
Booking Lyn
Father_of_Dragons 30 Reviews 1618 reads

I have tried to book her three times in the last year but I get nothing but crickets from booker. I have good references, been in the game awhile as some of you know. I was thinking of trying from my google voice number with different references but will that make a difference? Would love to hear your advice and wisdom.

as always, love,  

From what I understand Lyn has a limited schedule and is only seeing regulars. I can identify with you regarding the lack of response. Years ago I saw her on a somewhat regular basis but I finally gave up because her booker at that time (Sunny) was very bad in getting back to me. I didn’t have the kind of schedule where I could sit around for a day hoping for a call. Anyway, others on this board seem to have no problems in getting a response so all I can say is roll the dice and try, but also be realistic. Good luck!  
P.S. Lyn herself is great if you do get a chance to see her.

I’ve been seeing Lyn for years and never had a problem booking. I just  checked and the information on her review and website and it is correct. She only works during the week and normal work hours. I always text on weekdays after 9 AM and before 5 PM to book the next day, and if she’s working I get a response. Next time I see her, I’ll ask if she’s seeing new people.

I appreciate that. Thank you

She's gorgeous, highly skilled, and a legend in the k-girl world, so she can pick & choose to see anyone she wants. She has a strict set of criteria, and if you don't meet any one of them, or if you cross a certain line with her, she won't accept an appointment with you. I've seen her many times over many years and I am always careful to stay on her good side because, if not, she will ban you in a heartbeat - LOL!

see asians from what I heard.

And, I know that the father_of_dragons is not asian. lol

So, she still work few hours a day and 2-3 times a week.

Then we must have met at an M & G? But when? I would love to say that I don’t forget a face, but I’m not getting younger these days.

We met at a Blue Pond Party in West LA many years ago at a private residence.

When BP was slowly alive and kicking. lol

Than the owner pulled down the website due to much up keep of the site and other things.

Oh, you mean the other BP.

I met FoD at several of Bond's M&G's.
BTW, I saw that girl before she retired but I forgot to ask her to read a book to me (but she did call me "Daddy").

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