60 and Over

Caught with a young ladyred_smile
tucson40 5 Reviews 36734 reads

Well it has happened and I hope I was prepared. Setting in a nice restaurant with a 24 year old I am faced with a  moment of panic. An old friend and his wife walk up and I am forced to introduce the young lady I am with. Of course I do not yet know her real name so I wing it. Says I this is Miss Johnson and she is my therapist and I lost a bet about my blood pressure. They may suspect but I covered it up pretty good for a spur of the moment out burst.
My question is what would be your way of getting around this concern?
1- We never know the true name of who we are with.
2- We need to be sure that there is no way of some one checking how true you are.
3- We need to remember the lie in case we are later reminded of the meeting.
This has happened once and I am sure it will happen again. When I go out to eat alone about 1 out of 10 times I run acrossed some one I know

That is why you have to think about this ahead of time. I am lucky I know the true name of the young lady I go out with most often. I have become her computer guy and so she can explain my being with her to friends and family as I'm her computer guy. Since this is true it keeps it simple and gives us a plausible relationship
that works without giving away our other relationship. All I have to remember is to act proper in public.

Posted By: tucson40
Well it has happened and I hope I was prepared. Setting in a nice restaurant with a 24 year old I am faced with a  moment of panic. An old friend and his wife walk up and I am forced to introduce the young lady I am with. Of course I do not yet know her real name so I wing it. Says I this is Miss Johnson and she is my therapist and I lost a bet about my blood pressure. They may suspect but I covered it up pretty good for a spur of the moment out burst.
My question is what would be your way of getting around this concern?
1- We never know the true name of who we are with.
2- We need to be sure that there is no way of some one checking how true you are.
3- We need to remember the lie in case we are later reminded of the meeting.
This has happened once and I am sure it will happen again. When I go out to eat alone about 1 out of 10 times I run acrossed some one I know

G230969 reads

I ended up getting a divorce because I borrowed a friend's truck to do some landscaping and a lady friend of mine wanted to tag along.  We were spotted by a friend of the truck's owner 60 miles from where we lived, but the word got back to her.  

She waited until the two couples (me and my wife, and she and her husband) got back from a nice dinner, and then asked who the woman in the truck was.  Like you, I panicked.  But I thought I did OK, I said I picked up a hitchhiker (this was back in the 80's and it was more common).   Then the bitch, I mean cunt, asked why the hitchhiker was sitting next to me, and I said I had to put some supplies in the front seat so she moved over.

Well, apparently my story fooled no one and we were separated a week later, then divorced.  I wasn't caught in having sex, or at dinner, or at her house.  I was just spotted on a public road with an unidentified woman at 1:00 in the afternoon- yet the shit storm that followed was unbelievable.

The lesson here is that you're NEVER safe, no matter how far from home you are, and you better have a credible story already prepared if you think you might get spotted.  If you're single, you may just have an awkward moment, but if you're married, you may have a lose-half-your assets surprise like I did.

Oh, and if I needed more proof about never being safe- one time I was walking down the street in Seoul, Korea and I ran into my old boss!  Had I been with some Korean hottie, that would have gotten back home at the speed of light too.  So trust me on this and learn from my mistake.

You are right however, you are never 100% safe, but the farther from home you hobby, the better your odds are going to be.

No story is ever going to protect you either.  People sense desparation immediately and even if you do somehow come up with a plausible explanation (My insurance agent?) people will still suspect - it's just human nature.

Maybe the best thing to do is go the opposite field with it:

"Pretty sexy probabion officer, eh?"

At least that will throw them off base for a while.

G231240 reads

And it doesn't matter if the odds are a million to one if you're the one!

working close to my rural location but I'd have been an idiot to park my distinctive car next to the only hotel in town...  right by the highway entrance.

I am widowed so I don't have to worry about a spouse but I do care about the provider. I enjoy the company and I could'n care less about what they may think about me. My kids suspect I am doing this but it never comes up any more. Miss Melissa was around the family for six or seven months and went on several outings with the family. My children are thankful I have not just crawled into a hole and died. They see I am enjoying my self and not going to pot. I don't have a lot of money but I don't want for much. I had to get my oldest son involved to get my car back from MissMelissa and her 'butler'. So he is well aware of what happened. There was no way I could go get the car back and drive both back here. That turned out well as my grand daughter needed a car for college.

family member, friend or other would think if she is seen with you?  If what you have said here is that you are not concerned about being seen with her as the issue, but what will her family think about that?

