TER General Board

w_b 3 Reviews 4622 reads

Perhaps (TER) could create a new catagory for the LADYS! It would be interesting & entertaining to see what the PROVIDERS have to say about the clients. There likes & dislikes, rude, cheap, body odor, overweight, whatever, etc.

Its interesting why some clients have a "FORGOT IT WAS A SERVICE" visit, and others have a "AVERAGE or NOT WORTH IT" visit.

It would be interesting to see why some clients get to go the whole 10 yards and others get a quick rush to the sidelines. Straight from the PROVIDERS there (likes & dislikes).

This is a must have board, I would use it all the time to check and see if someone I have never seen before was listed as a repeated no show, rip off, dangerous...  There doesn't need to be a place for providers to list clients race, hair color, bad hygene or performance, just a reference point for safety purposes.

-- Modified on 7/6/2002 8:28:37 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2002 8:34:34 PM

I think it would be very ineresting to see how we clients would get rated- it only fair since we get to rate them. I think it might make some clients be more honest in their reviews if they knew they also were going to get a review.

carpevinum5583 reads

Other than dangerous clients, psychos and ripoff artists, I don't see how any information regarding clients has any relevance at all. They pay US for a service and to be discreet.

It's not relevant whether he is overweight, balding, black/Asian/yellow or green, can't get it up, married, ugly, smells bad, cheap (unless he doesn't pay the require donation). If he is any of those things, you can either ask those questions when you're screening or you can bring it up when you get together. Like the providers, I'm sure a lot of men would be embarrassed to have derogatory personal things things revealed. But unlike providers, they are paying for the privilege of a private, discreet encounter. It should stay that way.

Besides most of the time the TER handle isn't revealed and the clients could get rid of bad "reviews" the same way providers do - by just changing their handle.

-- Modified on 7/6/2002 8:40:06 AM

Sweet Nicole7288 reads

It's always a pain in the ass to change your handle & direct dial #'s regularly to run from a reputaton...pro or Hob.
A simple system for safety & suggestion is good...and could be
fun for all. eventually....

Va Gentleman4521 reads

I'd rather not see a boaqrd with provider reviews oif clients other than ripoffs, etc (maybe because I fall under 3-4 of the criteria carpevinum lists! LOL), but it would be beneficial to someone like me who is self -employed. I've been screened out several times because I have no swtichboard #. How doI get around that?

carpevinum3594 reads

Most providers want to see you of course, they just want to be safe.

I saw a semi-famous author of crime/murder mysteries; he showed me several websites with his photos and interviews. Obviously, when he arrived I knew it was him.

Some people have company websites with a small photo and their name/title. If that matches their face and driver's license at the door, they're in. Some people have company websites with just the name but the name is linked to their company e-mail and/or phone number so I can verify it that way. I've had people show me their union dues receipts, paychecks, business bank account statements (with acct numbers and amounts blacked out of course).

Then they are always provider references. It's good to have a well-reviewed TER provider who will vouch for you, either by your e-mail address or cell phone number/name.

Va Gentleman5039 reads

Thanks "Sieze the Wine" LOL Good advice.

I've been meaning to update my company website and if putting in a picture and other stuff would help with the hobby, why not (other than that I'm butt ugly!!!)?

Any provider who posted a review critiquing a hobbyist badly would see her biz drop to nothing quickly. We pay for privacy and discretion, not to be laughed at, no matter how laughable we may be. Find someonething or someone else to make fun of. The Humor Board is a good place for you to visit. It is great.

Kitara5562 reads

It's only fair that BOTH sides get to share their story of an encounter.  I've had 2 guys turn me away at the door because they thought I was Caucasian by looking at my photo, and were disappointed that I wasn't!!  Do I look white in this photo?!!  If I do to you, it's time for you to get some glasses.

crank_yanker3870 reads

I agree that identification is problematic.  However, I still think it would have value even without specifically identifying clients.  We (clients) could find out what the provider really thought about the encounter assuming she included some distinctive descriptions so the client would know it was him.  I'd love to get some honest (yet anonymous) feedback.  I also agree with the other comment that a bad criticism of a client would hurt the provider's business but that's entirely at the discretion of the provider.  There are ways to criticize without being harsh.

DR. Commonsense3575 reads

You are just a little late with this idea.  TBD offered this service.  Just had to be a provider and post reviews of your clients.  If you hurry maybe you can set yourself up with TBD.

aphroditez4277 reads

Although TBD does have a clientele base, it is basically used to report bad clients of a dangerous nature and/or monetary indiscretions.  

I agree with the post above.  Clientele look for discretion and that is of the fore most importance.  In order to retain that discretion, then one must merely be a gentleman.  The only time any information is disclosed is in the event that someone harms someone and or cheats a lady in anyway.  


Sweet Nicole5824 reads

It's unstoppable......it will happen. and I hope in the best
possible light, for safety & suggestions.....we deserve that too.
And who ever designs it, I think linedrawings & silly symbols should be in the client rating system someday to make it more fun!!!!!!hehe-Nicole of Weho

2sense4878 reads

Let's put it this way. When you providers start paying me $300.00/hour for my time, then feel free to review me. Until then, I'm afraid not.

And by the way Sweet Nicole, I would not patronize any provider who thought this was a great idea. Having this sort of attitude is not, repeat, not a great advertisement for you...and doesn't prompt me to click on your web-link.

For my money, it's a tossup between the alleged 24yo (in base 8)grad student (de Vry?), or the hardcore pro, close to 20 year veterana of the LA scene. Both have much experience in sharing their client experiences with others.

A RBNP (Really Big Name Provider, to those unfamiliar with Prof-speak) notes privately that because a fee is paid, there is an implication, incorrect in her eyes (and I agree) that the right to write a review in given. I think this is one reason you see higher rates, like everything else about the escort trade, it is for the most part an ala carte deal, even though it may appear to be prix fixe. No matter the right or wrong of those policies, there has always been an unwritten rule that ladies don't kiss and tell.  Not only is it morally wrong to do so, but the potential for mischief and abuse is enormous, as has been demonstrated historically.


-- Modified on 7/7/2002 12:21:26 PM

alphared4622 reads

I am sure it would make for amusing reading but I don''t think that most clients come to us to be judged. Carpevinium is right that the only thing that should be anykind of concern is whether or no they are a problem client. If they aren't  dangerous or try to rip us off then they shouldn't be mentioned to anyone.

To begin with, I'm not familiar with your handle & notice also that there are no reviews posted under it.  So based on my assumption the you might be a newbie, I'll make the suggestion that you do some research on prior posts relating to this subject---there've been sevaral, as well as numerous responses to them.

Beyond that...& I won't go beyond that except to say this---why aren't you able to more of less "rate" yourself.  Unless the gal always rushes you & does provide the services you expected...why the hell wonder?  Now if on your request for a 2nd session you don't meet any reluctance for her..if she stays the full time again--then what the hell else do you need to know?

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