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CDL : "Good question for the board." NO, it's a good question for YOU...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2488 reads

The VERY FIRST thing you put in your post was the bullshit about how many K-girls you fuck - 35-40 in 90 days.  You just had to put your bullshit bragging in first, didn't you?

There are some guys here who see twice that many in 90 days.  Its not bragging, I just stated a fact in the context of why I would need to read my review after a certain length of time.  If I saw only 6 in 90 days, I would probably not need to read my own review to refresh my memory on the session.   Is that something you could not figure out on your own, so you thought it was bragging?   How many Kgirls do YOU see in 90 days?  Oh wait, . . . . . . you don't see any, so you probably remember them all.  Bwahahahahaha

your mind is getting weak in your old age? LOL

And no, this is in no way an endorsement of your troll. I'm getting to the point I might request TER admins ban him from posting to the board as he has 0 contribution to the board and 100% off topic posts.

-- Modified on 10/7/2021 11:36:28 AM

my "mind" is getting weak.   I just believe we have only so many bytes of RAM, and just like computers, we older models did not come with as much memory as the newer models, so when you are operating near capacity, like I am, there are some things that are NOT going to get stored when requested, or may end up being stored in the wrong place, or even worse, the operating system makes random deletions in order to keep at least some semblance of normal function going.  Its strictly a mechanical problem, IMO, and merely means you should try not to become an older model.  If you figure out how the older models can get periodic memory upgrades, let me know.  Lol

-- Modified on 10/7/2021 3:58:27 AM

Why did you attempt to make a computer reference when you don't even know what you're talking about? Lol!

You have now achieved full-fledged stalkerhood.  Your parents will be so proud.  Why not yell up from the basement and tell them about it, or else put your pants on and go tell them in person?  (One of the hallmarks of stalkers is that they take everything seriously, whether it was intended to be serious, or not.  They suck the fun out of being here.  That's you, young man.   BTW, I posted something similar a long time ago on the over-60 board and those guys thought it was funny.  Maybe when you're a stalker, there is no room in your brain for humor, or maybe your mind just doesn't work fast enough to get it?  If you're this fucking serious now, you are headed for being the grumpy old guy in 30 years that chases the kids off his lawn.)

I'm not going to put you on ignore yet.  As of now, you are the low-hanging fruit on this board.

All I did was question your half-assed "joke", where any semblance of humor was ruined by your clear lack of knowledge on the subject matter, and you responded with another fucking essay. Tell me who's being too serious again?

....by his lack of knowledge of the internet.  He still uses AOL fer chrissakes.  Even more hilarious - he actually believes Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, an unimpeachable authority on a par with "the dictionary" or a real encyclopedia like the Encyclopedia Brittanica.


Okay. I have an approach that might help. Don't try storing all the details for the long term. Just Repeat = Yes/No.


If Yes then just go an experience the event as if it were a new  meeting. Then even if the session is almost the exact same you won't feel like it was starting to become some repetitive routine sine you don't really have the details well in mind! Seems like a winning approach to me ;-)

I would still want to read my prior review.  I generally only review a girl once unless something changes about the session, then I will write a new review based on the NEW experience.  I suppose I could go see her as though she is new, but I would still want to read the old review before writing a new one.  If nothing was different, why bother?

Good analogy! Your mind can't be too weak, you put it together well! Funny and good comparisons!

As far as not becoming an older model, well, we can get upgrades and some replacement parts!  

A long time ago I had a supervisor that was retiring. On the day of his party, I guess he was feeling his age, he told me not to get old! I just kind of looked at him and didn't say anything. So, he snaps and figures my thought! The alternative to not getting old, death!  

Stay as healthy as possible and keep seeing those wonderful Kgirls!

hot, young Kgirl fix every few days may not help my memory, but it keeps me thinking young and motivates me to keep  going to the gym to stay fit and healthy.  If I was fucking someone my own age, I'd probably be a LOT less motivated.  Lol

Considering that this board is "moderated" by admin, what are you seeing that they aren't?

management at TER (post-US blackout period) is much more lenient with allowing off-topic and flame posts than the previous crew was.  Even BigP will admit that he has been suspended for his posting several times in the past.  I have been suspended 3 times since 2008.  Once was for calling out an indie provider (and former Ms. TER) for posting that ALL Kgirls are sex slaves.  You can only imagine how I unloaded on her.  It bought me a one-week suspension, but then she got one, too, for trying to egg me on after my suspension was over.   There are many others here who have been suspended for various amounts of time.    I don't think we can count on Admin to rule the boards with an iron fist, but as Jensen suggests, bringing specific incidents to their attention will sometimes fix problems and get some guys to clean up their act. A 30-day time out for guys who take posting access for granted can do wonders in regards to encouraging civility.  

