60 and Over

Oldest Providerred_smile
CarnalCourtesan See my TER Reviews 25667 reads

Does anyone know the "stage age" (LOL) of the oldest provider on TER.

Just curious in case I have to come out of retirement. ;)

Kate of Boston

PS No, I am not close to 60 but the majority of my clients friends range from mid 50's to mid 60's.

and from what I hear, she still rocks hard.

Get a load of her site.

I would definitely do a women this ripe. Her reviews are kinda old though. Is she still alive?

She used to blog quite a bit on Escortblogs, but I haven't seen anything in several months.

She is very entertaining.

She reminds me a bit of Wendy O Williams.

G222203 reads

I think appearance is probably much more important than your actual age.

I've seen some 50-somethings I'd love to have sex with, and some 30-somethings I wouldn't touch with a stick.

I agree with you, but have talked to several providers in their late 30,s early 40's who feel they will have to get out of the business soon. This is from ladies who are a ways off from being anything close to unattractive. I think it is because in order to make the business work they have to pull 20 to 40 year old men as well as us older men that appreciate them. I guess there just is not enough of us 60 + guys out there to keep them in business. Especially since many of us still enjoy the younger competition as well.

G222435 reads

And for the reason you mentioned- even we older guys are often looking to be with younger women.  Like someone said the other day, I can get all the older ladies I can handle for free, so you're typically not going to pay a premium for that.

G224210 reads

My original post is the only thing that matters on an individual basis- if your phone is ringing and you've got people interested in seeing you, then your age doesn't matter.

Statistically speaking in overall market terms, however, the majority of providers are always going to be under 40.  I've known some very nice women in the 40-45 range, but that's as high as I'm willing to go if I'm paying for a special experience.  

Now, if I'm looking for a companion, that's a completely different situation.  Then I START at the 40-45 age range.

I personally find 40-45 a perfect age for providers, but find many of them leave the business so above that the number of ladies drops off drastically. My only clue to this is while your still way young and hot to us older guys we are not a big enough group to keep your business going good if the 20 to 40 year old guy business starts to fall off.

G2 is right.  We can have all the women we want who are close to our own age.  A provider is more of a fantasy.  We need hot women for that, and they tend to be younger.

I have found that the women and I mean women are 40 and above.  I regularly see a provider that is just above 50 and she is fantastic.  We have a great time and she is as sexy as sexy can be and puts the younger providers to shame.  It is the woman not the age that makes for a great time together!!

There is a lady near Worcester, MA who is now 63 and still active.  She loves sex and she loves people and that keeps her going like the energizer bunny. Date of Birth 1948...  Does anyone top that?

**edited by moderator**

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 10:02:53 AM

Posted By: CarnalCourtesan
Does anyone know the "stage age" (LOL) of the oldest provider on TER
I am surprised that a female would post this question.  Perhaps as you approach 60 you will be even more age-concerned than younger women.  (One provider friend told me that she did not think any provider would admit to being over 60, as she saw that age as the "kiss of death" in this business.)

About five years ago I posted a similar question on the General board.  The only one to answer was Abby Lane of San Francisco.  I periodically find her photos posted on adult sites.

As I have mentioned previously, my fantasy trip was to Berkeley to visit with Aunt Peg (reviewed here under her real name of Juliet) and then with Abby across the bay.......another fantasy bites the dust.

That one has been well taken care of and I'd guess is worth much more than the asking price.

lol sum of us just age better than others...
and good genes help as well as not smoking ciggies
or tanning within an inch of my life every day haha
for real im better now than when i was 25

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