Sports Talk

Trying to Get Into Something Else
A` See my TER Reviews 30739 reads

I am trying to get into Rugby....I get the scoring system a fielf goal is a try worth 5 points and the punt (for the lack of better words) is worth 2 points (i think). I just don't understand the whole passing, tackling THEN passing the ball some more.....I don't understand how the leagues are set up.


I would love to understand it better.  But seriously how do you get tackled and then pass the ball again lol.  Hello that's not how it works people!!!

I am really trying to get it together and cant...i read up on it watched a game and was like ok so when is it a dead ball? They flea flick too death....get tackled and flea flick some it....then punt it....then get tackled......I got dizzy...........

St. Croix28962 reads

Watch the New Zealand All Blacks doing the Haka war dance before their rugby match. All it does is pisses off the other team which leads to a lot of violent hitting.

CYNIC27220 reads

I saw the New Zealand All Blacks do the Haka when I was in Australia.  Basically, it's a Maori war dance, and it's COOL!  I can't say that I know what's in the minds of the other team, but the fans (both for and against New Zealand) just love it.

St. Croix24282 reads

I was in New Zealand a number of years ago and watched the All Blacks play against the Springboks (South Africa) and Tonga. It was funny watching the pre-game between Tonga and the All Blacks, because both do a war dance. Talk about fanatical fans. The Oakland Raider fans have nothing on the Aussie and New Zealand fans. Plus they can drink the Americans under the table.

Never2L82Learn28204 reads

First, the only way to advance the ball forward is via kicking it.  

All other passing of the ball must be behind you, once you are tackled you must pass the ball backwards(hopefully to one of your own players) as play is continueos, there are NO downs.

The only resting is while someone else is tackling or preventing advancement from your team OR during a ruck(as long as you are not on the bottom).

While side outs are taking place watch for flying elbows, the are legal and encouraged!

Now grab a roll of charmin, tuck it in a few spots and get to it! :-)

A link to the Laws of Rugby below

Ok I am getting it......I think my brain is so used to our American sports baseball, football, and basketball......I think the rules should all be the same.....I am really trying to re-program my mind and understand is soooooo much fun to watch.

Thanks for the answer!!!

CYNIC28294 reads

to is Rugby UNION.  Rugby LEAGUE is different, and is the more popular type of Rugby.  American football started out as Rugby League, and if you watch Rugby League a few times and are familiar with American football, you'll pick it up pretty quickly.  In Rugby League, there's no blocking or forward passes, but there are downs (4 I believe).  There are 15 players on each side, and it's like American football in many ways (i.e., running plays), and every bit as rough!  I got addicted to watching it in Australia, where it's on TV 24/7.  They show Rugby Union games too, but those are boring.  Australian football is a piss to watch too, but I still don't really understand what's going on in that game!

The first time I saw a Rugby Game I was hooked. I was walking my dogs and even they were mezmerised by the roughness of the game. It was a high school game and man they were playing hard like grown men.

I think the League is what we were was all action!!! and yes very close to our football.

Thanks can you tell me more about it please? I am in Ohio and can't find any games here.

CYNIC24700 reads

Google Rugby League vs. Rugby Union, and there are good explanations there.  My memory must be failing me in my old age, because when I did this, I discovered that there are 13 men on a side in Rugby League (not 15), and when American football started in 1869 (Rutgers vs. Princeton), the game they played was the initial form of Rugby that was played before the split into Rugby League and Rugby Union (although today it would be much closer to Rugby League).  But after watching both forms of the game in Australia, I can tell you that Rugby League is much more understandable (and enjoyable) for someone who knows American football.

-- Modified on 5/19/2009 6:28:54 AM

Setanta Sports is probably the most widely available outlet in the US that shows Rugby with any regularity at all.  It's available on both sattelite providers and most cable outfits, but be prepared to pay about $10 for it stand-alone -- I've not ever seen it available with any sports or other package of channels.

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