
Why I do not participate on TER very much.sad_smile
spock101 7 Reviews 3232 reads

Simply stated, the anti kgirl crews and how they have berated the kgirls and kgirl fans.  

Now if someone is shilling constantly, that can get annoying and if a person is constantly doing that, fine call them out.  I really have not posted on here much for over a year ago because of the horrendous posts I was reading, the way I was being verbally attacked for enjoying the kgirls, the obscene racist remarks against the kgirls and the deletion of posts I and others made trying to argue our position with regards to the kgirls.   Furthermore the so called independents that were talking so much trash against the kgirls,  that I have visited, really need to shut up. Most of the so called independents that were doing the trash talking are expensive disappointments or worse potentially dangerous (never been treated poorly by kgirls ever).  

Perhaps I will be banned from here, perhaps my post will be deleted, so be it. I am extremely active within the scene and those who know me know that I do contribute quite a lot. Those who know me also know that I am a bit quiet, tend to fly low under the radar, am respectful to the women I frequent, and am very easy going person. But thanks to the small minded nature of the anti kgirl people here on ter I (and several others) were pushed away.  This board used to be extremely active until the kgirl fans were more or less run off. Now it's the same small group that really don't post much at all, but do a damn fine job of deleting certain kgirl threads.  


Stay safe gentlemen and as always, be respectful to the women

Panthera121405 reads

It is a shame that separation was the solution, but now that a board has been devoted to the K-Girls and hobbyists who frequent them, you can take advantage of it or not.  

I agree that the thread pruning on the LA board was not done even handedly, but it really shouldn't matter at this point.

pon farr often

Posted By: Panthera12
It is a shame that separation was the solution, but now that a board has been devoted to the K-Girls and hobbyists who frequent them, you can take advantage of it or not.  
 I agree that the thread pruning on the LA board was not done even handedly, but it really shouldn't matter at this point.  
 pon farr often
No, you still have a trouble maker who has to come into this section of the general board causing trouble. They constantly were stirring it up on k-themed threads and now come here to do the same. So I ask who were the ones causing all the problems? But yet I know of a few k-girl fans who took the blame for the problems. Maybe ter need to look at who really seems to sticking his nose into things antagonizing other members from having discussion that are of interest to other members.

Nothing like a really good K-Girl Experience!!  I don't know how they learn their trade but they are THE BEST as a general rule!!!

Ohhhhh it matters they still delete posts on this so called K-Doll board. And this one will be deleted as well. They will tell me to deal directly with them and then they will not answer or give a good reason for deleting just that it is against board policy. Right no fairness it is a one way street, this is not a free speech forum as advertised.

...wondering and scratching your heads as to why posts are removed.

My first post here was simply a link to the posting guidelines so that you could avoid posts being removed on this board like they were on the L.A. board.  That's it.  And what did I get for my PSA - attacked.

The only one who does a "damn fine job of deleting certain K-girl threads" is TER.  Why is that so hard for you guys to understand?  It's their game so you have to play by their rules.  Yet you pout and hold your breath like little boys because your posts were removed.  You seem to think that the rules don't apply to you.  Where did you get this sense of entitlement?  

I hope the blatant disregard of TER rules does not get worse here because you think this is YOUR board so you can say whatever you want.

Instead of constantly griping about posts being removed, why don't you actually try READING the rules and following them so your posts don't get removed?

It's really simple.  And I'm giving you this advice even though it will hurt me.  Just think of how many VIP days I will lose if I don't have any rule-breaking posts to report.  Why, I've probably gotten one free year just from "oceanpacific9."

...to share the names of these dangerous "expensive disappointments" to protect your hobbying brothers.

RealityBites1405 reads

There is arguments from both fans and non fans.

I fully respect that TER gave you all a separate board, so you can PEACEFULLY enjoy your tastes and others can enjoy their tastes. So what is the problem?

I won't get into my beliefs on several things... but I will say this, you live in LA where income is far greater than other cities. Cost of living is far more. 200-250 that some of these girl's charge, is no different than a small city girl charging 50$ for her time. 200$ in LA gets you as far as 50$ in other, smaller, poorer cities.  

Now from what I have read, these k-girls treat the guys so great! Would I go down that path? Highly unlikely unless I know 100% her situation. Just being honest, not going to start an argument.  

I personally think that on this board you should enjoy your love of the K-girls and stick to that, rather than complain about indies who need the money because of cost of living! Let them make a decent living and if you don't want a part of it, then don't.

people can charge whatever they want to charge, but there had better be a reason why some of these indies are charging $1000+.

Oh and by the way, for that $1000 you can stow the bs attitude, and be on time, and not try to upsell.

The kgirls are on time, safe, clean, well organized, and they are basically working in an ad-hoc albeit illicit co-op.

Pimps?  where?  I have yet to see one or even hear of one.  Are all the kgirl groups stellar?  NO way, in fact there is one in particular that I now is not be trusted (bait and switch etc).

why do I want to risk several hundreds and even into the thousands for the indies that have to date been unreliable, dirty, living in disgusting apartments, copping sh!t attitudes, up selling, and in a couple cases becoming verbally abusive/violent over the phone

RealityBites1165 reads

that we should get what we pay for. I don't like mean ladies who think they are God's gift. From what I have read the k-girls typically treat the guys better than indies do. I am lucky to have found quite a number of indies who treat me just like that.

