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I don't mind being quoted from . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 2460 reads

my previous posts, but if you're going to do it, at least be accurate and get it right.  Otherwise, you look like Rocket who changes what he alleges people said.  I did a search and I have NEVER used the word, "oily", on this board.  

If my memory serves me correctly, I believe I was referring to spicy, aromatic foods that some customers might be allergic to.  I'm allergic to black pepper and a few other strong spices and start sneezing anywhere near them.  If I walked into an incall and they were using it, I would turn around and walk back out rather than try to go through with the session while sneezing.  That's why I say any girl is "stupid" for cooking highly aromatic foods at an incall that may prevent some of her customers from staying and paying.  They are stupid in the sense that they may damage their income by cooking such foods.  You don't shit where you eat.  Now, on the other hand, if you are talking about Glow's pumpkin soup, or Nuri's seafood alfredo, I enjoy the smell and the anticipation of having a taste.    Both of these ladies are renowned for these respective dishes.

Should I be surprised that you missed that I was paraphrasing even with my inclusion of what was within the parentheses? Who has the time or effort to look up such a petty thing to "accurately quote" (see what I did there?) someone? Especially if the meaning is the same.

ONE guy who has time to look up everything I ever said on TER, and then post links.   Nice deflection.  You went to the trouble to make a comment about what I said, but you got it wrong.  I'm saying by all means, quote me if you want, but get it right. If you think "oily" means the same thing as spicy and aromatic, then you don't know much about cooking.  She could be making oily pomme frites, and I wouldn't think she was stupid for doing so, especially if she offered me some.  "Paraphrasing" what other people said is what Rocket does to try to make his points.  Please don't tell me you want to be like him?  LOL

Is your reading comprehension that shit or are you just incapable of admitting you're wrong? Maybe it's both, because the question in my previous comment was rhetorical and clearly about you. When you incorrectly claim that people are deflecting, that is a form of deflection, by the way.  

Did you or did you not say "stupid" in the context of cooking? You can claim I'm mischaracterizing your quote or taking it out of context, but those are separate (and incorrect) arguments.  

P.S. Sounds like you don't know much about cooking to claim that the smell of oil doesn't linger in the air, especially when you're cooking mandu. Just because you think that "ethnic" food is overly odiferous, doesn't mean that someone else won't think that your "pomme frites" smell like shit.

like a parrot whenever you nail them with one of their own posts.  It's what they do.

what the narrow context was about a girl cooking in an incall being stupid.  By stupid, I just mean she is not protecting her  business interests, but she may not be stupid from an intellectual standpoint.  You are the one that brought it up 6 or 7 months later, without a link, which is easy to find, but chose to "paraphrase" to make it sound worse than the original post.  You're close to becoming one of the trolls, but it won't be up to me to make that determination, it will be up to you.   How about a little accuracy when you are quoting someone?  Is that too much to ask?  Doubling down on your "oily" comment is not a good look for you when I have never put that word in any of my posts on this board.  Ever.   Want to double-down again?  

If I do something like that, I say, "I stand corrected," and move on.  I've said it 13 times prior to today on this board and 32 times on the GD board.  Nobody is correct 100% of the time, including me.  You will never be very successful in life until you learn to own your mistakes.  Its a sign of maturity.  The past record of things I have said IS what it is.  Get it right or STFU.  

-- Modified on 9/26/2021 11:27:46 AM

It took you 3 days to come up with this?

When I'm busy fucking Asian women on the weekends, I do not carry my laptop around with me.  If I have a break in the fucking and take a look at TER while my companion is catching some Z's, I may post but only a sentence or two.  This was too long to post from an Iphone, and frankly, was not important enough.  

Its foolish for a guy with the level of experience that you have to overestimate his own importance.  No offense, but you are far down the list of guys who's posts I will read when I have limited time.  I will first finish ALL of the posts from Veterans, and then to the newer guys who have demonstrated that they have enough experience to know what's going on in the Kgirl scene.  Then there are the newer guys who don't seem to do much hobbying, but still like to chat on this board as though they do.  This is where you are for me, so don't expect to get any kind of priority about me reading your posts.  If you look at my log, you will see that I indeed posted a little over the weekend, but it was in response to insightful, thought-provoking posts of members with way more experience than you have.  Again, I'm not saying this to be mean, and I don't want you to get your panties in a bunch over it.  It just IS what it is.  If you put up more informative posts that are current, instead of revisiting conflicts from 6-7 months ago, you can move yourself up to the next level as far as my interest in what you have to say.   Go in peace.  

If I'm not as important to you as you say I am, why respond to a sentence with a fucking essay, or even respond to it at all? You saying you take breaks from TER surprises me considering the amount of time you spend on here!