-- Modified on 10/7/2021 7:15:15 AM

I asked Jensen a question, but you felt the need to ham-fist your way into our dialogue. I may have to put you on "Ignore" as there's little else I can do to deal with trolls and stalkers. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two about situational awareness by taking a class at Yonsei.

a little advice about how TER is different than other places you may have posted . . . . .

If you want to have a private conversation with another member, then you use the PM feature.  It keeps it between the two of you, and its a violation of TER rules to publish PM content from another member without their permission, so you are assured of absolute privacy.  

There are no private conversations on a public discussion board.  You can go to any board on TER, and plainly see that when someone asks a question, ANYONE can answer it, whether it was directed to one person to not.  That doesn't make them a stalker unless more than half of their posts are directed just to you, like the stalkers that I have here.  So don't get butt-hurt if you ask a question and multiple members reply.  Most guys here like that, but they get MORE total information that way than if only one person responded.  The responses will often compliment each other and provide a more comprehensive answer when you combine all of the information you got from various members.  I'm ex-military, so I'm confident I know more about situational awareness than you ever will.  I'd ask you who Yonsei is, but I'm really not interested in taking classes at my age.  I already know enough to have had a successful life. I get that you are just starting out.  Good luck to you.  

-- Modified on 10/8/2021 5:59:50 PM

Not following.

Just caught up. You're asking about the troll reference.

Just go read the contribution to this forum (and a number of other but I'll left that to the side). If you think he makes a positive contribution to the general environment or information let me know.

-- Modified on 10/8/2021 1:32:29 AM

I see your point in regard to the troll in question. It’s been so long since he’s posted anything anyone considers useful that I think he may have finally fallen over the ledge upon which all trolls tread.

That said, from what I can see while having him on Ignore (subject headers and other users responses), Rocket seems to actually be making an effort to make a few positive contributions to the board, within his capabilities. Though his ratio of shit to shinola still leans very heavily away from the shoe polish option, in my opinion.

But he deserves some credit for actually appearing to make a bit of effort, I think. Still, I only have a very high level view of his contributions. You guys would know much better about his current credit to debit balance.

I understand that even saying the above will be highly offensive to rocket. But, in my mind, this is just like everyone has to do with coworkers. Some of them drain your resources and make little to no contributions to the team. While management figures out what to do with them, all any one person can do is act to minimize the problematic team member’s impact on their own contributions and attitude.

CDL's mind may or may not be getting weak in his old age, but he does use the excuse of a faulty memory when he's caught lying.  In May, rocket busted CDL's lying ass on the number of reviews CDL claimed he had on AF.  The first time rocket busted him, CDL said "I misspoke."  CDL corrected the number of reviews he claimed he had on AF and once again rocket busted his lying ass.  Once more CDL said "I misspoke again."

You'd think at this point CDL would stop lying, wouldn't you?  Well then, you don't know CDL.  He LIED for the THIRD TIME about how many reviews he had on AF.  rocket busted his pathetic lying ass AGAIN.  CDL couldn't very well say  
"I misspoke" for a third time so instead he blamed his lying on his age and his memory:
"Well, I'm 62 and . . . .my memory is not what it used to be."

So Jensen, do you think CDL's mind is getting weak in his old age?  Or will you finally realize what a LIAR CDL is?

Only two replies before the bickering started.  Well, at least you saved me from reading for ten minutes, before you started this childish back and forth bickering bullshit.  Do you fuckin' trolls need a vacation or something?  Maybe a timeout?

a thread run overnight before I post, because as soon as I do, my trolls start hijacking the thread.  If there was a way I could prevent it, I would.  

