New England

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Hey guys, I live in MA and I'm thinking about making my first date with a provider. There are a few things I'm nervous about and was hoping someone could give me some clarity.  

1) Pre-screening: I'm VERY nervous about giving my license info to someone/agency. Not even because I don't trust them, but if what if they were to get hacked/raided, etc. Am I too paranoid? Also, I will have no "references" as this would be my first date.

2) Price: I was hoping to find someone I could see regularly, but most of the providers I like are $600-$1000/hr! I definitely get paying for quality, but that was higher than I expected. I can't do that 2ce/mo.

3) My looks: I'm 43 and while I'm not a troll, I'm also not attractive. I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most is finding someone who's personality can make me feel like she might actually not hate having to touch me, lol! Is this something I can/should mention to the provider or her service upfront?

Thanks so much for any thoughts or suggestions from the more experienced members! 😀

1) DON'T give your personal info to anyone, whether an agency or an independent provider. There is a recent trend to requiring this but it's always been dangerous and still is. There are plenty of women who don't require personal info and you need to find them. That said, it's tough for a newbie because you also don't have any referrals. You might try joining P411 and looking for women there who are listed as "Newbie Friendly."
2) $600-$1000/hr. is very expensive, even for these days. You simply need to do more looking, as there are lots of women available for $300-$500/hr. Do a search on TER for them.
3) They don't care how you look. As long as you're clean, respectful and pay their fee, looks don't really matter.

Thanks so much, i really appreciateit! I did an advanced search, in my area, using only the ethnicities I like and got 16 pages. I went through them all, read reviews, looked at all available pics and found 9 providers I was interested in. All were over $500 and the ones with the best reviews were $600+ 🙄

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