
Is a SS an invitation to BBBFS?
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Let me preface this question with a little background.  I kind of fell out of the hobby for a few years and am just recently coming back in.  My preference back then, and even more so now, was/is Kgirls.  The value (defined as quality/price) can't be beat.  This is even more so now than 5 years ago.  ATL used to have a vibrant scene which has, in my opinion, tanked.  Which is one of the reasons I just stopped playing all together.  Prices are crazy and almost all the girls pretty much fat and ugly, or outrageously expensive (or fat, ugly AND outrageously expensive!).  Except for the Kgirls, but I digress.
The other big change I've noticed since putting my toe back in the pool, is the current prevalence of BBFS among the Kgirls advertising in CA.  They do not advertise this ATL and I don't know what is going on behind closed doors here, but I'm guessing its happening at least occasionally.  Frankly, I haven't decided if I'd want to do it even if I were told it was on the table.  That's an individual choice and that is a debate I do not want to include on this thread.
What I am wondering is, I had a session with a girl who was climbing all over me and rubbing on me, aka the stripper slide, etc. before putting on a cover.  At the time I was thinking, geez, she should know some guys would just slip it in, she should be more careful.  I didn't do that, in fact a few times I actually twisted a bit so my dick wouldn't be touching her pussy, and she eventually went to get a condom and put it on me.  Afterwards, I got on TER again after a long hiatus and noticed all this talk about about BBFS, and the light went off.  Was she basically telling me it was ok if that is what I wanted to do?  And if so, was I just supposed to let her, or would be the one to initiate it?  
Again, please don't make this a thread about whether one should or shouldn't do it.  I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced something like this and whether it means what I think it might.  And how one is supposed to proceed.  I guess one could just ask.


Yes, generally speaking, the open advertising of BBFS among LA k-girls (and all of CA) is one of the big differences in the pre-COVID vs post-COVID hobby world. I chalk it up to a tougher market today, where higher prices have resulted in a wider range of service options. Like you, I took some time off during the pandemic. When I returned to the hobby, I was surprised to see so many k-girl profiles openly listing BB as an option and even breaking out different prices for expanded services. That said, I'm all for openness and transparency, so I think it's been a positive development. Now guys can choose whether they want to take the risk or not, and the girls can still choose whether they want to offer it or not (like they always have).

Regarding the chick who was sliding all over your dick, it's difficult to know what she intended. Over the years, I've had many k-girls engage in aggressive camel sliding without full insertion. I've also had a few shove it all the way in without asking if I wanted a cover. That's rare, but it happens. In those cases, I have always assumed it was because that k-girl likes you and wants your repeat business, so she is offering BB to you, hoping it will "hook" you and bring you back for more. If I had to guess, I'd say your girl was an aggressive camel slider.

for BBFS will use camel slides as a temptation to stick it in bare.  It's bait to get you to cough up the upcharge when you are the most vulnerable.  Some do not verbalize what is happening in real time, but it's sufficient "notice" if their web ad lists an upcharge or says BBFS is "available" which means there is an upcharge.  They don't have to stop you and ask if you really want to go bare for $100 extra.  If they can entice you to push it in, then you are responsible for the upcharge and if you try to say you never agreed to the upcharge, she will report to the booker that you stiffed her.  If you get baited into this, don't argue, pay the upcharge and learn from the experience.  You don't want to get BL'd over a hundred dollars.

Ha, never thought of it that way, but yeah, that's an easy way to activate the upcharge. In the heat of the moment, when you're hard as a rock and the adrenalin is flowing , I don't think too many guys would have the willpower to say: "No! Don't do that thing that feels amazing!" - LOL!

Sure but it doesn't work so well if the girls are not openly advertising it. If they don't have that and then slip you in trying to demand the up charge is problematic. If the guy says "I never agreed or knew about your fee so won't pay" the agency has a problem. If they support the girl and demand a fee or expell/BL the guy that will get out and will be damaging to the agency reputation amount its clients.

But yes, getting the guy on the edge is  a way of getting some to pay more.

if the girls are not openly advertising it.
The most common practice with BBFS upgrade availability is that it’s advertised on the agency site or listed as an upgrade in the text conversations setting up and confirming the appointments. In the rare instance where there’s been no mention of upgrades and a SS leads to BBFS, I’ve never seen a report here at this forum or read a review where the provider then demanded a set fee for said BBFS.
If they support the girl and demand a fee or expell/BL the guy that will get out and will be damaging to the agency reputation amount its clients
The reality is that a majority of agencies advertise their BBFS fees, so in those cases the agency would be justified in blacklisting or banning a monger who refused to pay for BBFS. I don’t recall ever seeing a guy complain here about being BL’d because he didn’t pay the BBFS fee.

