TER General Board

I might just check YOU out!
Quiet_Provider 5267 reads

Is it equitable to offer a discount to "regular" clients? And, if so, when is the person considered a "regular".....one, two, four times, etc? And, if the person is a regular client, what amount of discount (if any) is appropriate and fair? I don't want to loose a very likeable client over this issue. However, money does seem to be an issue with this gent. Can I get a witness?! (or some input would work just as well)

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, its the Quiet Provider

Borderline3512 reads

When I've been a "regular", I've had providers offer a $50/session discount, and/or been protected from future price increases. But, when I enjoy someone's company enough to see her regularly, the "discount" I most appreciate and enjoy is an extended session--letting the time run significantly over. If I pay for an hour, but she doesn't worry about the time and we're together for two hours, I feel special and appreciated and I've had a better time too.

In any business, a regular client is the best client--so you should discuss some arrangement that will keep both of you happy. Good luck.

I have had a couple of providers offer discounts after I had seen them for awhile, at least 4 times in each instance.  I did not ask for the discounts, but gladly accepted.  There have also been instances where providers raise their rates to new clients, but their existing clients usually get grandfathered in at the old rates.  But notwithstanding what some other provider offers,  you need to make your own business decision.  Do you value the client enough to offer him a discount?  Or, do you want to maintain a certain price structure and risk losing him?  The best result may be to talk it over with the client and see if you can come to an agreeable price where the expectation is that he will continue to see you on a regular basis.  Just my two cents.

That's the most important thing in my opinion. You need to feel like he values you. I've gotten discounts before, from ladies I've seen three or more times.

She offered me a discount, 2 instead of 3, to fill in her schedule when it was a bit slow. That was a one time thing. I pay regular rates at all other times. Another provider I've seen several times raised her rates to 3.5 but continues to see me at 3.

I think that it's important that mutual respect is maintained, and my feeling is that negotiating against a providers price lacks class and integrity, whatever the circumstances.

You seem to like this gentleman, and don't want to lose his business, so I would suggest that maybe you offer a lower price every third visit, or something along those lines, and only if you're schedule is loose. Make sure you maintain your professional demeanor, and don't start bending your rules, particularly where money is concerned. It's a slippery slope.

I promise I'll be quiet...

ZedEx4276 reads

If by offering this guy a discount it is his intent to then see you more often then maybe it could be worth while.  As the others have stated, not raising rates to old clients is more the norm as is offering more time for the same $ instead of actual price discounts.  So, if I were you I might offer him an additional 1/2 (or whatever) for the same rate first before considering a discounted rate.

I have no specific input on this, other than to say how cool it is that you care enough about the business relationship you have with this client to even be concerned. We sometimes feel a bit like wallets with penises attached (and some of us are :0). It's nice to know that you are out there somewhere thinking about us as clients worth keeping. I know business is business, and you aren't doing this out of altruism, but I just wanted to put in a word of thanks.

Oh, and if I'm the guy you are thinking of, bringing along a second provider as a surprise would cinch the deal. But that's me... :-)

Two of my regular providers (they don't know each other), have given me extended time after the third-fourth session. I normally book them for two hours, but I noticed that I am getting  2 and 1/2 hours for the same price (i have never asked for it, they are just giving me the extra time). Compared to the 1 hour and 3/4 I got from both of them the first time I saw them, it's a great improvement.

-- Modified on 7/7/2002 3:38:17 PM

I always notice and appreciate it when a girl I've seen a few times extends the session. And I always tip accordingly; maybe not pro rata, but enough to express that I noticed and appreciate it. Seems to me we both end up happy. And I usually think about going back real soon. Sometimes it gets so comfortable that some days the girl will say, "I can't run over today because I have (insert whatever comes next on her schedule - another customer, meet her boyfriend, a dentist appointment, etc.)". This seems a much better way of doing customer relations than subtly communicating, "The time you paid for is up. Leave.", if a girl wants the customer to continue being a repeat.

BTW, a lot of times the extended time happens after the real fun is over, and we just cuddle and chat, or even get dressed and chat about things that feel like we are getting to know more about each others lives. So, it is not more work and wear and tear for the girl. Just her friendly way of making me think she likes me, which enhances the next visit for me.

You say the extra time "makes me think she likes me".  I've found with my regular ladies, that she really does like me as a client.  Maybe no more than that, but there's certainly some mutual affection.  When you find a lady like that it's very satisfying.

Va Gentleman5684 reads

I replied to this once, but it vanished into cyberspace -- please don';t flame me if it shows up elsewhere.

I ama consultant and I discount my rates for regulars because I know they will pay (eventually), will give me follow-on business and require less effort to entice to more business. I'm not an escort, but why should escorting be different that any other business?

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