
Photos during sessions???
FantasysRendered See my TER Reviews 1925 reads

I personally LOVE doing them.  I do prefer my camera and to post them to my site.  

I have been told never show to much as then a guy has no reason to see you...  I disagree, I think if he looks and plays with my photos enough times when he does have a chance to play I am already on his mind...

And guys...  I understand no pics that identify but if its just your boyparts and my face why would you not let me post them...  I ask because I have a super hot video.   He does not speak you see nothing but my face and his 'member' but he refused to give me permission to share.

Boys n Girls, whats your opinion?


and making erotic videos. I have a fair number up already on a few ladies sites, where they are proud of our time together.  One, actually told me that I was a pretty good director and one handed videographer. Considering she has dozens of videos on her site, that was quite the compliment.

Sounds like you and I need to get together and make some memories that we can share with others ...

I agree...   So come out from behind this screen and lets do it...   Challange issued...

Posted By: candleman
and making erotic videos. I have a fair number up already on a few ladies sites, where they are proud of our time together.  One, actually told me that I was a pretty good director and one handed videographer. Considering she has dozens of videos on her site, that was quite the compliment.  
 Sounds like you and I need to get together and make some memories that we can share with others ....  

ATLDAWG709 reads

Unless he has his name tattoo'd on his junk or he has junk that is very distinguishable -  he should not have a problem sharing basically stock junk.  Now.....I personally don't care to see his junk....but it is what it is what it is!

Posted By: FantasysRendered
I personally LOVE doing them.  I do prefer my camera and to post them to my site.    
 I have been told never show to much as then a guy has no reason to see you...  I disagree, I think if he looks and plays with my photos enough times when he does have a chance to play I am already on his mind...  
 And guys...  I understand no pics that identify but if its just your boyparts and my face why would you not let me post them...  I ask because I have a super hot video.   He does not speak you see nothing but my face and his 'member' but he refused to give me permission to share.  
 Boys n Girls, whats your opinion?  

I don't allow pics and never would. What I do is 100% private.  I trust no one not to post it.  I don't see it as helping with profits because shooting an adult film pays so much more, why sell yourself short?  If you feel an adult film will help your business, shoot one professionally, get paid what you're worth and send your clients to the website that has it.  If you own the material with the proper state and federal paperwork, it's perfectly safe to put on your website, with the co performer's permission, that will be in your paperwork.  You'll look so much more professional and avoid some pretty severe legal consequences if it did end up online or if you put it there.  There are state and federal laws surrounding putting things like this online.  I have the proper paperwork for every shoot I either directed and shot myself of I did for other people and own the content.

Laws for professional adult producers and performers are the exact same for the little guys filming a "private" video and promising not to put it online.

Be very careful.  What seems innocent and private between 2 people may not always be.  We all decide how big of a risk we take in this hobby.  A lot of risks are taken uninformed and often end up with bad consequences no one expected because homework wasn't done.

Be very careful.  I choose no cameras for my and my client's protection.

Wow, who the hell invited you to post in Alabama? Looking at your twitter, which is open to the public, you post nudes along with pics of you and your kids??? How hypocritical of you to say you wouldn't do pics and then turn around and post pics with your porn star fucks in the same account as your kids. Much less what you can find of your performances on free porn sites.  Give me a fucking break for you raining on Heidi's parade. At least her pics are discreet and hidden behind a password. Why the hell would you care what she does with her partners for a little racy fun and something to remember the good times?

Keep your self and your hypocritical opinions up north where they belong.

Invites are NOT needed to post on here.  I only gave advice to help, that doesn't mean you have to agree with it or go along with it.  You, like every one else, has free will. I don't know where you get this info.  I have never posted my kids anywhere that is adult related and have always keep personal and private lives separate.  I haven't posted on Twitter since June of 2014.  I did just go through and saw no pictures of my children, that's because I have NEVER posted them anywhere as far as adult sites go.  The adult industry is constantly under a microscope and more and more resources are being put into enforcing laws and putting people away. A little info can go a long way.  You don't have to take my word for it, do your own research. Inform yourself.  I'm not "raining on Heidi's parade", I believe sharing info will help keep us all safe. I've had others in the industry give me info that I greatly appreciated.  Others I just thanked and didn't take their advice.  It's all about personal choice.  I had some info to share and I did.  I'm not going to water it down because if something bad does happen, Leo isn't going to water down what their doing.

As far as you not being able to find me, I suggest doing a web search of my name.  I'm best known on Naughty America where I have over a dozen scenes with them.  I'm also lots of other places.  I retired from shooting about 5  years ago so if you go to an adult website to look for me, I'm probably buried under all the stuff that came out since my last scene so I'm not going to show up right away.  I suggest using their search bars.

I will always offer my advice if I feel someone could use it.

As far keeping my self and opinions up north, I'm going to make the personal choice not to do that as I travel all over the USA and I do have some great clients in Alabama.  From my experience, the providers there are sweet, informative when I'm visiting and very welcoming.  I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to them or any provider or their clients.  In my earlier years, a few veteran providers offered me some very helpful advice that kept me safe and my business strong.  I strongly believe in Karma and in doing the right thing.  

You obviously don't know a thing about me since you actually think I combine my family with adult, never done that and never will. I know me and I will never stop helping others when I can.  If they don't want it or don't believe it really isn't even my business. I'm only responsible for what I say and do.  




Posted By: candleman
Wow, who the hell invited you to post in Alabama? Looking at your twitter, which is open to the public, you post nudes along with pics of you and your kids??? How hypocritical of you to say you wouldn't do pics and then turn around and post pics with your porn star fucks in the same account as your kids. Much less what you can find of your performances on free porn sites.  Give me a fucking break for you raining on Heidi's parade. At least her pics are discreet and hidden behind a password. Why the hell would you care what she does with her partners for a little racy fun and something to remember the good times?  
 Keep your self and your hypocritical opinions up north where they belong.

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