That leaves us with two more likely scenarios.
1) A GFE provider, in the heat of the moment,  engages in BBFS. In this case, there’s been no discussion of a BBFS fee, but certainly a generous tip is in order.
2) A monger is with a known BBFS provider but plans on going in for CFS, but ends up impaling the provider with his bare cock. In that instance, the monger owes the provider the BBFS fee and should pay up.

as GFE only and there is no mention of BBFS, but in the heat of the moment you find yourself in her pussy with no cover, you are a lotto winner.      

And yes, it is worth a tip of at least $100.  You're not going where no man has gone before, but you are presumably going where FEWER have gone before compared to BBFS girls.  Lol  

Refusing to pay and then getting BL'd is not a good look, so I'm not surprised we have not seen anyone say this happened to them.  Kgirls lovers are generally a smart bunch.  

Wow Cuban Betty used this exact same tactic on me. I went with it and it felt amazing but at the end she reminded me to include the upcharge. Of course I paid it but it left a bad taste in my mouth. So no repeat

But I doubt it!
The GFE Kgirls that gave a real nice Slide, IMO, were just giving a slide.
There's been a couple of times when the head popped in, felt good, but a quick pop out and a whispered 조심해 (careful)!
The BBFS Kgirls, also MO, might get you worked up, but still grab a cover,  
Especially if it's your first time with her!
Whenever you want something covered you should ask for one or bring your own and hand it to her!

And then, some k-girls are just sex fiends. I am thinking of one right now who is very well known and still active today. A few years ago, before BBFS was openly advertised, she would absolutely slip you in without asking. When it came down to it, I think she just loved fucking her customers raw. And she probably knew it would bring many of the boys running back for more. This business isn't too complicated - LOL!

a few years ago, there wasn't an upcharge, unless BB was negotiated.
If it was slipped in, well you could just slip it out if you didn't want it, or I guess you'd be raped!

Running back if you liked it, or staying away if you didn't!

So sounds like, even with appearance of bbfs, SS alone is, more likely than not, still just good old SS. Got it.

With non-bbfs girls I don't advise taking the invitation unless it's a clear yes from her.

I've had a similar situation with a gfe girl who was very close to sliding me in. Even though she said condom fs multiple times. It was late and she was a bit sleepy. When I was close to penetrating I asked if she still wanted a condom. She snapped out of her trance almost jumped up realizing she was very close to bb'ing and immediately put a condom on.

headline and thought you were posting about Kgirls who wear adult diapers.  

Many years ago when I was in my 20’s the only fear going in BB was getting her PG.  SS was common foreplay. BB was too risky because of shotgun marriages  Then AIDS. Ugh.  I then got married.  Now I am a silver single (lol) and  I am indulging with KGirls. Lots of them!!!

PG is not my concern with KGirls.  I assume they are on BCPs but since I’m fixed, I have no concern.  AIDS?  STDs?   I have a little concern but not a great concern with KGirls.  I trust public health officials will sound the alarm if our little community becomes a reservoir for disease. I can imagine those public health officials could hang around notorious apartments, follow us upstairs, then slap a big notice on the magic door that STD etc is being spread there. lol. Or they can do short arm tests on us as we leave KPads.  

So, if my GFE KGirl does a SS and my dick slips in, I will get a big smile on my face and enjoy it. lol.  I will pullout when I get close and blow COP out of respect for these GFE KGirls. I’ll give a big tip. (Actually I tip big anyway).  This experience will remind me of the good ole days when I pounded pussy bare and pulled at the right moment to “prevent” PG.  

I love KGirl pussy.  I love DATYing KGirl pussy (I always book first appointment of the day so I don’t have to think about the guy coming down the elevator and whether his cum is in my KGirl’s pussy).  I know it’s all an illusion with these KGirls but I love the illusion GFE KGirls provide.  Typically these KGirls are super stealthy on applying my thin XL Skyns. I can then bang away as if I’m BB and bust in their pussies like a caveman. I  love these talented GFE KGirls!!!

80% of the kgirls in Socal offer BBFS. But there are a few who just don't, obviously. Even those girls will do the stripper slide if you ask them. They are trusting you not to be stupid, so don't. If a girl is okay with me lightly rubbing her butthole, that doesn't mean I can just stick it in, either.

Just ask.

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