Maybe Jensen's idea of asking admin to moderate his posts and if the post is about me and not about Kgirls, to not allow it.  Multiple requests from a dozen or more posters here would likely get their attention.  Far too much space is being taken up on this board by troll posts.  I've been here (not always as CDL) from very early on, and it has never been THIS bad before.  If you go back to the first few weeks after the creation of the Kgirl board, you can read for yourself how despised our principal troll was even back then by the veterans who were posting back then.  I'm sure some of them ultimately threw in the towel and stopped posting because of our troll-in-chief, so there's no way to know how much valuable and legit information was lost to the community because guys come here for fun and a common interest only to have the trolls suck the fun out of this place.

-- Modified on 10/8/2021 6:30:10 PM

...who doesn't exalt K-girls and exult in the magnificence.  Anyone who has a different opinion is ostracized and attacked.  What did rocket do to be called a "felcher" by RIFFRICHARDS and dcgrind?  What did rocket do to be accused of sucking cum out of another person's ass?  NOTHING except express his opinion; an opinion which is not tolerated by K-fanboys who only want to hear good things about K-girls, K-bookers and K-orgs.

K-fanboys want their own segregated little board where only they are allowed to post.  I've been saying it for years - K-fanboys, K-girls, K-bookers and K-orgs don't give a shit about TER and they keep proving it over and over again.  Now the head K-fanboy is calling for "Multiple requests from a dozen or more posters..."  to complain to TER to moderate someone's posts.  After that, "Multiple requests from a dozen or more posters..." will complain to TER about rocket.  Then CDL will try to get "Multiple requests from a dozen or more posters..." to complain to TER about hobbyhunter, kyungjean, mufftime, Floorhump, rpd1952 and anyone else who disagrees with CDL or kicks his ass on the board.
"Multiple requests from a dozen or more posters..."  CDL is a craven coward who is calling for his fellow K-cowards to "run to Mommy" as GaGAMBLER is so fond of saying when he ridicules losers like CDL who complain to TER.

If you don't like the way TER is running things, start your own board.  You can call it Adult Facts.  There was a simialr board a while ago just for K-girls and their K-fanboys.  It turned into one big steaming pile of shit...and that's exactly what K-fanboys would do to TER if given the chance.

You want me to stop posting on this board CDL?  I'd be more than happy to do it...if you'd only stop lying ALL THE TIME.  
Start with this one: admit to everyone that "several CLL girls" did not PM you.

Is BigPapasan suggesting HobbyHunter is NOT a troll? LOL

I would send one of the PM's I got from girls at CLL to another poster here, and he would verify the origin for the board, and then YOU would quit posting on the Kgirl board. If I was not able to send one, then I would leave the Kgirl board. I asked you to put your money where your mouth is, and you wouldn't back up your bullshit claim. You ran away like a little girl. I still have the PM's, so my offer is still on the table. It's time to put up or STFU. Feeling lucky?  Calling me out again on this after you refused my challenge just confirms you are a troll.


So Mr. BPOS, since you mentioned me by name in your post let me answer your question of "What did rocket do to be accused of sucking cum out of another person's ass?" Well, it has nothing to do with limiting who can post, nor do I want to establish a "segregated little board where only [we] are allowed to post." Most importantly, it has virtually nothing to do with the nature or quality of the little rocket felcher's opinions, as I'm on the record many times saying that I don't disagree with felcher boy's opinions. And, as he can verify, when he first came to TER after being ostracized from other Boards, I actually shared information with him in his efforts to out the shills stanning for a couple of the Vegas K-orgs.

My issues with the little rocket felcher derive from his continued, droning, repetitive assertions of those opinions to the point where he pushes otherwise valid threads into the right margin making the same exact points he's made in tens of threads before. I, like many if not most of the gents who post here, come to TER to find and share valuable information so our hobby will be enjoyable and, most importantly, safe. I (and I think most gents on TER) don't come here to argue, and I don't want to have to read through others' repetitive arguments to find the information that will help me find enjoyable ladies who I can see in a safe environment. And, the little rocket felcher is by far the biggest offender in starting, and repeating, these arguments. I suggested to him many months ago that we've all read his premises, and maybe he should stop re-hashing them over, and over, and over again. He responded by telling me that he had the "right" to say whatever he wanted, and accused me of favoring hos over bros, which anyone who had read my reviews know is not true as I've written more than a few mediocre or worse reviews of KGirls and independents. And he did it in a combative way. And he didn't just treat me that way, but he also treated other long-time TER members that way too. Basically, the little rocket felcher thinks he has a "right" to be an asshole. What makes it worse is that he doesn't even see KGirls anymore, and hasn't for 20+ months, so EVERYTHING he writes is based on what he's read or what others have supposedly told him and not on his own personal experience. So what the hell is he doing here starting and repeating argumentative posts about a hobby that he doesn't participate in? Basically, he's spreading hearsay. And we have to read it over and over just because the little rocket felcher thinks it's his "right" to ruin the threads on this Board. So that's what he did to earn his nickname. If the little rocket felcher treated this Board, and the guys who actually see KGirls and want to exchange current information, with a little respect and discretion, then I would treat him the same way as I do virtually everyone who posts here. I've been on TER for 10+ years, and you can search my posts you'll find no one else that I respond to the way I respond to the little rocket felcher. He earned the scorn and disrespect that he now receives from me.

