Legal Corner

DUI Legal Advice
gypsypooner2015 3 Reviews 1403 reads

DUI Season is here.  The best legal advice I can give is to not agree to any roadside tests, flashlight pen or finger tests, or any other blowing tests since the protable breathalyzer tests are not properly sterilized for germs.

I would also further urge that even the implied consent law is bogus and should be declined as well since the City of Phoenix and other cities do not cite for criminal driving on suspended license anymore and only cite for civil driving on a suspended license and thus driving without a license or driving on a suspended license even if you get suspended on the Implied Consent protocol will never lead to any jail time.  Moreover, the new traffic law passed states that any civil traffic fines will not cause suspension of one's license!

Thus, the only thing you have to do is exit the vehicle if given a direct order under the supreme court ruling.  Make sure you clarify that you are not voluntary exiting for a consentual interaction and make sure you get on record that you are not free to go.  Then state you will not answer questions and demand that the government provide you with counsel asap.

Then make them get a warrant for any tests and if no tests are granted then you will win at trial.  

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