Newbie - FAQ

I'm Sorry - I know this have probably
Bug351 19616 reads

been asked here a million times, but can someone comment or direct me to a link related to health risks.  I recognize the realty that we are discussing a degree of risky behavior, but exactly how great is the risk?

I'm a complete newbie and would appreciate everyones tolerance in helping me out.  I would especially like to hear from some providers.  How safe do you feel and what would you suspect is the average level of awareness and precaution that the professional provider community is following?  ie., is regular medical checkups a priority or something done occassionally.

Again, sorry for the newbie question - and I appreciate the help.

seventhson17586 reads

professionals, those who have established a client base or intend to, usually are careful out of good judgement. OTOH, a lot of "upscale gentlemen" don't seem to be scrupulous. TER did a review that polled the frequency of STD testing among the consumers of services. The majority claimed they had an annual test, if any at all.

Fine and well. You aren't a statistic, you are an individual who can make conscious choices.

The easiest choice is to stop germs before they can get started. A 2 ounce bottle of Purell "instant hand sanitizer" will cost you around two dollars at the store, and next to a condom is an excellent investment.

Before you start, use it on you hands so you don't transmit things to the girl. Have her use it on her hands for the same reason. Herpes can live on fingers, as can several types of wart causing viruses. She may let you roam where she does not let others go when she sees that you are conscientous about your hygeine. Keep it within reach while you are playing so you can use it on a finger or thumb that may have slipped in the back door. She'll appreciate the attention to detail too.

When you have finished, wash you hands and gential region with the Purell to minimize the chance of of germ transmission.

I always bring a small bottle of Listerine and have the girl gargle and swish before any oral exchanges, and I rinse out afterwards too.

It's a good idea to get regularly tested if seeing providers is part of your lifestyle. Better to have an STD clinic do the testing, pay cash.  There a good DNA urine test for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia which you might conceivable pick up in some oral activities, but I've never tested positive for either.

Knowledg_IS_Power17723 reads

If you do a search you should be able to draw your own conclusions.

-- Modified on 4/11/2003 5:28:16 AM

Everything in life has it's risks.And the hobby is one of them.I my self take an HIV test every 3-6 months...and I always use protection.I'm married and would NOT want to bring home any suprises to my husband who's also a male escort for women in the biz.

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