I would not be the least bit concerned if I have stated the situation correctly.  Why should you (other than you are getting a tad too involved in her personal life)?

I guess I didn't write that the way I intended. I have many friends that live all over the metroplex. And the chances are that I will meet them while with an escort. I don't want to embarass anyone. If I have a believable story prepared ahead of time then things will go down smoothly. It is improbable that I will have the true name of the provider so any name will do. I can have any name handy so it won't look faked. If we both know the the person walking up to the table the s--- will be in the wind. When I was with Melissa I used her real name and introduced her as my friend. I will meet a lady in a near by city his week and if I see someone I know I will use the therapist story. It is a case of being prpared. I am widowed so I don't hide the fact I am with some one I just don't want anyone being embarassed the provider, me or the one that knows me.

As you have no real issues, I would also highly doubt any provider would have an issue as well.  This is what they do for a living, and the good ones have "that story" already scripted (and probably have already practiced it).

I would simply make sure that you two are on the same page (for that story) prior to the public date and just enjoy your time together.

Well yes but that has never been the topic in the first few minutes. I know what I will say and hope it will cover any conversation. On this site we will never get the providers views.

SummerSanders22208 reads

I always have my own "cover story" depending on the outing.   If it even came right down to the wire with someone knowing the provider was indeed providing the hobbyist could always say in amazement..." I had NO idea....really?"

Well since you have no reason to worry a half truth would work well for you. Just tell them this is a young lady I met through the internet. No need to mention the P4P or any other details. They may think you a foolish old man, but a lot will be secretly jealous, and as you have said your family is more happy your getting out and living life. This will keep your response simple and believable since it is the truth. If they do ask where you can always say on Facebook or some other social network, but just saying you met and talked on the internet should be enough for most people and hopefully if your having dinner together you have found some topic you could say you were talking about.
Now if your worried about embarrassing the provider then ask her how she wants to handle it, since it could be one of her friends that comes over and not your friends. If she is accepting Dinner dates she probably has a good reason in place just for herself.

Curt23 You have the idea that I was searching for. I was out yesterday with a provider and brought up the subject she liked the idea and it was settled. It takes only a minute to discuss the subject and takes a load off of my mind.

I'm glad it worked for you. Keeping it simple and as close to the real truth as possible gives you a mental attitude that will make people believe you. .When were around local areas we behave ourselves in public and if anyone we know comes up. I'm her computer guy which is true as I do fix her computer among other things.

I like going out to dinner as part of a date.  For just such situations I always have a cover story ready.  Often a couple since some stories won't work with some people.

"This is my neice, XXXX."  Age differences can be large.  "This is my cousin's daughter" ads a layer of separation.

On the same vein, "The daughter of my best friend in HS".

Those work well for a business acquaintance who shows up unexpected.

Others that work better for me if it's a "family" type include

"XXX is studying (my general field) and wanted to find out what kind of things one does with that degree.  One of her profs is an old friend of mine and pointed her my way."

"This is XXX, she is doing an interview for a term paper in the field."

The key's to talk about the cover before going out.

As an aside, I tend to know the real names of most the women I go to dinner with.  It helps in a lot of potentially dicey situations.

homerundave4327878 reads

Term paper!!  I like that one. LOL

"Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

It might seem simple enough to pass someone off as a niece or whatever, but then people mention things to people and then there's the "I never knew about this niece." and questions get asked and before you know it you're in deep doo-doo.

So, rather than lie, don't get caught to start with, and if you do get caught, say as little as possible.

"Just a friend" should suffice and hopefully they get the message.

G230844 reads

But as we all know, concocting a story is like pulling a thread on a sweater.  The next thing you know and your world is falling apart.

Since you're never going to fool anybody with the niece story, I almost wonder if you wouldn't just be better off saying something like "This beautiful young lady agreed to have dinner with me.  Isn't that wonderful."  

