Legal Corner

Staying "legal" with a provider?
InDireNeed 3 Reviews 5106 reads
1 / 7

I hope this isn't too sensitive a question to ask. I have total respect for sex workers and I was an active hobbyist about a decade ago. My main question: is it possible to pay a woman to be with you and to do "things" together up to a point that is still not unlawful? I've read definitions in state laws and certainly the obvious things involving sex or sexual gratification are illegal.

Where I am coming from with this is I'm lonely for affection and I lust to feel a woman's body, even if certain parts are off limits. It doesn't have to involve genital contact. Yes I keep trying the dating way but hasn't been working and I'm getting older.

I think what I am asking for doesn't exist in practice. I believe LE would just assume if you're arranging to meet a sex worker for money that you'll commit an illegal act and if you try to plea that you never had the intent to have sex regardless if it actually happened or not, that it's no defense anyway because it's not believable to anyone - why would people pay a sex worker not to have sex?

But is there really an "escort" service that is truly legal with no risk of LE involvement? I mean maybe there are agencies that have a reputation with LE where they know they have strict boundaries but I imagine those boundaries are probably like no physical contact except maybe a kiss on the cheek or something...?

Valida 17 Reviews 650 reads
2 / 7

.... it's a thing.  
As to the legal precedents of it, I have no information.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 669 reads
3 / 7

First of all, because if LE is going to bust you they're going to do it regardless of what you claim you've limited yourself to. Also, if you do your homework right and conduct yourself sensibly your risk is infinitesimal.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 646 reads
4 / 7
I_like_escorts 22 Reviews 660 reads
5 / 7

Indeed!  There are tons of cuddle parties and professional cuddlers, although most are under-the-radar.  Google is your friend.  LE isn't really targeting professional cuddlers now.

I believe the first cuddle service was Cuddle Up to Me in Portland, OR.  They're strict on rules and such, but they'll cuddle with you nicely.  At least in the past, when they first got started.  Probably not so much now, with Covid and the leftist politics surrounding it.  And with them being in Portland, OR, a place that CAN'T GET more leftist, their cuddling won't be enjoyable, because "slow the spread", and you have to wear a mask too.

At least it's just across the river from Washington.  If their low-mileage cuddling bums you out, you can cross over, hit up a dispensary, and puff-puff some of that Dutch stuff (an old rap song reference).

inicky46 61 Reviews 639 reads
6 / 7


DAVEPHX 649 reads
7 / 7

I have followed many court cases in decades in Phoenix, been at trials and reported on them for decades up till FOSTA.

Under Arizona law you must offer money or other consideration for "sex" (which is defined).   LE is good at getting you by phone, text or email to make it clear you are getting sex. Or you say the wrong thing like will this include xyz.  The cop says yes, you arrive, you pay, you get handcuffed.   There has to be an agreement of sex for money.   Many of the stings in Phoenix area are the stop the sextrafficking of underaged where you go do an adults only site, think your responding to adult (in one case women had a wedding wring on) but in the conversation says something like can you pick me up a smoke on the way I am not old enough.  Or, something like that.  Guy offers money for sex and faces 10 years in prison as a child predator.  

In the case of the Phoenix Goddess Temple which was in Court for 5 years with 30 women charged with criminal enterprise and given "Donald Advisements" of like 50 years in prison if didn't take a plea - since every time money given another money laundering charge.  The case was questionable since only a "donation" was left after the fact on the way out.  However, the website talked about illegal sex acts and a "suggested donation.".   It was a very long trial (I was at most of it and did over 200 updates on a private email list).  It took about an hour at the end for the jury to convict the leader who went to prison for about 3 years.   All the rest pled guilty but to felonies for probation.    

A funny part was when I was missing as a visitor for a while, the next time I returned at a break, the judge looked at me and said " we missed you lately"    The defendants had lots of witness support including Dennis Hof (NV brothel fame originally from Phx area) the founder of Institute of Advanced Human Sexuality and many sex advocates all over the US.  I had nice lunch with Hof etc.  

I have always preferred the more sensual side and was one of the first to coin GFE on newsgroup with 300 baud dial up modems. It had nothing to do with a sex act.  But a human real interaction as a person for the moment even if paid for and never see again. It has been perverted to mean illegal sex acts (in the US but I go to places like Canada without the legal issues).  I love cuddling but with a naked body not clothed and even if no "sex" acts are involved.

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