He doesn't like to take time away from posting so he keeps shitting his Depends until they're full.  Saves him time so he can post pretty much non-stop.

overly sensitive personality, so I wanted to explain fully to make sure you understood that I'm not posting in a mean-spirited way, but rather to try to bring you into reality.  I used the exact amount of words to make my point clear, no more, no less.  

You should not be surprised about me taking a lot of breaks, relatively speaking.  There are TER members that are retired that camp out on the discussion boards all day long, unless they are busy fucking a provider at the moment.  I'm semi-retired, work 20-24 hours a week, and tend to log on for short periods of 15-20 minutes or so an average of six times a day on work days, and sometimes longer in the evenings, so the time I spend here is not all that long.  I do take breaks, especially on weekends.  If you notice this past weekend, I believe I had no posts on Friday, 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday.  Its because I get a lot more Asian pussy those days.    Its pretty weak to complain that it took me three days to respond, and then also complain about the response that you finally get.   YOU are the one that made it an issue that I didn't respond to you for three days, so I gave you a proper response.  Its because time was limited and you didn't make the cut for a response over the weekend.  If you want quicker responses, then post something more intelligent.   Its not complicated and I'm NOT trying to confuse you.  

At least you make no pretense of me having you in the wrong group. . . . . ."the newer guys who don't seem to do much hobbying, but still like to chat on this board as though they do."

-- Modified on 9/27/2021 3:57:10 PM

It's unfortunate that I had to respond to this, but I felt a strange urge (to me, but definitely not to you) to point out that, a) I could care less what priority my posts are for you, much less whether you reply to them, and b) like many others, just because it "seems" (whatever that means) like I don't do much "hobbying" doesn't mean that I don't. Unlike you, I'm able to multitask and distribute my time between different forums. Unlike you, I'm not trying to gatekeep a hobby.

CDL-you are not in "semi-retirement" as you describe, you work a part-time job to supplement your age 70 SS payment.  According to your boss you do not come and go to work as you please--you are on the company schedule.  The times that you increase your posting time are coincidental to periods when you have been taken off the schedule for in appropriate behavior.

You DONT respond most of the time when you are cornered into the truth and you cant lie your way out.  That is happening more and more these days as there are a larger amount of hobbyists who are challenging you.  

You are so rattled that we have interrupted your FAKE REVIEW schedule.  It is plain to the untrained eye that collectively we have free rent inside your head that NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR FAKE REVIEWS.  You are no longer banging on your keyboard at a world record setting pace.  Your latest review of Heri has so many holes it looks like a piece of swiss cheese.  Inside truth revealed is that your "writers' assistant" coCKSucker has abandoned you.  So without his assistance in trying to coax your limp dick you can't even get it up for reviews any longer.

-- Modified on 9/28/2021 4:21:17 AM

Let's check CDL's statement, shall we?

"I had no posts on Friday" (9/24)................Correct!  
"2 on Saturday" (9/25).................................BULLSHIT!!!  CDL had ELEVEN posts on all boards on Saturday!!
"3 on Sunday" (9/26)...................................BULLSHIT!!!  CDL had ELEVEN posts on all boards on Sunday!!

On Saturday, CDL posted 11 times between 7:59 pm to 9:50pm...11 posts in less than two hours.
On Sunday, he posted 3 times from 8:20 am to 8:38 am; 3 times from 3:46 pm to 4:18 pm; and 5 times from 9:17 pm to 10:04 pm.

A hobbyists posts are available for anyone to see.  Compulsive-Deranged-Liar must be a pathological liar if he thinks he can post bullshit that is so easily disproved.  

Compulsive-Deranged-Liar lied about the number of his post in order to fit his narrative:
"If you notice this past weekend, I believe I had no posts on Friday, 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday.  Its because I get a lot more Asian pussy those days."
NO, Compulsive-Deranged-Liar, you weren't getting Asian pussy "those days."  You lied and said your number of posts were much lower than they actually were to cover up the fact that you did NOT get any Asian pussy.

CDL lied about the number of his posts because he wanted to insult Floorhump.  CDL pretended he was too busy fucking Asian pussy to respond to Floorhump and Floorhump wasn't worth his time to resond.  CDL said:
"YOU are the one that made it an issue that I didn't respond to you for three days, so I gave you a proper response.  Its because time was limited and you didn't make the cut for a response over the weekend."

See for yourselves - here is a list of all CDL's posts on ALL boards:

Now, here is where CDL's lies caught up to him.  He constructed that whole post around his alleged dearth of posts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to "prove" he's fucking Asian pussy on the weekend.  One tiny problem -
he's a FUCKING MORON!  When he listed the low number of posts he had over the weekend, he only listed his posts on the K-GIRL BOARD.  He didn't include ALL his posts over the weekend from ALL TER BOARDS.  Either CDL is stupid (he is), or he thinks K-mongers are so dumb that they wouldn't check the other boards and would accept his bullshit.

