TER General Board

Length of Career
AllbSure 14 Reviews 1099 reads

I am on my third Career, this one is a work for fun aka not money career as i work for the people and the experiances not the income.  
I am curious of two things....  
From clients has seeing escorts extended your career choices ? Eg stay at a job for access to travel or access to providers or disposable income.
From Providers, what is considered a longtime in the field?
What is any age is 'too old'

If any client stays at a job longer, or in a location longer, because of access to providers, I hope you are discussing this with your therapist.

RespectfulRobert19 reads

Not sure what you are surprised at here. If working longer allows him more (or any!) access to have sex with hot women who will rock his world, relief stress and make his fantasies come true, how would that be grounds to seek therapy? lol. I think NOT seeing these amazing women any longer would be therapy inducing.  
Explanation please, Mr. Zeel. :)

I'm a city guy. Any city I go to will have providers. If I have the opportunity to get a better job, and it means moving to another city, but I pass only because I want access to certain providers, I see this as a problem. It's mixed priorities.  

I seek out providers because I enjoy it. But I am not dependent on them and would live a fine happy life without them. Sex workers have no hold on me, just like drugs don't. Mind you, I don't do drugs even recreationally these days. But my view of someone who does is much different than my view of an addict that cannot control it.

If you seek providers to fullfill a void of happiness, you are likely not happy as time passes that you are not with providers. I call this depression. If you suffer from depression, I think therapy is not a bad idea. It can be helpful. And, I do not think therapy is a bad thing. I spent over a year in therapy during a difficult time in my life and it really made a difference.  

I do, however, think relying on sex from an escort to make you happy with your life is a bad thing. Escorts are great to fullfill your sexual desires. But they are not intended to be therapists, though I know many of them are placed in this position at times, and some may not mind it and may be good at it. But even then, just like I would not expect someone to stay in the same city at the same job because they are attached to a therapist, I wouldn't expect them to do so for a sex worker, even if she is a double agent so to speak.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

You can speak for yourself but no one else here. You spoke in an absolute by saying if "any client"...then they need therapy.  
That is just WAY too broad of a generalization and may be true for some, but certainly not all.  
I see no issue whatsoever if someone wants to stay in a job longer or stay in a city longer bc he wants to have some basic needs met i.e. sex, companionship, intimacy, friendship, human interaction, etc with women he trusts and has a connection with.
 Just seems like you are painting with WAY too broad of a brush to somehow connect those wants with needing therapy and being "depressed" and I am a HUGE proponent of therapy.

I often speak in absolutes when stating my opinion, especially if it is one I feel strongly about. Does that make it a fact? No. Does that mean my opnion is the right one? No, though it is what I believe. So while I am open to you disagreeing, and I admit that I could be wrong, which is always the case when I have an opinion, I still stand by my opinion. Please don't mistake my strong opinions as facts or something that suggests you cannot disagree. Of course you can, as can others. And while I see your point, I don't agree with it. Just the same that I don't feel one should ever get too attached to a provider. Again, just my opinion.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

I just didn't like the leap to the "depression" part of your argument that needed to be dealt with by "therapy" as that is quite a leap without knowing MANY more facts about anyone in particular.  
I guess I just have a fundamental problem when people argue in absolutist language bc those arguments are almost always easily rebutted.  
Thanks for your take and your time as usual. You always make me think and I appreciate that Zeel.

People who know me irl will tell you that sometimes I can be so confident in what I’m saying that I will convince them I am right even when I am wrong and they know I was wrong, or at least they did until I convinced them I am right with my confidence. Truth is, I typically really believe I am right so I give myself confidence, even when I am wrong. So, this is why I say, no matter how strongly I word my argument, even when I make opinions sound like facts, I for sure as hell may be wrong. I always appreciate someone who stands by what they believe in despite how I express myself. Those who easily cower over are no fun, and do nothing to keep me on my toes.

for your moment of clarity.  This explains a whole lot about some of the things you post.  However, I have often wondered why you keep arguing once you have been proven wrong?  Is it confidence that you want to convince someone you are right when you are not, or it is insecurity or something else?  

I will do my part to "keep you on your toes", but no whining if you disagree with how I do it.  Lol

CDL, the problem isn't you disagreeing. The problem is how you talk to people. You act like you are better and smarter than everyone else. You consistently insult people. You talk down to people. You are condescending. You lie, A LOT. You point the finger at everyone else like they are the problem and you are a saint. You are simply just like cancer on these boards. When you are ready to talk with some integrety and respect, than maybe your disagreeing or counter points will be respected as well. But I do not imagine that day will come.

