Massage Parlors

agency to indy
milatequila 28274 reads

was wondering how many ladies have been with an agency and then became independent (or reversed).
gents, have u followed ladies after they left a certain group? did u notice any differences? pros/cons?

ladies: if u have been with an agency what whas that like? how is it different than being independent?

for me i KNOW all my clients are screened. i found out when i quit with my agency that there was very little screening. its great being independent coz i have my own location (i don't like cleaning up after my co-workers) and i like being surrounded by my decorations and things. its also nice not having to give 40% to the house! LOL i really enjoy having a more flexible schedule as well...

so. lemme know ur experiences.

Some ladies are horrible at the business side. For them, an agency (or assistant) is the way to go.

If I enjoy the company of a lady, I have no preference, or if she switches. I tend to prefer the independent ladies though. They tend to have more upstairs, which helps in the GF side of GFE. Indy's also tend to be lower volume, which I also prefer.

Note: You can be an agency lady and have your own place. You can also tell your agent when you do and do not want to work. If the agent doesn't like your schedule, then find another agent that will work with you.

I agree that Agencies tend not to screen as well - it is not them getting arrested.

Agencies are more concerned with revenue than the girls safety against LE .
Not always true that agencies wont go down, they've been known to bust the agency as well as the lady involved with them

Posted By: gsee60606
Some ladies are horrible at the business side. For them, an agency (or assistant) is the way to go.

If I enjoy the company of a lady, I have no preference, or if she switches. I tend to prefer the independent ladies though. They tend to have more upstairs, which helps in the GF side of GFE. Indy's also tend to be lower volume, which I also prefer.

Note: You can be an agency lady and have your own place. You can also tell your agent when you do and do not want to work. If the agent doesn't like your schedule, then find another agent that will work with you.

I agree that Agencies tend not to screen as well - it is not them getting arrested.

I generally avoid Agencies because some of their screening practices are too intrusive.
Things like employer, work phone, home address, SSN. All it takes is that info to fall into the wrong hands.
What happens when a raid goes down!

Really the best screening is "other" providers. And a little board presence to see what they are like!

Just paranoid like any good provider!

I've worked at many a parlor but never really fit in
because I have a different standard of how it should run.
Walk-ins = high traffic = easy bust.
That aside from catty, messy coworkers.
I've been Indy for a long time now but its not any easier considering all the work I need to put in.
At least its just me.
I do like it better though because I control who I see and when .
Most of my clients followed me from the parlors and I still see them 8yrs later :)

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