), It's a work of art all by itself, to see the shape and curves of a women's lower back, and then to try to add to this??? How can you improve on perfection!! Like you said, in thing with the younger crowd. No judgment here to those who have it - just doesn't float my boat...


Either one in excess is a turn-off to me.  If the tat is well-placed & not too large or obvious, it doesn't bother me any more that a navel ring--both are OK by me.  But all else being equal, if I HAD to choose between a gal with a lot of ink or one with rings & studs everywhere...I'd go with the ink.  Thankfully that's the sort of choice I don't have to make.

My next "get rich" scheme is to open a tattoo and piercing *removal* parlor. I'm going to name it "What was I thinking???"

People are going to be very sucessfull doing just what you suggested. Another potential money maker in the future would be opening a landfill for all the cheap one-size-fits-all baseball caps that will need a place to go when that fad dies. ;)

It's not that I like dislike piercings any less than tatoos, especially piercings all over a pretty face. Tatoos and piercings are both self-inflicted scars. It's just that the piercings will heal. On the other hand, tatoo removal will probably never be a quick process.


2sense3207 reads

No bigger turn-off for me that seeing either tattoos or body piercings.

I have often wondered why a beautiful woman would deface her body with these things. Hasn't anyone ever heard of the expression, "Gilding the lily".

One possible explanation may be based on an old quote. "...The source of all evil in the world is due to the inability of people to sit quietly in a room for 30 minutes..." Maybe men are doomed to continuously think about about women's bodies, and women are condemned to think about ways of changing theirs.

-- Modified on 7/5/2002 6:26:38 AM

I'm no fan of tatoos either.  As far as piercings go, I have to admit that the belly button ring turns me on,  but not a nose or tongue stud.  I wish all these young people who are getting tatoos now could see down the road in 15-20 years. The tatoos will look faded, sagging, and just plain unattractive.  I'm in my mid 30's and I'll be "cool" in a few years as one of the minority with untattooed skin (LOL!!)


Va Gentleman4528 reads

I'd prefer no tatoos or piercings. However if the choice was Pamela Anderson with a nipple ring and tatoo or Janet Reno with niether, I think I'd go with Pam,the piercings and the tatoo.

I love tatoos. They're so slutty. What a turn on.

night rider3586 reads

I guess that says it all. You are looking for a slut while most of us are looking for ladys.

I am EMBARASSED to have no tatoos.  (Although, I measure up pretty well in the piercing department.)


YAMPY.  (Your attitude may prejudice you.)

I love ladies.  I believe tatoos "Have nothing to do with the case, Tra La."  (Gilbert and Sullivan.)

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