"better and smarter" with more experienced.  I have never claimed to be better or smarter than anyone else here, only more experienced and more knowledgeable about this business than MOST mongers here, and so far, I have not seen any evidence that refutes that.   When YOU see providers, it's always "showtime".  I have dated over a dozen in real life.  When you achieve that level of trust with a provider, and you're not paying for sex anymore, they will open up about the good, the bad, and the ugly about this business.  There are others here who have had these relationships with providers and when the topic of RL relationships has come up, we all describe similar knowledge about the reality of this business.  A good example is former moderator and TER member GaGambler (who is currently in a real life relationship with a provider and has quit posting here).  There are many threads where we each describe similar experiences through the years from dating providers in RL.  There are others here who have married providers, and I seldom disagree with their perspective either because it's the same as mine.  

That's why some of the providers here are not particularly fond of my posting.  They are feeding you customers the fantasy version of this biz which is all blowjobs and roses, and I'm telling you the reality.  You can choose not to believe me at your own risk of looking stupid.  It's pretty clear that you are not open-minded to the idea that there are people here with more experience than you and are even willing to share what they have learned, and you perceive this as a threat to the fantasies you have bought into as your reality.  

Another clueless response. I don't care about, nor did I try to claim or dispute, your knowledge of providers. I have no desire to ever want to match it. For me, a provider is not who I want to be my irl girlfriend or marry. I don't need to know all of there secrets, and have no issue knowing less about the business because of it. And for those who want this from a provider, no judgment. Date and marry who you love, not who others think you should.

But to talk on such a high horse and sling insults while doing so, than go down the semantic road to say you never said you are "better and smarter" is clueless to how you come across. You do not have to stand on top of a hill yell "I am better and smarter" to come across this way. You just need to choose words that suggest it. And, that's what you do, and you do it a lot. To shrug off your behavior and act like it does not have a negative impact is like living in a cloud.

If you want to wear a crown for knowing more about providers, enjoy it for all I care. But please stop pretending to not be a jerk about it.

that I have more knowledge about providers and this biz than most people here, and I can see how me bringing this up would be perceived by you as me sounding like I am claiming to be better and smarter than you, but these are two different things.  Maybe it was too much for me to ask you not to be confused by this?  Maybe this does make me smarter than you, but it will never make me better than you.  You are one of the few guys here who eats both pussy and dick, so you will always be better than me in that regard.  

RespectfulRobert19 reads

All he has to do is act civil and treat people with respect...but...he... just... cant... do... it. I see you got the typical CDL word salad defense in response, which was so predictable. Of course, with him being the most insecure poster here, he points the finger back at you as if YOU are the REAL problem, thus completely proving your point! Touché and well played sir!

civil and true in my response to Zeel.  Just laying out facts.  You are another who is highly misinformed on many subjects related to this biz, so you would do well to pay attention to the veteran posters here yourself.  Unless you mind is closed, you just might learn something.  

I have said before that your perspective on the biz seems to be strictly from the viewpoint of the provider.  Paying attention to those with more experience than you may cause you to ACCIDENTALLY learn something important, and you wouldn't want THAT, would you?  Lol

RespectfulRobert16 reads

Using a little psychological warfare huh, Zeel? lol. All good and very interesting. I think you complimented me but not 100% sure. haha. Intriguing answer though, thats for sure. Thanks for sharing it!

my hobbying.

Not that I'm complaining, I like my work and wouldn't really know what to do with myself if I wasn't working.

Knock on wood, I'm in good health and doing my best to stay that way.

I have also recently volunteered for some industry related services that allow me to travel on others' dimes and see gals in other cities whom I wouldn't have been able to see, so that's a nice benefit.

Oooh! Oooh! I'll volunteer! I want some free industry related services, too!

Posted By: mrfisher
I have also recently volunteered for some industry related services that allow me to travel on others' dimes and see gals in other cities whom I wouldn't have been able to see, so that's a nice benefit.
Or did I misunderstand your use of "industry related services"?

I'm in my 50s. Yes, I've been around in this for a long time. When my sexual desires die, then I I'll be done then. I'm single so i don't have an endless cock supply waiting at home 🤣😂 I already tried to not be involved in this industry and I was going crazy not having this outlet to meet amazing people,  be ME and fulfill my goals in life, like I wanted. I can’t speak for other providers only myself but....I don't think any age is to old, as long as the desire, look and expectations are there.

Yay Toni!
I am 44 right now and feel the same way. I don't necessarily think there is a certain age that I will hang up the strap on and high heels, but more so when I am just done and ready to move on. As long as I still look good, feel good, and am enjoying my time with gents I will continue doing what I do.

I am 45 and feel I am just hitting my prime. As long as you are happy & healthy why deprive yourself of adult fun? I am a full time single Super Mamacita, so I truly cherish my playtime. I love a man that love to worship & adore me. The Queen treatment is the best.  I love my friends & reciprocate! When you get to share your time with people who genuinely appreciate the epic memories we create it’s literally the most amazing thing ever. I make dreams come true. Smile for me!

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