TER General Board

Do you make a distinction between the provider/courtesan and the whore/prostitute?
RealisticRick 4931 reads

Ethically? Morally? Personally? Preferentially? Would you rather see the "courtesan" for $400 or the "whore" for $100? Does price always make the difference?

LisaMN4859 reads

The word "whore" should be removed from the entire English langauge. It is a deragatory term. I don't think it should be used to define anyperson whether they do it for free or otherwise. That is just my opinion. As far as the rest of the question; I will be anxiously awaiting the responses. This could get heated.....I love when things get heated ;),and I am having a long, boring holiday weekend.

I agree with Lisa about removing the word "whore" from the English language well as some other words such as "nigger", "wop", "spick" and any other words that are demeaning to people.  I have seen some ladies that could pose for centerfolds in any magazine but I have had more pleasure with women that remind me of the girl next door you had a crush on, have a positive attitude, sense of humor, intelligent, love to hug and kiss, able to fart in your company (but not at certain intimate moments) and do not think that they are God's gift to men.  Money is not the issue as there are some real bargains out here in Fantasyland with some requesting less than they are really worth.  Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.  I rate the lady on the number of times I laugh and how good a kisser she is, not the number of times I get to "pop".

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 1:21:57 PM

But here you have hit the nail on the head. This business is not about the $$$$. (sorry ladies), but about the experience. The ladies that provide the experience will experience the $$$$. The rest, he market will tell.

Great answer Hossman
I will find out soon if it is true...LOL

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 10:02:48 PM

GirlCrazy3993 reads

I personally prefer the model/glamour girl/college student type.  Most of the time that precludes lower cost providers.

Often times I gave extra $ or $$ tips to the provider ($350-$500/hr) especially if she worked for an agency.  I felt bad for the girl because most likely she only got half the money after splitting it with her agency.  I personally cannot stand the idea that a 8-rated or above agency provider nets much less than a 7-rated independent provider.

Because of my tipping habit, from time to time, I have to curtail this hobby.  May be it is vanity on my part to give a generous tip to a provider.  Some might even think of me as foolish.

I had a few visits of the low cost ($200) Russian providers (most likely Russian agency).  The girls are ofter good looking or even pretty.  But most of the time I came away feeling guilty (Catholic school teaching :( ) because with the low price, I guessed that they are not in control with their lives and have to grind it out.  That made me feel that I was exploiting them (which I possibly were, just read the articles on Playboy and Vanity Fair about girls from former Russian Republics)

I have spent time with women at $500 per hour that had no clue what it means to be a GFE. The best GFE experience cost me $200 for 3 hours. The worst cost me $1800 for and overnight.

CelticLass3884 reads

Although both terms (i.e. whore/prostitute) are most often coined for the Biz, there are many men and women alike who sell themselves outside this business and in their everyday lives. They sell out their convictions and spiritual beliefs for what they consider to be the better step in life. They are selling themselves none the less.

As for this biz....I have known women who gasp at the thought of charging for their time yet they will take home a new guy every weekend for the thrill. Somehow the non-exchange of currancey makes them morally superior in their minds. It is not the price you pay but the experience you walk away with. I agree with Jar. I have read about some of the most wonderful experiences that were considered "bargain basement" while spending what is a months salary to some was as exciting as watching the Senior PGA tournement on ESPN.

I personally am not a whore, a prostitute, or even a lady for that matter....I am all Woman and hopefully my time spent with my gents reflects that in every way.


-- Modified on 7/4/2002 3:30:22 PM

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 3:32:20 PM


You are so so right!

Tell it like it is

I have tried the $1000 pornstar and the $250 local lady, with many variations in between. To me it is the person and the chemistry that make the experience and money ,more or less, doesn't improve it.

I don't care what she calls herself, courtesan, model, performer, provider, slut, whore, ho, or prostitute. They all can be offensive if the person hates to be called by that name. I prefer to call them ladies and say myself a lot of pain and aggravation.

G23785 reads

The question may seem innocent, but the subtext to which I refer is the oldest one in the world and continues to be widely held.  It is based on the guilt or conflicted feelings of seeing a commercial sex worker, combined with the detritus of the simplistic lessons we were taught as children.  Mix in a couple parts of 2000 year old religious guilt, moralistic judgments, and a measure of sympathy and self-righteousnes and you've got quite a morass.

People, free your minds of all this modly, crusty shit.  It's 2002.  Quit thinking in terms of degrees of superiority, of labels and of artificially created guilt.  When you were growing up, it was natural to make sense of society by breaking it down into classes and groups and to label people in these social strata.  It's also easy, as your try to find your place in the world, to position yourself above or below others based on this simple model of society.  Unfortunately, this view of society has as it's underpinnings a premise of superiority and inferiority and is a  fundamentally flawed way to approach the world when we become adults.  The proof of this is all around us, just pick up a newspaper.

