60 and Over

Semen color
Trendfollower 3743 reads

I am in my 60's. My semen has gradually changed color over the years. It is now a yellowish color rather than white. Has anyone else experienced this? I heard it is natural with age but I am not so sure.

It could be just part of the aging process. Or semen can get mixed with urine in the urethra. Probably no big deal if you are otherwise asymptomatic. However you should mention this to primary care or urology as there are some medical conditions that can effect semen color that your physician may want to rule out.

If you aren't drinking enough plain water, about 2 L daily, it might have such an adverse effect. Like your urine will become a deeper shade of yellow, heading towards orange, with dehydration.

In any event, talking to your doctor about it would be a good idea.

My lady always swallows it so i never really get a chance to see what color it is..

And it also doesn't shoot up to my chin like when I was a teenager.  But there appear to be lots of possible causes.  Probably good to check with your doc.  

One website said it could be caused by "old unused semen".  (sigh)

Do you regularly eat eggs?

I had a phone session with a medical intuitive about a year ago.
She said the eggs I eat are creating havoc with my internal organs.  
So I goes off eggs. Within a month an inflamed skin condition disappears.
And, to the OP's post, my semen changed color to an almost a youthful milky white.  
It previously had a yellowish and sickly look to it.  
An unexpected, but welcomed, effect.

YMMV, but give it a shot.


IOW, you are getting your medical advice from a PSYCHIC!!  And not even in person where she could "lay hands" on you or check your "aura." but over the phone!
Come on, man!!

Your link is to a blog by a "medical medium," AKA a PSYCHIC.  If you read the teeny tiny, teensy weensy print at the bottom of your link, it says:
"The information you have just read is advanced, ahead of science and research..."
So your psychic buddies know more than science and medical research, right?  Maybe Trump got the idea for injecting bleach or shoving a UV light up his ass from one of your psychic pals.  
Come on, man!!  The fucking hubris of psychics to state that their information is "ahead of science and research."

Many times, people on this board have given advice about alternative medicine - homeopathic, naturopathic, holistic, etc.
That's fine, but for you to give advice from psychics while cowardly hiding behind a euphemism like "a medical intuitive" is just bullshit.  If you were going to recommend that people seek the advice from psychics for their medical condition, then you should have said so openly instead of disguising it with a bullshit euphemism like "medical intuitive."

Posted By: Trendfollower

My semen has gradually changed color over the years. It is now a yellowish color rather than white. Has anyone else experienced this?  

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