And the only reason I say the that is I worked in the auto industry for over 20 years, and the "niece" story was a standing joke with both the dealers and the HQ guys.  Every time we had a dealer trip to an exotic locale, all the thoughtful uncles would bring their beautiful young nieces along, while wifey stayed at home with the dog.  It made for great entertainment when they started drinking.  I've heard the phrase "kissing cousins" before but never "fucking nieces."

I think my uncle took me bowling once.

I understand the comments, and much of it does depend on the rest of the situation & environment.  the versions of reality given out depend on who's wandering around the table asking.  I'd never use that anywhere near where I live, and there really isn't anyone they could embarras me in front of.

That said, I'll probably adapt a few of your ideas and add them to the mix.

I completely agree knowing a young lady's name is a very useful piece of information.  I understand why most are reluctant to let us know, but nonetheless very valuable in those circumstances.

I have one cover that works in almost every case for me.  I do almost all my dating while traveling for work.  When I do, I almost always have multiple clients and projects in each city.  I just introduce my dinner companion as another of my clients.  In my business people understand that asking anything more about my clients is not good form at all.

Probably 20 years ago, my niece (brother's duaghter) was attending a college about 90 minutes away from where I lived at the time.  I had occasion once to drive to a client in her college town.  So, I called her up and offered to take her to dinner.  She wanted to go to one of her (and her friends') favorite watering holes.  I was early 40s and she was maybe 20.  She was an attractive girl-next-door back then and she's a very attrractive 39-year old today.

There was no issue from my perspective.  But, I thought later about her friends who may have seen her there with a much older guy who wasn't her dad.

Since I am older and there is an obvious difference in age as well as being on the shorter side, I always have the feeling that it looks so obvious that I may be with a provider.  Especially in Vegas.  I have always wanted to see a tall leggy blond, but then it would look really obvious.  Who feels that way?

well I know the older younger look well. I have been out in public a couple of time with my ATF. Once in a conversation with a lady at the next table, she came out and said is that your daughter. We said yes and the lady said she looks like you. I think it is in how you behave in public and your own guilt or lack of it. When my ATF and I are out in public it is OTC as friends. I treat her as being with any other friend no holding hands, sitting on top of her and it looks natural. Once the door closes then it can change.

Posted By: ktlgm075
Since I am older and there is an obvious difference in age as well as being on the shorter side, I always have the feeling that it looks so obvious that I may be with a provider.  Especially in Vegas.  I have always wanted to see a tall leggy blond, but then it would look really obvious.  Who feels that way?

lol i had one client become more than work right after we met that took me home with him and actually introduced me to his mother.. and he is a Jewish man so quite significant.. we didnt have much of a problem going out in public tho... he made a point of taking me out more than once and not just few places.. we went to a big magazine release party where our pix taken even.. on their website.. guess he didnt mind too much but def far from the norm... that one broke all the rules for sure tho hahaha.. im betting more than one provider in vegas knows who im talking bout too
actually i KNOW several others know him that are on here too... be lil fun to compare stories but im keeping mum on names for certain he is extremely unforgettable :p

Delightful Debi

would have the easiest time, in my estimation.  "We just met, first date...  excuse us!"  

On the other hand, married guys had better get their stories straight!

Your right I'm a DOM but while I may not care about what they think of me. I do have sensitivity for the lady, don't want to upset her before the party time.

Posted By: harbor_view
would have the easiest time, in my estimation.  "We just met, first date...  excuse us!"  

On the other hand, married guys had better get their stories straight!

Well, I should say a client caught me!  ;)~

Anyway, this thread made me think about all the times I was caught by co workers and once a family member in the company of a client friend.

If men who gravitate towards very under the radar types of providers court them in their local areas they should be prepared to encounter similar situations.

Interesting thread as I never thought about being proactive in having a cover ready in advance that would make both my friend and self comfortable should we encounter folks from civie life.

I thought I had all my "I's" and "T's" crossed, but as they say you're never too old to learn.

Kate of Boston

Kate Boston is a large city and the chances are slim but as you found out it can happen. I have lived here in the DFW area for quite a few years. I worked at DFW airport for over 25 years and have been involved in politics on the fringe for just as long. The chances of meeting some one when I am out is some where close to 20%. I would not want to embarrass any one, the lady I am with or the person I meet. I discovered early on that if you try to hide it becomes more obvious.
Kate if Durgan Park still has that great Primerib dinner have one for me.

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