Well K-mongers - are you all that stupid or will you finally see what a LIAR Completely-Deranged-Liar is?

could not resist the bait.  Thanks guys for your continuing entertainment.  You guys are truly joined at the pea-brain.  You made a big issue out of my weekend posting earlier this month, so I thought I would see if you are still post-obsessed.  I was only talking about THIS board to FH, and as you can see, the troll baiting I do on P & R takes little time for a slew of posts because I'm usually mocking the serious people, and I use a similar priority system there.  (That's why YOU get NO responses from me over there).  Thanks for confirming with the time stamps that I was only on ALL the boards a combined total of a few hours for the whole day (approx. 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes).  That leaves me PLENTY of time for pussy,  dick-breath.  On Saturday nights, I'm usually with my girlfriend (you wouldn't know what that is).  We eat, fuck, and then she falls asleep while I log onto TER.  Go ahead and check back on all the Saturday nights and find one or two where I did not post on a Saturday night (Maybe I fell asleep too).  Its another chance to call me a liar. You don't want to miss that, do you?   If you weren't so seriously obsessed, you would not let me manipulate you like this, but you can't resist.  I own your thoughts.    Bwahahahahaha

Bait or NO bait.
You can't wiggle out of it.

You have ZERO credibility here.  You are WASHED UP, like yesterday's news.  The K-Girls have black listed you.  You HAVE NO FRIENDS HERE.  Even your sidekick, coCKSucker has stopped standing up for you.  

Even your sign off, "Bwahahahahaha "--like what the fuck does that mean, old man.

Its time to raise the white flag and retire.

You were trying to prove that were fucking Asian pussy all weekend by how few posts you had OVERALL.  When I showed how many posts you really had compared to the K-girl board, the light bulb went off in your dumb brain and you changed your story to limit it to K-girl board posts.  "Yeah, that's the ticket!"

Since YOU brought up your other weekend posting episode, let's tell your fellow K-mongers about it, shall we?
You claimed you did not post on the long Labor Day weekend from Friday (9/3) at noon to Monday morning 9/6 because you spent the weekend with "a hot young Asian girl."  I called BULLSHIT in this post:

In actuality, you posted FIFTY-ONE times between noon Friday and Monday morning.  So your claim that you did not post from Friday (9/3) at noon to Monday morning 9/6 because you spent the weekend with "a hot young Asian girl" WAS bullshit.

You could have possibly gotten away with your "no posts" lie if you had limited it to your K-girl posts only.  You had only two posts during that period - one at 7:27 pm on 9/3 and another at 9:34.  THAT was the weekend when you should have used your "no posts" bullshit, not THIS one.

But on Labor Day weekend you stuck to your guns and said you DID NOT POST AT ALL UNTIL MONDAY MORNING.  When I pointed out that you posted on Monday at 12:54 am, you had the perfect opportuity to say you were only talking about K-girl board posts.  Instead, you defended your 12:54 am post by claiming it WAS morning.  You simply could not admit you were lying about not posting all weekend.

THE HILL YOU CHOSE TO DIE ON WAS THE DEFINITION OF "MORNING."  You claimed that you were telling the truth about not posting all Labor Day weekend by citing this sentence from the Wikipedia article on morning:
"Morning can be defined as starting from midnight to noon."  That is from the first paragraph of the Wiki article.  The VERY FIRST sentence of the article says: Morning is the period from sunrise to noon."
Do you see the difference between Morning IS..." and "Morning CAN BE..."?

You only got the idea to say to say you were just talking about K-girl posts in THIS instance because I handed it to you on a silver platter.  You're such A FUCKING MORON that you couldn't think of it for the Labor Day weekend.  You chose to argue over the meaning of "morning" to "prove" you were telling the truth.

But you went one step too far.  You couldn't help yourself - you just had to brag about how you kicked my ass:
"So you are still quoting your original post after you got your ass kicked on your claim by my link to Wikipedia (of the definition of 'morning')?  So you know more that the dictionary?  Bwahahahahahaha"


When I pointed out to you how FUCKING STUPID YOU ARE for relying on Wikipedia in this post...
...you ran away like the cowardly little bitch and loser you are.  Come on CDL, let's see you defend Wikipedia.  

seem to show up together lately.  Are you two dating on the outside, or what?  Bwahahahaha

Dumb claims to be in a chat group with Dumber.

Maybe Dumb has aspirations to be Dumber? Just a thought.

