
Providers Who Allow Photo/Video During Session
rhemix 3 Reviews 1970 reads

Have a fantasy that I am looking to fulfill and I am looking for a female provider who is OK with private photo/video. Anyone like that available in Atlanta?

Most providers don't want to take the risk of session media getting out on the internet.

Was in playboy and can be booked for video

Considering all the nonsense that can come out of allowing pictures and video I never have, even when I was a porn star.  Many porn stars won't allow, some will. To each their own.  

I personally always had and still have a strict no camera policy.  

A while back I had a client book a regular appointment and showed up with camera equipment, outfits, lights, props,etc expecting a photo shoot.  He booked an escort appointment.  My photo shoot rate was much different and I only shot with professionals, not what is know as "guy with camera"  None of this was discussed with me before he showed up. He left upset and disappointed.  

I've had camera requests in the past and decline them all with respect.  These gentlemen had enough respect for me to ask, they did not show up expecting a photo shoot. I don mind the asking otherwise how else would he know about my no camera rule if he didn't ask?

When videos end up online without a properly worded model release there are legal consequences if the ones being filmed want to go that route.  It can get quite ugly and expensive.  Not worth the risk for me. I'd rather avoid the nonsense and enjoy playing in private.

Raises hand...especially if I can also use the footage.


Zasu Knight is amazing. She encourages you to be ready with your equipment

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