Oh, one last thing: I heard through the grapevine that the little rocket felcher might have quite a large collection of straws that he keeps in his parents' basement (where he lives because he can't get or keep a job and is too broke to pay rent and/or his formerly beloved KGirls). And based on his years old reviews it seems that he might live in the SF Bay Area. Thus, it seemed to me that he might just use those straws for felching his boyfriend(s) since he no longer sees KGirls? That's how his beloved nickname originated. Sorry if it hits too close to home for you and him. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

That is exactly my primary reason for putting him on Ignore and recommending others do the same. Coupled with the fact that he lies so glibly. Yet claims integrity is his hallmark.

And, then the same day he pounds his chest about his integrity, he deliberately misreads and misquotes somebody’s response. Pretending that he actually believes that his misread of simple English was actually what he thought was being said.

Early on, I engaged in a long exchange with him to determine just what grade level his reading comprehension tested out to be (it’s easy to look up how to determine approximate grade level of reading comprehension). The results were interesting. His comprehension was at a solid high school level. Until it came to reading something he disagreed with. Then his “reading comprehension” would drop to about 5th or 6th grade. That’s a very convenient reading disability he has.

If he has to lie about not understanding things just so he can claim to be winning an argument, just how many other things is he lying about?

-- Modified on 10/10/2021 9:43:12 AM


Correct you are. Integrity and the little rocket felcher are mutually exclusive. And it’s not surprising that he touts his “integrity”. In my experience most unmitigated liars frequently proclaim their integrity as a way to conceal their dishonesty.

There were instances where I misread things, and I owned them. But it's too easy to blame everything on me misreading things. I've directly quoted some people and they've accused me of misreading, lol.  

It's funny because I remember posing very specific questions to useyrhead, questions he refused to answer at all.

Couple of these questions was, do orgs and/or girls benefit from less-than-stellar reviews/reviewers being discredited publicly?  

and do they benefit from fake glowing review?  

I also asked him directly if he can give me an example of talk of boycotts on a board affecting pricing.

He straight up refused to answer all those questions. Now let me ask you, can someone like this be trusted if a person straight up refuses to answer questions in a debate/argument?  

Not to mention.  
The same guy laughing about me being vigilante and who says to not trust anyone, trusted a serious accusation of some kgirl and went and stalked another monger for his personal info. Ah I get it, kgirls can be trusted unconditionally but mongers cannot! Nixe double standards.

But it is I who lacks integrity. I NEVER once lied on a message board or in a pm to a fellow monger. I told people like it is and I told the truth to their face and if I couldn't answer the q I explained why I cannot. My conscience is clear.

If that makes others call me felcher - well so be it, fuck it.

Lol what a crock of shit. First, I don't remember saying you are hos over bros. I never really had a problem with your reviews and I've said it multiple times.  

Second, who said I haven't seen a kgirl in 20 months?  
It's true that I stopped mongering once covid hit up until I got the Vax. I got the Vax a few months ago.  

If you're going by my reviews last date, then is it safe to conclude useyrhead, Jensen and DCgrind also have not seen a kgirl in 20 months? Sounds like it.  

Third is just petty insults about me living in basements, being broke, being homosexual and other nonsense.  

Fourth, prior to this summer I have not been ostracized from any boards.  

Yes, I love to argue and yes, I like the truth being said. It's a shame that you choose your dislike of me over truth, however, and think it's fine to call me third grade insult names.

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