Here is the duo.  They post together and strive to fulfill their namesakes as described below:


Research indicates the high probability that they are in fact one poster.  With no legs to stand on, these little limp boys have resorted to playing with each other.

Their self proclaimed goal is BBFS--and creampies.  Mind you they select K-Girls that offer the service for an upcharge.   They no longer play the K-Girl scene as they have been banned for playing crazy tricks.  Taking your condom off while the girl is in doggie is NOT COOL.  

Why do you resort to these kinds of attacks when you know you're wrong. Why am I still surprised at this point, Bouche-de-Poulet?

See my recent post on trolls. All internet trolls share 3 personality traits to some degree: psychopathic, narcissistic and sadistic. Some are more of one than the others. But they all have those characteristics.

Those words describe COEUR-DE-LION perfectly!!

Narcissist/Egomaniac/grandiose sense of self worth - Have you seen anyone on TER brag about himself more than CDL?  
     Has anyone on TER ever revealed more about his fake personal life than CDL?
Sadistic - Have you seen anyone hurl more ad hominem attacks than CDL?
Pathological lying - His posts speak for themselves
Failure to accept responsibility - He never admits he is wrong.  The best he can do is to say: "I stand corrected."
Promiscuous sexual behavior - If you believe all his reviews are real.


Thank you, useyrhead, for shining the spotlight on TER's #1 troll - COEUR-DE-LION!!!

before you became a troll on TER two weeks ago?  I notice you have no reviews, let alone Kgirl reviews.   Who have you seen so far?  Or are you just a keyboard jockey rubbing one out each night to internet porn?

"... no reviews, let alone Kgirl reviews.... or (is he) a keyboard jockey rubbing one out each night to internet porn."

"... no reviews, let alone Kgirl reviews.... or (is he) a keyboard jockey rubbing one out each night to internet porn" also sounds a lot like you.  Nice example of shooting yourself in the foot.  

The difference is that I have PM'd more with GaG than anyone else on TER, and you're be surprised how much we know about each other's fucking history.  GaG also has what amounts to a "library" of informative and helpful posts on this board about Kgirls and the business.  The accuracy of his posts to ANYONE who has been seeing Kgirls for several years is unassailable.  The only things you know are what you have read here posted by REAL Kgirl mongers.  its not unreasonable that there are many more here just like you.

its always comical.  Look at this post:

"The difference is that I have PM'd more with GaG than anyone else on TER".

Sure CDL--just like your comments, "I have a bigger dick than anyone on TER", or another beauty, "It will get hard if you put it in your mouth", or the ultimate "I will pull out before i come'.  The latter turns out to actually be true because of his impotency prevents him from climax.

And we all love the double negatives like, "its not unreasonable" and so when he gets caught in his LIES he will use endlessly to create confusion with some.  However most of us are onto this FAKE and we urge everyone to speak up when reading his LIES and bust him.  Complete Dick Lover is bad for the hobby.  Lets push the bully out of the hobby!

Seems like you’re finally ready to admit to an accurate description of yourself! 😂

You just posted an insult to CDL.  Get ready to be thrown under the bus.

In the meantime we took a survey and 20% of the members believe that you should be cut some slack as "how humiliating it must be to have a tiny limp dick in your mouth that has been dipped in fake semen".

Its only 20% which proves that the 80% still believe that someone with a name on her like coCKSucker deserves whatever pain he asks for!

This is exactly how you recruited coCKSucker to be your fluff.  No worries here though.  There's too much information on TER these days so EVERYONE KNOWS what you are about.  There is even hope for reform for CKS--though occasionally  he relapses (like above).  But overall his rehab from being a cuck is going well.

How this matters in the K-Girl world is that there are REAL Asian SW'ers that seek male company.  This is different than the two deranged perverts that are interrupting this board who have no real experience as they write FAKE REVIEWS.  

Other hobbyists here are more than happy to share from their experience.  Here's an important concept that i will share about K-Girls;  If they are young and especially if they are good, they will not stay very long.  So get them when you can!

We should only be so lucky with those two losers.  A few k-Girl boyfriends are on the lookout for them and it sounds like they want to teach CDL a lesson.  From my sources the day that he stops posting they will run a special for around a month.

so each and every time that these sleazes post, rebut it.  Think of it as a way to clean the board and have a special time afterwards!

Actually, I try to directly quote people nowadays because people don't like to take responsibility/accountability for their own words, and scream misrepresentation at any opportunity they can when they are pressed against the wall.

"If my memory serves me correct" mean:

You have caught me with my pants down.  I made statements that were not true--FAKE--and now I'm going to use that statement above to bridge to a whole bunch of words and explanations to water down the point.

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