I have found plenty of 300-500 girls who treat me well and are honest.

There are pimps no matter what the girl is, k-girl.indie, doesn't matter. Doesn't apply for all by any means, k-girl or indie. I stay away from those situations no matter who they are. I want my money spent to go to the girl, not half or less. That's why I don't bother with services either, even though it would make it easier on me to find dates when bouncing all over the USA. Of course I would love to see an independent k-girl, if she gives the service I have read about.  

Eh, no group is stellar. Just got to find the right one. Can't group all of a group a certain way. Many nice ones, many bad ones. I just go by the individual

About two years ago the K-fan contingency came to town and they immediately decided that the long established TER rules against blatant shilling shouldn't apply to them. Then whenever a post of theirs was pulled or rebuked the cry of "racism" filled the cyber-air.  

WTF are you K-fanboys sniveling about NOW?  
For 13 years TER has ignored a HUGE, multi-racial, California, hobbying demographic known as the "Inland Empire"! It only took "2" years for you K-fanboys and your chronic predilection for shilling to get your very own discussion board.  

Is it a genetic compulsion for K-fans too exhibit ingratitude?  
Is it not "racist" for K-girl bookers to summarily ignore screening "reference requests" from independent, non-Asian providers?  

You K-fans got your very own K-girl discussion board to play on. Try embracing the concept of “gratitude” while enjoying your specific discussion board, and spare us your chronic “victim mentality”

Panthera121168 reads

And you and your butt buddy should also be showing gratitude that you no longer have to read the K-Girl discussions on the LA Board. You and he can now concentrate on shilling and praising on the LA board and you can also stop playing the victim advocate for everyone else, including yourself

has chosen to give you guys your own board. Mazel-tov!

  To my recollection "shilling" previous to the "K" contingency's arrival was at worst subtle, and innocuously policed.
As far as "playing the victim advocate"; the entire LA discussion board community has been victims of cheesy commercial pollution wrought by relentless, shameless shilling by the invading "K" cartel.  

For a variety of sapient reasons a common practice at family celebrations and events is to give the very young children attending a table of their own.  I take great relief that TER has finally seen fit too give the “K” contingency a “table” of their own

Your and BPS posting here is just going to start the whole mess here and it's going to spill back onto the Regional Board.  There's no point in either of you being here. If you stay away, you won't be mentioned and we can get this to be a productive info board away from your regional board - which is what you wanted, right?  If that's genuinely what you want, just stop.

Panthera121103 reads

Innocuously policed? Yes, I agree that it was the case although I have some stronger words for it. However, it was not an invasion. Nam is over bro. It never had to be a battle in the first place and the dissenters were/are worse and it looks like the border skirmish is still going on.

I assume that you have a tablecloth of your own to set now.

As well as finger-bowls, cloth napkin, tea as well as soup spoon, salad and entree forks, and an after dinner mint.

Estimated number of encounters with different non-Korean providers - 30
Estimated percentage of disappointing encounters - 60%

Estimated number of encounters with different Korean providers - 20
Estimated percentage of disappointing encounters - 10%  

Posted By: RRO2610
About two years ago the K-fan contingency came to town and they immediately decided that the long established TER rules against blatant shilling shouldn't apply to them. Then whenever a post of theirs was pulled or rebuked the cry of "racism" filled the cyber-air.  
 WTF are you K-fanboys sniveling about NOW?  
 For 13 years TER has ignored a HUGE, multi-racial, California, hobbying demographic known as the "Inland Empire"! It only took "2" years for you K-fanboys and your chronic predilection for shilling to get your very own discussion board.  
 Is it a genetic compulsion for K-fans too exhibit ingratitude?  
 Is it not "racist" for K-girl bookers to summarily ignore screening "reference requests" from independent, non-Asian providers?  
 You K-fans got your very own K-girl discussion board to play on. Try embracing the concept of “gratitude” while enjoying your specific discussion board, and spare us your chronic “victim mentality”.    
-- Modified on 7/18/2013 10:00:30 AM

As a "K-fan" I dont need this "consession" from TER.  Both kfans and non kfans from the LA board were asking for the split, as you say, 2 years ago.  Most of the "kfans" have moved on with respect to the discussion boards; but the ter review site and civil k-enthusiast db/blog have mutually helped each other out.  

Why do people not interested in the kgirl scene even post here?  Honestly thou I dont care because I say to ter: too little too late!

I used to be a paid subscriber to ter, but now my vip waxes and waynes in accordance to the reviews I post of my visits with girls to help likeminded hobbiests.

Posted By: RRO2610
About two years ago the K-fan contingency came to town and they immediately decided that the long established TER rules against blatant shilling shouldn't apply to them. Then whenever a post of theirs was pulled or rebuked the cry of "racism" filled the cyber-air.  
 WTF are you K-fanboys sniveling about NOW?  
 For 13 years TER has ignored a HUGE, multi-racial, California, hobbying demographic known as the "Inland Empire"! It only took "2" years for you K-fanboys and your chronic predilection for shilling to get your very own discussion board.  
 Is it a genetic compulsion for K-fans too exhibit ingratitude?  
 Is it not "racist" for K-girl bookers to summarily ignore screening "reference requests" from independent, non-Asian providers?  
 You K-fans got your very own K-girl discussion board to play on. Try embracing the concept of “gratitude” while enjoying your specific discussion board, and spare us your chronic “victim mentality”.    

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