Sports Talk

Please note: Board posting policies have been revised and Moderators can now answer all posting ?'steeth_smile
Board Admin 25163 reads

We have made some revisions to the board posting policies for all users on TER Discussion Boards.

Here is an excerpt of a new rule listed on our board policies page:

"A Shill Thread is a thread that is started with a post that is praise, thanks, or a recommendation for a certain provider for reasons of self-interest, personal benefit, or out of friendship or loyalty. Starting a new thread with a Shill Post is not allowed by TER because such threads are considered extra "advertising" above and beyond what each provider is allowed each week.

Shill Threads are not allowed, and will be removed.

Mini-Reviews posted according to the Posting Guidelines are not considered to be Shill Posts.

Responses to a current thread that refers to a provider with positive comments about that provider is okay, as long as the comment is pertinent to the topic at hand."

We recommend users read the posting policies to help eliminate unnecessary denials of postings.

Ladies it is also suggested that you read the ad posting policies so that your ads are not denied due to ad posting policies not being followed.

I have also included is a link to the VIP info for providers, mini review guidelines and 9 acceptable reasons to use an alias.

Discussion Board Guidelines

Provider Ad posting policies

Some Info for Providers Regarding VIP

Mini Review Guidelines

Nine Acceptable Reasons to Use an Alias

Moderators are also approving and denying posts on the discussion boards they moderate.

To find out why a post has been denied please first check your Account Manager. On the left side of the Account Manager page in the tan border is a link that says "My Board Posts". The denial reason for your post will be listed there.

If you still have further questions regarding the denial reason listed on your post in your account manager please PM the moderator listed at the top of the board you attempted to post a message on. They will be able to assist you further.

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