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Private chat rooms . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 953 reads

I belonged to another site for five years where senior members were allowed to host private chat rooms on the site.  Unfortunately, they closed the site down in 2015.   Lately, it seems that there have been so many new members join who contribute nothing to the conversations and are just here to troll other members.  Some threads have more troll posts than substantive posts on the topic of the thread. The advantage is that like-minded members who want to discuss subjects within their primary interest area (such as Kgirls could do so without the interference of the trolls.  TER could set the requirements for members to host a private chat room.  On the other site I referred to, a host would have to have been a member for at least two years, have a minimum of 100 reviews, and pay a fee to get the portal set up and maintained by the website owner.

The host would set the parameters for discussion and for the minimum requirements for receiving an invitation.  (They may have minimum review requirements, geographical limitations, etc., as set up by the host.  Access would be obtained by invitation of the host.  If a member is invited to join the private discussion room, he would be assigned a password and that would gain access.  The private rooms would be unmoderated by TER, but the host would have the right to enforce the rules for posting in the private chat room.  

There seem to be a lot of new members who are not here to share information about topics having to do with hobbying.  They are just here to create enmity and chaos on the boards.  I'm sure there are others here besides me who would be interested in hosting a private chat room on TER that would have the effect of eliminating trolls from the discussions who are only here to disrupt and insult. They join for free, they scarcely write reviews, cause trouble between other members while having no knowledge of the subject matter that they are trolling.  IMO, this would make TER a much more inviting venue for serious hobbyists who want to see providers, write reviews (after all, this IS a review site), and discuss various aspects of the hobby without being interrupted and harassed by the trolls. If TER has any interest in considering this, I will be happy to provide more details on how it can work to TER's benefit as well as the members.  Its a win-win for everyone except the trolls.

TER currently has "Providers Only" and "Reviewers Only" and "Agencies Only" boards. Although qualified to request access to Reviewers Only, I haven't done so. Anyway, it seems that TER forum software already has a mechanism to create controlled access boards but maybe not with every feature you seek.  
A board creator / owner might get to have "moderator" (more power) or "host" (less power) control of that board. However, the "owner" of the "CDL Acolytes Only" board might have to ask TER Admin to perform higher level tasks such as adding / removing access privs, etc..  
Another possibility has been suggested many times before.  The next time TER "upgrades" their forum software, they should switch from their in-house custom written software to open access FREE forum software.
The free forum software packages have LOTS of great features, including better searching, built-in forum email systems, etc.. Some of the open source Forum Software packages allow (or used to allow) restricted sub-groups or restricted access topics.  
The BIGGEST problem in such a migration would be converting the existing ("old") forum message database to the new forum database format. Doable or maybe just keep the existing ("old") system and only copy over what usage on a new system dictates.  
The BIG advantage of open source FREE forum software is that there is a global community of developers who do the feature upgrades, security upgrades, maintenance, development, etc.. If the lone TER programmer is on vacation or if the high school student they pay to write code is busy studying for his SATs, TER forum software problem solving might be delayed ... or never happen.
While I agree that there are a range of good and bad actors on the boards as they exist now, I'm not sure your suggestion, if implemented, would be an improvement. NEW users would only have access to (a) dull and boring board discussions or (b) trolls-only board discussions and run away from participating in TER (unless they are dull and boring or trolls, themselves). If the "good" discussions were locked away, old users would slowly disappear, new users would never join in, and the restricted access boards would die.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion

I belonged to another site for five years where senior members were allowed to host private chat rooms on the site.  ...

In the past, TER used to have Chat Rooms.. We are talking of 2009-2010. They can be lot of fun to chat w/ fellow mongers and providers, but they can also be lot of drama.  

I am in favor of brining them back, that what you suggested CDL, seems like a lot of red tape.. Just having chat rooms would be a good start and then make some tweaks based on how they turn out to be..  

Only thing I would like to see is being VIP member as a requirement to be able to chat.

And in French slang "chatte" (feminine for "chat" means pussy?  As in when she says "Baise ma chatte!" means "fuck my pussy!"

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