San Francisco

The adventures of sampling a 10 day house..
chunking 90 Reviews 1549 reads

As our Calvinist ancestors warned us, idle hands are the devil's tin snips. It rarely leads to good things. In my case I had a stretch of boredom that led me to browse one of the ad boards.  
Stumbled upon a new 10 day house, and gave it a whirl. For those of you not familiar with this odd, usually Chinese institution, maybe there is a FAQ somewhere.

Much like Charlie Brown getting the football pulled away from him by Lucy, it's one of those lessons I refuse to learn.
The responsive PO who cleared me instantly, combined with a sort of website, led me to take the plunge.
Not sure if I want to do a review, it was .. mixed.  But Jr demands novelty, so he had it.

And indeed he did .. I got B&S'd, PO claims it's the Papa-San's (cf. 10 day house) mixup, and apologized.
The words of Lyndon Johnson came to mind .. "I've had more women by accident than most men have had on purpose" .. in this case, it was more like a car crash, where you not only survived, but actually learned something.

For those looking for a change-up from Business as Usual (C/K/J) AAMP, you might have better luck .. certainly your chances are better than The Ad board that Must Not Be Named.

PM me for details.

Your point about idle hands is spot on.  There have been a few appts I booked that I never really intended to book.  First, I "just" looked at the ad.  Then I figured, I would reach out "just" to find out the rate was more than I was willing to spend or something else would discourage me from seeing her.   Then, I wondered what I was doing when I was driving to the appt I didn't want to book, in the first place.  *Fortunately*, everything worked out wonderfully and those appts lead to contacts I still maintain today. :)

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