If you're on this board, you should realize that you are exactly the same as the women whose companionship you seek.  No better, no worse- just men and women.   Regardless of fees, labels or locations, we are all just trying to make a human connection for whatever reason.  Like everything else in life, our options are defined by our financial resources.  But the price paid or the name used is totally superfluous.

What we have in common on TER is a mindset about human sexuality that is about 100 years ahead of our elected officials.  This is our bond.  But some of us are still products of an upbringing based on the morals of the19th century, and parrot these views without really thinking much about them, or even realizing the subtle bias they inject into our attitudes.  I'd just like to suggest that you ask yourself why do you let these ideas define your thinking when you clearly have already rejected them by the simple act of being on this board.  

Anyone who is part of the small minority that bears ill-will toward commercial sex workers, should kindly work out their issues with women elsewhere before returning to TER.  But if you are part of the 98% that are here for positive reasons, then lets move into the 21st century and get rid of this attitude of superiority toward the CSW.

Women that share the exact same atitude toward sex as men are not fallen, inferior, to be pitied, saved, or scorned.  They are also no different than the women we kill ourselves to meet in bars or in other social situations.  As long as they are working by their own choosing, they are doing exactly what we men have always done- enjoying their sexuality, their physical gifts, and the emotional experience of being with another human being.

The services they perform are as varied as the men who seek their companionship. They are a safety-valve for society, a shoulder to cry on, a once in a lifetime experience, someone that allows you to stay in your marriage, or just pure unadulterated fun.  The fact that you pay them for this doesn't cheapen them or you.  Only your attitude and the way you conduct yourself can do that.

-- Modified on 7/5/2002 12:24:23 AM


    Excellent response and post. You are a wise man. Should be mandatory reading for all TER members.


part_timer4933 reads

I just wish he would find topics to post about more often!


Talisa4070 reads

An escort is paid hourly for sex.

Courtesans see men for lengthier periods of time, and provide more than just sex.  The main focus of a courtesan is intelletual.  Sure sex is part of it but it is a wider experience than that of the escort.  Unfortunately its being misused by those who don't understand the difference.

Pamela Harriman was the 20th century's greatest courtesan.

Talisa5052 reads

I don't care for this definition because it not indepth enough...if I shack up with a wealthy guy and am his live-in girlfriend, does that make me a Courtesan?  But if he's not wealthy then I am not a Courtesan?

A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing.


A woman who prostitutes herself for hire; a prostitute; a harlot.


a woman who cohabits with an important man [syn: concubine, doxy, odalisque, paramour] x

Talisa4115 reads

Talisa your Foxy Doxy.

Your Odalisque Un Paramour.

Hmmmm....a sense a change in marketing strategy...LOL

4plsur3847 reads

I think we're talking about semantics.  Some people don't like whore, some people don't like prostitute...some people spend their whole lives exploring the missionary position.
and never get it.
really never get it.
And some do.  
And I think it's more about that, than about anything else...don't you?

between what brand of breakfast cereal to buy? Or any other goods or services you purchase, answer: yes. Does price make a difference in these transactions, answer: usually.

400 dollars can get you a rip off cash and dash with some agency in Anywhere USA, a quality hour with one of the top escorts in this country, or an overnight, with some of the very attractive chiquitas south of the border in Mexico. So it would seem to depend on where you are and what you are attempting to purchase, now wouldn't it?

I'm guessing your use of the word "whore" was meant to be inflamatory and draw attention to your post. Or perhaps you're just an insensitive cretin, who has little or no respect for the escorts that he sees. I really wouldn't know, but I can tell you that approaching this hobby with a respect for the ladies you see and the services that they provide, at least in my case, has paid tremendous dividends in the sessions that I have had.

I also try and make a distinction between which posts are worth reading, which are worth responding to, and which ones where I deem that the original author(insert you) needs to be verbally reprimanded. MfSD.

Remmember when we were all kids?

Sticks and Stones...  will break my bones...

But  Words... Will Never Hurt Me.

It's all in me...lover, mother, friend and whore.  

While there are times that words are automatically assumed to be negetive, I also feel there can be a time and place to use it appropriately. :-)))  After all, it's all about the context...not the price.


Va Gentleman4809 reads

"Whore" and "prostitute" are derogatory terms that no doubt describe the attitude of some providers, fortunately none that I've seen thanks in part to the reviews. I wouldn't see anyone whom I felt was a "whore" or "prostitute" at any price. Based on the reviews, I don't believe many of the girls reviewed here fall in either category.

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