Other Cities

This guy CDL is absolutely the . . . .
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 753 reads

most COWARDLY CUNT on TER.  I've been telling K-mongers for years that CDL is a bullshitter and a liar.  He also has no integrity and can't be trusted.  Take this post as a warning about CDL - everything he says is a LIE!

He's been hounding me all over TER claiming I wrote a fake review because the "City" in the profile said "Rome," even though the Session Location" said West Los Angeles.  No matter how many times I replied and explained, he kept harassing me and trying to bully me about this FIVE YEAR OLD review.

Finally, he challenged me:
"I'll tell you what, if we ask Admin for a clarification on what the 'City' question asks in the profile, if I'm right, and you're wrong, will you then keep your word and leave TER forever?"

I replied:
"YES!!!  I absolutely agree 100% that we should ask TER Admin for a clarification on what the 'City' field means in the profile.  If you are right that "City" means the city where the creator of the profile (the first reviewer) saw the provider, I WILL KEEP MY WORD AND LEAVE TER FOREVER.  
BUT, since you are so sure of what the 'City' field means that that is what you based your entire belief that my review was fake, then YOU ALSO HAVE TO AGREE TO LEAVE TER FOREVER IF YOU ARE WRONG.    
You proposed to let TER Admin decide.  I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY.  I am willing to allow TER to decide my fate.  The question is: are YOU?  Are you going to put up your TER membership or are you going to weasel out and prove to everyone that you are a bullshitter?  If you are so sure that you are right about the 'City' then you won't hesitate to agree.  But I know that you are a sniveling coward who knows he's LYING and you'll never agree."

I WAS RIGHT!!!  He is "a sniveling coward who knows he's LYING."  Ever since I wrote that, CDL has run away like the LITTLE BITCH he is.  He didn't reply at all.  He challenged me but when I called his bluff, he ran away like the Cunt-Dog-Loser he is.  And what a coincidence!!  Today of all days, he announced that he has put me back on "Ignore."  He had the opportunity to get rid of me FOREVER.  K-mongers would LOVE that!!  And he had a good chance because Jensen agreed with CDL's opinion of what "City" means in a profile.  Right Jensen?  Instead, CDL has truly shown what a cowardly cunt, gutless pussy and LITTLE BITCH he is.

There you have it, K-mongers: Cunt-Dog-Loser is a gutless piece of shit.  Take everything he says with a grain of salt.  Believe what he says at your own peril.  I've been warning you that he's exactly the same as Harpman.  Most everyone took Harpman's advice and trusted him until...you know what happened.  You wound up with egg on your faces.  The same thing is going to happen if you keep following CDL.  Mark my words.

The more people that bust Certified-Dick-Lover on this board, the more that he crawls back to the P/R board.  He's almost been completely eliminated from the General Discussion  board as well.  

There was a time that CDL dominated the K-Girl board.  Heck-He has written like 345 FAKE REVIEWS and around 98% of them are K-Girls.  Sure.  He loves K-Girls.  In fact so much that he has a posse of them that are his girlfriends.  He lets them work so that he has justification for continuing to fuck other K-Girls (since they are both "on the clock", and after work he gets free pussy.  Oh, and lets add a dash of CDL disgusting bravado that he enjoys going condom-less, at one point even bragging that he had on occasions removed his condom in doggie and the provider didn't know.  Come on.

Let's hear others' voices.  With a few more people busting him he will disappear on the K-Girl + G/D board and we can return the board to a CDL free place to exchange real ideas.

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