60 and Over

Any guys have had the TURP done?
dodge55 192 Reviews 2626 reads

My issue is frequent peeing, urgency, etc - quite normal effects of an enlarged prostate (I'm 73).  Flowmax and Finasteride aren't doing the job for me, so my urologist is recommending the TURP procedure.  I'm not necessarily concerned about impact on sexual performance, I already have no ejaculate production from the meds, and that doesn't bother me.   I would be interested in hearing from you esteemed gents as to how the TURP worked out for you re: did it help with urination issues?

thanks much.

I don't have BPH, so I haven't had TURP. However, I am very familiar with disease and treatment of the prostate.  TURP is a well-established procedure that can be curative in treating an enlarged prostate when medication proves ineffective. However, there can be both risks and side-effects from any surgical procedure. You should discuss all of that with urology. And while you are talking to your urologist, ask him/her about other less invasive procedures like prostate artery embolization for example.  Good luck and good health to you in your journey to prostate wellness.

Thanks for the information.  I am researching to learn about the prostate artery embolization - my doc didn't mention it.

I'm talking to an urologist. He went over several methodologies and I'm thinkg the one that works best for me is the Holep procedure, done with a laser where it basically carves out prostate tissue around the urethra. It also cauterizes blood vessels at the same time, so minimal bleeding.  But may involve an overnight stay; result in some incontinence for a period of time, retrograde ejaculation into the bladder. But the good news is you'll be peeing like your 17 again. With these issues over the last few years, that would be something to look forward to.

I considered the Urolift, but it gives about a 35% improvement. But it has a higher retreatment rate and complaints about bleeding and failure of the suture to hold the tissue back.

What I had in mind was the PAE, Prostate Artery Embolization, where they go in through an artery and block off blood vessels feeding the prostate, shrinking it over a period of time. But I found out that was done on more of an exception basis for people with issues with general anesthesia or larger prostates.

The urologist mentioned some other procedures steam, green laser, the old tried and proven rotor rooter but I figured they weren't for me.

Thanks!  I'm just starting to learn about these procedures, the TURP has lots of issues from what I have read (and one friend told me about his difficult recovery).  The Holep sounds promising.  Appreciate your insights.

MartiniMonster40 reads

Urolift was a total failure for me.

I found on youtube some doctors discussing the procedure. And one of the doctors is performing the procedure and you can view it as it happens.

I had the HoLep procedure and I am thrilled with the results. Happy to share info via pm

MartiniMonster36 reads

Had it done three years ago as I was getting little sleep from constant trips to piss.  Some improvement post-operation.  Immediate side-effect was no ejaculation at orgasm - however, the sensation of orgasm is totally unchanged.  Good news/bad news - if having her swallow is your thing, it isn't happening.  Good news: if she doesn't want cum in her mouth, she can still take you all the way through your O and not taste a  drop.   And insemination is impossible.
Over the past few months, I've noticed my urination becoming more and more 'normal.'  Fewer trips to the jon, stronger stream.  Also have found out that the 'urgency' signal can be ignored for a bit and wanes if walking.  However, rest assured, if you are trying to do something that requires concentration, it will rear it's ugly head and you have to piss now!  
My life is better since the Turp, but hardly perfect.  I surrendered to the night time problem and simply keep a urinal next to the bed and use it one to three times a night rather than fully waking for a trip to the bathroom.   Urologist can't explain why some nights I will urinate almost a liter while others it is 10% of that - all with the same fluid intake.  
Good luck.

Which type of procedure did they perform on you?

MartiniMonster32 reads

Sorry, don't have the medical details.

about 10 years i had the laser procedure ..   first i told the MD before they put me under ........... if the laser slips and something gets cut off ...just dont wake me up ! LOL  

anyway  major improvement in urine flow , life changing .. little effect on sex life ..  its just falling apart in general due to age! LOL ...    

so no reason not to do it.    

Sounds like you had the holep done. I've chosen this technique and will be discussing with urologist when I see him, for getting it schedule.

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